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阐述了港口在综合物流体系中的地位和作用,分析了秦皇岛港发展现代物流的条件和时机,并提出了秦皇岛港发展物流产业的思路和对策。  相似文献   
宁波港发展现代物流的模式及策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代物流已成为我国经济发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点。发展现代物流服务成为港口企业的一种必然选择。通过现状的分析,探讨宁波港发展现代物流的模式及策略。  相似文献   

The logistics environment between China and Korea has been changing rapidly in line with the ‘Go West’ policy of international trade and logistics area. The policy includes the BRI, Western Development Strategy, and Korea–China FTA. Against this background, the Korea–China train ferry (KCTF) is being newly illuminated as an alternative mode to cope with the logistics environment between Korea and China. One of the key success factors of the KCTF depends on, among others, shippers’ perception, which will affect the choice and the successful operation of the KCTF. From this perspective, this paper develops seven hypotheses based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We test these hypotheses using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the structural relationship between shippers’ behavioral beliefs influencing the perceived usefulness, the attitude toward and intention to choose the KCTF. The test results confirm that among the behavioral beliefs, transport accessibility in association with an efficient network of inland roads and railway networks is an important prerequisite. In addition, we verified a high statistical significance in the structural relationships among perceived usefulness, the attitude toward and the intention to choose the KCTF.  相似文献   
张姝慧 《水道港口》2012,33(3):274-276
从物流、港口、港口物流的概念入手,分析了影响港口物流指数的诸因素并由此建立了港口物流发展水平指标体系。运用主成分分析法对港口物流发展水平进行了分析,并得出了港口物流指数,。  相似文献   
湛江港正在进行航道、码头工程大建设,目前发展港口现代物流遇到的问题,主要是物流组织管理水平及信息化程度低,缺乏专门人才,配套铁路建设滞后等。针对这些问题采取相应的对策,将大大促进湛江港的发展。  相似文献   
持续改进--企业的成功之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
持续改进是一种先进的企业管理理念,是当今企业管理的一种新境界。对一个追求卓越的企业而言,关键不在于本身存在多少问题,而在于是否随时寻找自身的弱点,采取措施、持续改进。  相似文献   
随着港口信息化基础建设的不断发展,以及无线传感、无线网络、视频监控等技术手段的成熟应用,结合港口物流枢纽危险品作业特点,构建危险品监控与预警系统已经具有可行性.在分析港口物流枢纽危险品监控与预警系统功能需求的基础上,提出系统的五层框架,即:信息采集层、信息传输层、信息管理层、支撑平台层和信息应用层,同时分析信息采集和处理的关键技术,并展望今后的研究方向.  相似文献   
This paper presents findings of a freight transport study carried out for Mumbai city (India). Based on the case study of lunch box delivery system organized by the Mumbai dabbawalas, demonstrated that an informal sector was capable of developing an urban logistics system that was precise, reliable and affordable to the middle class society in Mumbai. These facts suggest an approach based on adapting logistics solutions harmoniously to the urban landscape, public policy, infrastructure and skill sets of the company’s employees in order to be attractive to the end customer, offering a good match between supply and demand i.e., consumer and producer satisfaction. At the same time logistics solutions should evolve continuously in order to be attractive to the core customer base and should be customer driven. These basic management principles can be applied in the management of other urban logistics companies in the world over.  相似文献   
杨亚东  汪伟 《船海工程》2012,41(2):135-137,143
为了确定大型油轮进出港口所需拖轮功率,通过对目前最常用的两种确定功率的方法进行对比分析,得出各自的优点和不足,结合钦州港实际情况,运用这两种方法确定在不同条件下,大型油轮进出钦州港所需拖轮功率。  相似文献   
为研究新型的舵前轮缘泵喷推进器的减振降噪效果,采用结构化网格和基于SST k-ω模型的DES模型,对舵前轮缘泵喷推进器的非定常水动力进行了计算,总结了该新型推进器的轴承力特性.先通过采用不同的边界层厚度和网格数量进行计算,总结得到了合适的数值计算方法.再通过分析舵对常规泵喷推进器的转子盘面流场和转子轴承力的影响,证明了...  相似文献   
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