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The article presents a cascade control for the horizontal motion of a vehicle with single-wheel actuators. The outer control loop for the longitudinal and lateral accelerations and the yaw rate ensures a desired vehicle motion. By a combination of state feedback control and observer-based disturbance feedforward the inner control loop robustly stabilises the rotating and steering motions of the wheels in spite of unknown frictions between tyres and ground. Since the three degrees of freedom of the horizontal motion are affected by eight tyre forces, the vehicle considered is an over-actuated system. Thus additional control objectives can be realised besides the desired motion trajectory as, for example, a maximum in driving safety. The corresponding analytical tyre force allocation also guarantees real-time capability because of its relatively low computational effort. Provided suitable fault detection and isolation are available, the proposed cascade control has the potential of fault-tolerance, because the force allocation is adaptable. Another benefit results from the modular control structure, because it allows a stepwise implementation. Besides, it only requires a small number of measurements for control purposes. These measurements are the rotational speeds and steering angles of the wheels, the longitudinal and lateral acceleration and the yaw rate of the vehicle.  相似文献   
The traction control system (TCS) might prevent excessive skid of the driving wheels so as to enhance the driving performance and direction stability of the vehicle. But if driven on an uneven low-friction road, the vehicle body often vibrates severely due to the drastic fluctuations of driving wheels, and then the vehicle comfort might be reduced greatly. The vibrations could be hardly removed with traditional drive-slip control logic of the TCS. In this paper, a novel fuzzy logic controller has been brought forward, in which the vibration signals of the driving wheels are adopted as new controlled variables, and then the engine torque and the active brake pressure might be coordinately re-adjusted besides the basic logic of a traditional TCS. In the proposed controller, an adjustable engine torque and pressure compensation loop are adopted to constrain the drastic vehicle vibration. Thus, the wheel driving slips and the vibration degrees might be adjusted synchronously and effectively. The simulation results and the real vehicle tests validated that the proposed algorithm is effective and adaptable for a complicated uneven low-friction road.  相似文献   
Dynamic instability, that is, resonance, may occur on an electromagnetic suspension-type Maglev that runs over the elevated guideway, particularly at very low speeds, due to the flexibility of the guideway. An analysis of the dynamic interaction between the vehicle and guideway is required at the design stage to investigate such instability, setting slender guideway in design direction for reducing construction costs. In addition, it is essential to design an effective control algorithm to solve the problem of instability. In this article, a more detailed model for the dynamic interaction of vehicle/guideway is proposed. The proposed model incorporates a 3D full vehicle model based on virtual prototyping, flexible guideway by a modal superposition method and levitation electromagnets including feedback controller into an integrated model. By applying the proposed model to an urban Maglev vehicle newly developed for commercial application, an analysis of the instability phenomenon and an investigation of air gap control performance are carried out through a simulation.  相似文献   
In this study, in order to examine the effects of a wheelset driving system suspension parameters on the re-adhesion performance of locomotives, the stick–slip vibration was analysed according to theoretical and simulation analysis. The decrease of the slip rate vibration amplitude improved the stability of the stick–slip vibration and the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. Increasing the longitudinal guide stiffness of the wheelset and the motor suspension stiffness were proposed as effective measures to improve the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. These results showed that the dynamic slip rate was inversely proportional to the series result of the square root of the longitudinal guide and motor suspension stiffness. The larger the motor suspension stiffness was, the smaller the required longitudinal guidance stiffness was at the same re-adhesion time once the wheel slip occurred, and vice versa. The simulation results proved that the re-adhesion time of the locomotive was approximately proportional to amplitude of the dynamic slip rate. When the stick–slip vibration occurred, the rotary and the longitudinal vibrations of the wheelset were coupled, which was confirmed by train's field tests.  相似文献   

Electric Vehicles (EVs) motors develop high torque at low speeds, resulting in a high rate of acceleration with the added advantage of being fitted with smaller gearboxes. However, a rapid rise of torque in EVs fitted with central drive powertrains can create undesired torsional oscillations, which are influenced by wheel slip and flexibility in the halfshaft. These torsional oscillations in the halfshaft lead to longitudinal oscillations in the vehicle, thus creating problems with regard to comfort and drivability. The significance of using wheel slip in addition to halfshaft torsion for design of anti-jerk controllers for EVs has already been highlighted in our previous research. In this research, we have designed a look-ahead model predictive controller (LA-MPC) that calculates the required motor torque demand to meet the dual objectives of increased traction and anti-jerk control. The designed LA-MPC will improve drivability and energy consumption in connected EVs. The real-time capability of the LA-MPC has been demonstrated through hardware-in-the-loop experiments. The performance of the LA-MPC has been compared to other controllers presented in the literature. A validated high-fidelity longitudinal-dynamics model of the Rav4EV, which is the test vehicle of our research has been used to evaluate the controller.  相似文献   
结合立交箱梁施工实践,介绍箱梁结构裂缝的施工控制措施。  相似文献   
移动模架造桥机在苏通大桥引桥PC连续梁的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了苏通北引桥完全自行式移动模架系统的一般构造及工作原理。重点分析了移动模架系统施工过程中箱梁底板线形控制要点及箱梁悬臂段受力特点,针对悬臂端箱梁底板横向应力水平过高的特点,揭示了原因,提出了工程措施并在实桥中应用。  相似文献   
压载水对现代船舶的安全航行是绝对必要的,但它对生态、经济和人类健康构成了严重威胁,排放船舶压载水被全球环境基金组织确认为危害海洋的四大威胁之一.为防止压载水带来的生物污染,除了在深海更换压载水外,IMO还提出了将来可能采用的一些方法,分析不同处理方法的经济性。  相似文献   
结合CMS-3型磁悬浮列车,分析选线参数中坡度值计算应考虑的问题,导出计算方法,并结合长沙中低速磁悬浮列车试验线和八达岭旅游示范线的设计实例,给出设计结果。  相似文献   
针对列车运行控制系统的质量安全测评工作,一般采用基于质量成本的评估方法。目前,已有的质量成本评估方法主要关注点在于追求降低测试质量成本,却忽略了项目对时效性的需求。引入时效维度,建立基于时效因子的测试质量成本评估模型,并应用于城市轨道交通列车运行控制系统的测试过程评估。利用自适应遗传算法寻找到的最优解表明,在满足时效性的条件下,可有效地改善现有的测试质量成本,为测试过程的评估提供了更好的参考。  相似文献   
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