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This paper discusses the nonlinear properties of inerters and their impact on vehicle suspension control. The inerter was recently introduced as an ideal mechanical two-terminal element, which is a substitute for the mass element, where the applied force is proportional to the relative acceleration across the terminals. Until now, ideal inerters have been applied to vehicle, motorcycle and train suspension systems, in which significant performance improvement was achieved. However, due to the mechanical construction, some nonlinear properties of the existing mechanical models of inerters are noted. This paper investigates the inerter nonlinearities, including friction, backlash and the elastic effect, and their influence on vehicle suspension performance. A testing platform is also built to verify the nonlinear properties of the inerter model.  相似文献   
Previously, a new control concept called ‘G-vectoring control (GVC)’ to improve vehicle agility and stability was developed. GVC is an automatic longitudinal acceleration control method that responds to vehicle lateral jerk caused by the driver's steering manoeuvres. In this paper, a new yaw-moment control method, which generates a stabilising moment during the GVC command and has positive acceleration value and the driver's accelerator pedal input is zero, was proposed. A new hybrid control, which comprises GVC, electric stability control and this new control, was constructed, and it was installed in a test vehicle and tested on a snowy surface. The very high potential for improvement in both agility and stability was confirmed.  相似文献   
In this study, in order to examine the effects of a wheelset driving system suspension parameters on the re-adhesion performance of locomotives, the stick–slip vibration was analysed according to theoretical and simulation analysis. The decrease of the slip rate vibration amplitude improved the stability of the stick–slip vibration and the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. Increasing the longitudinal guide stiffness of the wheelset and the motor suspension stiffness were proposed as effective measures to improve the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. These results showed that the dynamic slip rate was inversely proportional to the series result of the square root of the longitudinal guide and motor suspension stiffness. The larger the motor suspension stiffness was, the smaller the required longitudinal guidance stiffness was at the same re-adhesion time once the wheel slip occurred, and vice versa. The simulation results proved that the re-adhesion time of the locomotive was approximately proportional to amplitude of the dynamic slip rate. When the stick–slip vibration occurred, the rotary and the longitudinal vibrations of the wheelset were coupled, which was confirmed by train's field tests.  相似文献   
点火能量对电控单燃料CNG发动机性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分析了点火能量的影响因素,提出了控制点火能量的方法,建立了电控单燃料CNG发动机试验台架,并确定了试验方法,进行了点火能量的试验。通过分析试验结果,得出了点火能量对单燃料CNG发动机动力性、经济性和排放性能的影响特点,得出了CNG发动机各工况下合适的点火能量范围。  相似文献   
针对长途客车行驶过程中频繁出现的由于制动性能而导致的安全隐患,为了进一步完善和提高车辆制动性能参数的设计效率,建立了长途客车整车动力学计算模型,制动系统动力学模型以及轮胎模型,并在Visual C++环境下编写了长途客车制动性能模拟计算系统,通过模拟计算分析获得长途客车制动过程中的制动性能参数及响应曲线,并判断其是否符合相关制动性标准,为制动性能的完善提供了可靠、有效的参考。  相似文献   
Active steering control in the form of secondary yaw control (SYC) and actuated wheelset yaw (AWY) have been in prototype development. This paper presents a new active steering bogie design, actuated yaw force steering (AY-FS), that is able to steer under high traction loads in tight curves. The AY-FS bogie design is compared with the AWY design. The steering performance AWY under high traction loads has not been previously reported. This paper examines five control methods, three for AWY and two for AY-FS bogies and assesses the traction curving and stability control performance of the alternative designs and control methods compared with each other and to passive steering bogie designs. The curving performance results showed considerable advantage in the proposed AY-FS bogies over the AWY. It was shown that control must be applied to both the yaw angle and the steering angle of the bogie to achieve the best traction steering performance which was not possible with the AWY bogies. The proposed new bogie designs of AY-FS overall give better traction curving and stability performance than the AWY designs.  相似文献   
选用胶粉改性沥青和SBS改性乳化沥青作为桥面铺装防水粘结材料,对桥面铺装结构进行不同温度下的剪切强度测试,并在冻融循环及浸水2种环境因素下,对2种防水粘结材料抗剪强度的变化规律进行试验研究.试验结果表明:抗剪强度随温度升高而降低;在冻融及浸水作用下抗剪强度也会降低,但胶粉改性沥青稳定性优于SBS改性乳化沥青,是一种更优的防水粘结材料.该试验结果可为类似工程施工提供参考.  相似文献   
沥青稳定碎石基层可以显著减少沥青路面一些早期损害,通过采用ABAQUS三维有限元方法,对设置沥青稳定碎石基层的沥青路面结构进行力学性能分析,分析路面结构应力和应变的影响。从结构角度提出对沥青稳定碎石基层材料的性能的要求,并且对设置排水基层的半刚性基层沥青路面结构设计提出相应建议。  相似文献   
基于摩擦磨损理论和柴油机的燃烧理论,分析了供油提前角、供油量、气门间隙、喷油压力等调整参数对柴油机性能的影响,并且提醒广大机械设备的使用者和维修人员,应重视对调整参数的检查与调整,以便保持柴油机的整机性能。  相似文献   
为了研究车架的结构柔性对组合挂车爬坡性能的影响,建立了车架的几何模型并且运用ANSYS软件对其进行了有限元分析,计算结果表明结构柔性很大程度提高了组合挂车的爬坡性能。  相似文献   
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