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中国港口功能的聚类和判别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中国港口的样本特征, 选取了11个主要功能指标, 建立了因子分析模型, 并进行了适用性检验。根据主成分分析法, 提取了3个待定因子, 经过因子旋转和归一化处理, 采用系统凝聚法对中国沿海24个港口的主要功能进行聚类分析。以MATLAB为技术基础, 对烟台港功能类型进行判别。分析结果表明: 根据经济功能因子、城市功能因子和物流功能因子的分类, 中国沿海24个港口可以聚成7类, 第1类为上海港, 第2类为深圳港, 第3类为广州港, 第4类为宁波舟山港, 第5类为青岛港、天津港、大连港, 第6类为厦门港、丹东港、威海港、汕头港、北海港、防城港、海口港、连云港港、营口港、秦皇岛港、日照港, 第7类为唐山港、温州港、台州港、福州港、泉州港、湛江港; 运用人工神经网络方法, 烟台港被判别为第7类。可见, 方法有效。  相似文献   
针对现有安全帽检测研究中采用的两阶段检测法存在检测效率偏低,累积误差对精度影响较大的问题,提出一种对安全帽的单阶段检测法.将安全帽和工人头部视为一个整体,将检测目标分为2类,即佩戴安全帽的头部和未佩戴安全帽的头部,同时对2类目标进行检测,避免了冗余的计算步骤及累积误差的影响.同时,针对施工场景安全帽佩戴状态检测特点,对...  相似文献   
IntroductionLet D be a domain in C.Define for f mero-morphic on D and a,b∈C,we putE(a,f)={z∶f(z)-a=0}where a zero of multiplicity m is counted m times inthe set.And put-E(a,f)=f-1({a})∩D={z∈D∶f(z)=a}Then f and g share a IM(ignoring multiplicities),i.e.-E(a,f)=-E(a,g)If f-a and g-a have the same zeros with thesame multiplicities,then f and g share the value aCM(counting multiplicities),i.e.E(a,f)=E(a,g)A meromorphic function f on C is called anormal function if there exists a posit…  相似文献   
Community-based management (CBM) could be an essential tool to prevent the depletion of marine resources in the Western Indian Ocean region. In Kenya, political pressure to strengthen local governance, has led to adoption of CBM as a way of reducing over-exploitation and managing the competing uses and impacts on the marine environment. Several communities in Kenya have embraced CBM and have set aside or closed previously fished areas to enhance recovery of fisheries and biodiversity. These community fisheries closures (locally called tengefu), despite being degraded, may recover to finfish abundances and biodiversity levels similar to established MPAs or above thresholds for maintaining some ecological services. Communities see their direct involvement and control of these tengefu as more likely to result in benefits flowing directly to them. Community closures are also important for articulating and resolving community values and strengthening their management capacity. Here, we describe the evolution of the tengefu movement in Kenya and combine information from focus group discussions, interviews, underwater surveys and boundary marking to evaluate the current status, opportunities and challenges facing these tengefu. We show that in some cases community closures suffer from slow and incomplete national and local legislative processes, challenges to compliance, and weak management.  相似文献   
方梦丹  吴剑国  阮学初 《船舶》2016,27(2):20-24
将趸船整个生命周期过程中的技术先进性、经济合理性和环境协调性有机地融合为一体,基于价值工程理论提出趸船材质方法比选。实例表明在千岛湖这样的大吨位船舶碰撞概率很小的水域,采用混凝土趸船明显优于钢质趸船。  相似文献   
A rapidly growing body of empirical evidence has linked improved ecological performance of social–ecological systems (SES) with better compliance with rules governing human activities. Researchers have proposed several key factors that motivate an individual to comply with resource use rules, including deterrence, social pressures, moral inclinations, and perceived legitimacy of rules and responsible authorities. Much of the research on compliance proposes causal mechanisms at the individual human level, but few studies test causal paths with empirical data particularly at the site level. This study tested a proposed pathway for explaining overall compliance rates and ecological performance in SES using data from structured surveys of community members, key informant interviews, policy documents, and coral reef surveys at marine protected areas (MPAs) and their associated human communities in the wider Caribbean. Findings indicate that compliance and other active MPA management interventions positively affect ecological performance, and site-level contextual factors (level of community development and being part of a political network) positively influence significant predictors of overall compliance rates, which include active MPA management and enforced punishments.  相似文献   
就公路工程中所遇到的环境问题,结合设计施工中的解决办法,阐述公路工程的水土保持生态补偿,从而减小因道路施工给沿线自然地形、地貌造成的各种破坏,保护和改善当地环境,提高公路的使用效果,更好地发挥公路的各项功能。  相似文献   
本文介绍了米思米软件的创立以及三大功能,分析了该软件的优越性,得出作为标准件的全球性软件,在企业中米思米软件可以缩短设计时间,提高采购部门的效率,最终缩短整个从设计到制作的时间;在教学中米思米软件可以提高学生学习兴趣,巩固理论知识,强化实践操作,其应用前景非常广阔。  相似文献   
在我国城市道路景观实践过程中,由于建造时序的不同,城市道路的“景观破碎、缺乏集成”和“豪华奢侈、脱离实际”,不利于城市系统的和谐发展。鉴于此,本文在深入分析城市道路景观建设目标的基础上,独辟蹊径从系统范畴的角度探讨了一种“集成”的道路景观设计理念,为城市道路景观的建设提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   
快速老化小鼠的学习记忆缺陷及其生化机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的用快速老化小鼠(SAMP8)模拟老年痴呆,观察其学习记忆能力,并探讨其学习记忆能力下降的可能机制。方法采用10月龄SAMP8,并用同龄抗快速老化小鼠(SAMR1)作为正常对照。用水迷路检测近记忆以及空间学习记忆能力。用生物化学方法检测大脑皮层线粒体膜电位和ATP酶活力,观察线粒体功能;检测皮层和海马胆碱乙酰基转移酶(ChAT)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)的活力,观察中枢胆碱能神经功能;检测血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力和丙二醛(MDA)含量,观察其全身性氧化应激状况。结果与SAMR1相比,SAMP8出现明显的衰老体征,其近记忆和空间学习记忆能力明显减弱,具有衰老和痴呆特征;皮层线粒体膜电位和ATP酶活力显著降低,海马ChAT活力显著下降,AChE活力显著升高,血清SOD活力稍有增高。结论SAMP8可以很好地模拟老年痴呆,其机制包括大脑皮层线粒体功能降低、海马胆碱能神经功能下降以及氧化应激等。  相似文献   
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