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基于随机用户平衡的混合交通网络流量分离模型   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
考虑了影响出行者交通选择行为的主要因素(时间、费用、方便性、舒适性等),分析了在多种交通方式(私家车、出租车、公交车、轨道交通以及自行车等)存在条件下城市交通网络中出行者交通选择行为,包括交通方式选择和出行路径选择,并基于随机用户平衡(SUE)理论构造了城市混合交通网络的流量分离和分配综合模型及求解算法。最后通过一个简单算例,得到了当各种影响因素变化时,各种交通方式的流量变化情况。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the transportation and land-use preference and actual neighborhood choices of a sample of 1,455 residents of metro Atlanta. We develop a stated-preference scale on which desires for neighborhood type are gauged, from preferences for low-density, auto-oriented environments to desires for compact, walkable, and transit-oriented neighborhoods. This scale is then related to desires for change in one’s own neighborhood characteristics after a hypothetical move. If all neighborhood preferences were equally likely to be satisfied, then neighborhood preferences would not be correlated with a desire for change. By contrast, in the current study, stronger preferences for a more walkable environment are associated with greater desire for change in one’s neighborhood characteristics. This suggests an undersupply of compact, walkable, and transit-friendly neighborhood types relative to current demand.
Lawrence D. Frank (Corresponding author)Email:
为研究都市圈范围内通勤出行的交通方式选择行为,分析出行特性,揭示个体属性、家庭属性及出行属性对方式选择的影响,本文建立都市圈通勤出行Nested Logit 模型,对北京都市圈内廊坊市“北三县”的4 385 个进京通勤者的出行方式选择机理进行研究. 结果表明,出行方式的费用、出行时间及换乘次数均对通勤者出行方式选择产生显著影响. 为验证模型的有效性,提出两种政策改善方案,分析各方案下出行方式划分率变化情况,数据显示综合改善效果下小汽车的出行方式比例下降2.46%,公交与地铁的出行比例分别提高1.73%和 0.75%,表明方案对交通方式分担率改善效果明显.  相似文献   
我国限速值低于 60 km/h的公路上超速 50%以下仅给予警告处分,部分低限速公路无交通监控设施,超速现象严重.以北京市郊某限速 40 km/h的公路路段为背景,设计并实施意向偏好调查(Stated Preference Survey,SP调查),通过分析 SP数据,并建立随机效用-后悔混合模型,剖析驾驶人车速选择的影响因素,探索超速行为机理.结果表明,限速标志对车速有一定规范作用,其他车辆平均车速的影响会弱化违法监控设备的效果;性别、驾龄、驾驶车型和接受超速处罚的经历均对车速选择行为有显著影响;驾驶人面对超速带来的收益和损失,遵循后悔最小化原则进行决策.  相似文献   
近年来,网约车发展迅速,而现有研究较少从市场角度理解用户对网约车的选择偏 好.本文构建了基于混合Logit选择模型,选取网约车依赖性、出行目的等出行相关属性,年龄等 个人社会经济属性为效用函数特征变量,假设到达时间、在车时间和费用为随机变量并服从对 数正态分布.使用D-efficient效率设计法生成问卷,在成都市开展网约车使用特征与选择偏好的 实证调查.基于观察数据标定模型,参数显著性及符号解释了城市综合交通背景下出行方式选 择的关键因素.对出租车和网约车费用进行边际效应分析,明确了价格变化对出行结构的影响.  相似文献   
以接运地铁站点的多方式接驳网络内出行者接驳方式选择行为为研究对象,改进既有接驳时间费用的计算方法.本文考虑地铁站点不同接驳方式的接驳范围对出行者选择行为的影响,建立基于Logit-SUE的多方式接驳网络配流模型,并通过算例证明了模型的可行性和有效性.进而分析出行者对路径阻抗感知系数θ、接驳距离增加系数β和共享单车停车位设置距离l?bike对配流结果的影响.结果表明:θ越大,配流结果随机性越弱,实际阻抗越小的接驳方式选择概率越大;β越大,接驳距离越长,步行方式选择概率越小,自行车方式选择概率先增大后减小,而公交方式选择概率则逐渐增大;l?bike越大,自行车方式选择概率越小,公交和步行方式选择概率则越大,且随着β的逐渐增大,l?bike对自行车接驳方式选择概率的影响程度先增加后减小.  相似文献   
与跟驰行为相比,换道行为需要考虑的车辆更多,司机的决策过程更加复杂,也更难于描述,目前跟驰模型的研究已趋于成熟,而换道模型的研究则相对滞后。首先对应用较多的几种任意性换道模型进行简单综述,然后从多个角度对其进行比较,并给出了换道模型的选择原则,最后还对这一研究进行了展望。期望能对换道模型的选择、改进等相关研究起到一定的参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
分析传统的LEACH协议,针对其不足,研究了三种比较典型的簇头选举算法,分别基于空间位置、剩余能量和信任节点对LEACH协议进行了改进,一定程度上解决了LEACH协议存在的簇头分布不均匀、网络能量不均衡及网络安全保障不可靠等问题。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an optimization model to minimize the “system costs” and guide travelers' behavior by exploring the optimal bus investment and tradable credits scheme design in a bimodal transportation system. Travelers' transport mode choice behavior (car or bus) and the modal equilibrium conditions between these two forms of transport are studied in the tradable credits scheme. Public transport priority is highlighted by charging car travelers credits only. The economies of scale presented by the transit system under the tradable credit scheme are analyzed by comparing the marginal cost and average cost. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the model. Furthermore, the effects of tradable credits schemes on bus investment and travelers' modal choice behavior are explored based on scenario discussions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the question of whether the capability of car drivers to estimate the cost of a new hypothetical, highly differentiated congestion charge influences their decision to change travel behaviour. The analysis makes use of an integrated choice and latent variable model (ICLV) which merges classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. This hybrid model improves the explanatory power considerably compared with a conventional discrete choice model. The results suggest that charge complexity decreases the resistance in considering behavioural changes. Car drivers tend to avoid a travel option where the price is not known beforehand, a phenomenon known as ambiguity avoidance.  相似文献   
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