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随着城市化建设的快速推进,城市基础设施建设得到了前所未有的发展。市政桥梁作为城市交通设施的重要组织部位,在其城市交通运输方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。但城市高架桥施工往往受到现有城市机动车、非机动车、行人等错综复杂的交通环境以及狭小空间的制约,在城市高架桥箱梁施工中如何结合现状外界环境选择合理的支架、模板体系对市政高架桥施工安全控制、成本控制、进度控制以及保障交通、行人安全等起到至关重要的作用。结合武汉市重点工程——珞狮南路改造及配套工程高架桥建设实际情况针对箱梁施工支架、模板体系选择进行了探讨,有关经验可供相关专业人员参考。  相似文献   
该文论述了贝雷梁在施工便桥中的技术应用,探讨了排架式钢管柱在临时支墩中的相关技术问题,并结合具体工程,对施工便桥进行了设计。同时,对力学特性进行了检算,其强度和刚度均能满足施工的要求,为类似工程施工提供参考。  相似文献   
钢筋混凝土构件中箍筋腐蚀对其承载力的影响不容忽视,针对目前开展斜截面受力性能研究较少的情况,以无腹筋梁的梁拱作用共同抗剪理论为基础,进一步扩展到有腹筋梁,研究了箍筋锈蚀对钢筋混凝土构件开裂荷载和斜截面承载能力的影响,综合考虑现有试验,发展了箍筋锈蚀后的构件抗剪承载力计算方法,并将理论值和试验值进行了对比。结果表明:箍筋腐蚀对钢筋混凝土构件开裂荷载的影响并不是简单的线性增长关系;由本文方法得出的计算值与试验结果较为接近,可为相关研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
李林 《城市道桥与防洪》2012,(9):66-68,328,329
位于山区的大跨度斜拉桥,因峡谷风效应抗风稳定是桥梁分析的重点内容之一。以主跨360m的河口大桥为例,进行了该桥的动力特性分析及抗风稳定分析。分析结果表明,最大悬臂施工状态和成桥状态结构均满足抗风稳定要求,说明该结构体系抗风性能良好,其分析成果为同类大桥设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   
陈鑫 《路基工程》2012,(6):147-152
支撑体系是深基坑施工过程中安全性的必要保证,而作为临时结构的支撑,当施工进展到一定阶段后,将对主体结构顶部钢筋混凝土施工存在干扰,需要拆除支撑结构才有利于展开施工。主要介绍青岛北客站地铁站深基坑顶部钢筋混凝土支撑拆除的两种计算方式,分理论计算和根据现场实测值计算。两种计算方法的分析结果表明,基坑稳定性都满足要求。该站采用对钢筋混凝土支撑“隔一拆一”的施工方案,改善了操作空间,保证了施工质量。  相似文献   
桩锚支护具有一系列优点,已成为基坑支护中最常用的方法之一。通过深圳某深基坑开挖过程的有限元数值模拟,得出了桩体水平位移、桩后土体沉降的变化规律,并将计算位移值与实际监测结果相比较,验证了有限元数值模拟的合理性,为深圳某深基坑支护提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
This research reviews principles behind the dynamic response of rail supports, and introduces a method of analysis to find the maximum response in a realistic setting. Assuming a time-dependent, moving mass with massive wheels is essential, because the ratio of the moving mass to the rail mass is significant. However, the dynamic response of the track is not affected by dynamic properties of the train other than its unsprung mass, because the natural frequencies of the train suspension and track are significantly different. A numerical method is developed to model the dynamic response based on these principles, and applied to the Korean urban transit. The dynamic response includes multiple peaks with a large amplitude range, creating noise while the wheel passes the support. The dynamic impact factor (DIF) for the rail support depends mainly on the stiffness and damping of the rail support. The DIF for the rail moment is below the code value, whether this value is based on numerical analysis or on-site measurements. However, our numerical analysis results in a DIF for support settlement that is greater than the code value, if the damping is less than 3%.  相似文献   
A vertical vehicle–track coupled dynamic model, consisting of a high-speed train on a continuously supported rail, is established in the frequency-domain. The solution is obtained efficiently by use of the Green's function method, which can determine the vibration response over a wide range of frequency without any limitations due to modal truncation. Moreover, real track irregularity spectra can be used conveniently as input. The effect of the flexibility of both track and car body on the entire vehicle–track coupled dynamic response is investigated. A multi-body model of a vehicle with either rigid or flexible car body is defined running on three kinds of track: a rigid rail, a track stiffness model and a Timoshenko beam model. The results show that neglecting the track flexibility leads to an overestimation of both the contact force and the whole vehicle vibration response. The car body flexibility affects the ride quality of the vehicle and the coupling through the track and can be significant in certain frequency ranges. Finally, the effect of railpad and ballast stiffness on the vehicle–track coupled vibration is analysed, indicating that the stiffness of the railpad has an influence on the system in a higher frequency range than the ballast.  相似文献   
九江长江公路大桥北塔下横梁施工方案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
九江长江公路大桥主桥采用(70+75+84)m+818 m+(233.5+124.5)m双塔不对称混合梁斜拉桥,H形桥塔塔肢间设上、中、下3道横梁.为确定该桥北塔下横梁施工方案,对同步施工方案、异步施工方案、异步施工+主动横撑方案进行分析.结果表明:异步施工+主动横撑方案结构受力合理、施工工期短、施工风险小,确定为下横梁最终施工方案.经优化,主动横撑采用2根Φ1200 mm×12 mm的螺旋焊管制作,每根施加2000 kN 水平推力,在下横梁第一层混凝土强度达到90%之后,施加第一批横向预应力前撤掉水平推力;采取增加塔柱混凝土凿毛厚度、加强局部振捣的方法,保证新老混凝土结合面混凝土的施工质量.  相似文献   
根据厦门市工程改造的总体部署,仙岳路主线既有多座跨线桥不符合全线高架的线形标高规划,需进行改造.以莲岳路口跨线立交——(2×35+45+2×35) m等高度连续钢箱梁桥为例,通过分析对比桥梁改造前、后的线形,设计出最优的调整改造方案,并计算确定梁体支点转换的合理顺序.首先在该桥6个桥墩及中间3跨跨中切除9个短节段,将全...  相似文献   
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