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Long taxiing times at large airports lead to fuel wastage and dissatisfied passengers. This paper investigates the 4D taxi scheduling problem in airports to minimize the taxiing time. We propose an iterative two-stage scheduling strategy. In the first stage, all aircrafts in a current schedule period are assigned initial 4D routes. In the second stage, landing aircrafts that are unavailable to fulfil their initially assigned routes are rescheduled using a shortest path algorithm based approach. In this paper, the simplified model used in most existing literature, that depicts a runway as having a single entrance and a single exit or even sets only one point to represent both of them has been discarded. Instead, we model the fact that a runway has multiple entrance and exit points and use an emerging concept—Runway Exit Availability (REA)—to measure the probability of clearing a runway from a specific exit during a specific time interval so that the taxiing scheduling model can be much higher approximation to the practical operation. An integer programming (IP) model factoring REA is proposed for assigning 4D taxiing routes in the first stage. The IP model covers most practical constraints faced in airport taxiing procedures, such as the rear-end/head-on conflict constraint, runway-crossing constraint, take-off/landing separation constraint, and taxi-out constraint. Besides, flight holding patterns at intersections are much more realistically modelled. Furthermore, to accelerate the solving process of the IP model, we have refined the formulation using several tricks. Simulation results by proposed scheduling approach for operations at the Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) for an entire day demonstrate a surprising taxiing time saving against the empirical data and simulation results based on a strategy similar to what being used now days while showing an acceptable running time of our approach, which supports that our approach may help in real operation in the future.  相似文献   
城市地下道路出入口变速车道长度设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在介绍国内外立交出入口变速车道设计长度和国外地下道路出入口变速车道设计长度的基础上。根据我国地下道路的功能定位和分类,结合我国城市地下道路交通实际情况,提出我国地下道路出入口变速车道设计长度的取值建议,对我国地下道路的规划、设计和建设具有积极的作用。  相似文献   
地铁出入口作为联系地上、地下城市空间的载体,其结构布局、建筑形式与城市功能、规划、景观息息相关。作为北京首次采用8A编组的地铁线路,地铁16号线不仅可满足更高的交通需求,更对车站附属地面建筑及与周边环境的融合关系等问题高度重视。结合出入口功能、占地及外观体量,全线出入口建筑类型主要分为标准直出口(含带室外排烟风室)、侧出口(含带室外排烟风室)、出入口和无障碍合建口、独立无障碍口、安全出口等,分别对其地面建筑外轮廓尺寸进行标准化设计。同时,对地下通道高宽、爬升段楼扶梯布置形式进行了统一,为地下出地面基础部分提供了预留预埋的接口条件,也为今后地铁车站的出入口建筑设计提供了一定的指导。  相似文献   
为了研究城市快速路匝道出口及交织区的交通运行特性,以长春市具有代表性的快速路匝道出口作为调查对象,以调查实测的数据为基础建立模型,分析交通冲突特性、交通流流量特性及密度特性,建立研究路段交通冲突数与流量和交通密度的关系模型。研究结果表明,快速路出口处车流量的冲突数随着交通流量的增加而增加,而与交通密度的关系中则存在一个临界值(交通密度达到131辆/km,交通流变为强制流)。本文研究成果可以为城市快速路匝道出口控制提供理论依据与参考借鉴。  相似文献   
研究目的:出入段线能力是决定动车段内设备能力能否得到充分运用的关键因素之一。本文以北京动车段为例,根据预测的客车开行方案,仿真铺画列车运行图;在满足动车组检修作业要求的前提下,运用计算机仿真技术,模拟分析动车组综合运用计划,确定各时段出入段线动车组出入次数;提出动车段出入段线的运输组织方案和能力计算办法,为动车段的勘察设计提供一些有价值的研究成果。研究结论:根据出入段线的运输组织方案,对照分析其在最有利和最不利条件下的通过能力与动车组出入段次数,确定出入段线能力的适应性及能力加强措施方案;分析得出全天存在4个小时段范围内2条出入段线能力不能满足运输需求,因此建议北京动车段设3条出入段线,各线均按双方向追踪运行设计。  相似文献   
为研究隧道进出口路段驾驶员明暗适应的特性及遮阳棚对明暗适应过程的影响规律,文章依托紫荆隧道(无遮阳棚)及巴朗山隧道(有遮阳棚)进行驾驶试验,以驾驶员瞳孔直径及其变化速率为研究参数,分析遮阳棚对隧道进出口路段明暗适应的缓冲效果。研究结果表明:暗适应过程90%以上发生在洞内段,明适应过程54.61%以上发生在洞内段;在隧道进口段暗适应过程中,通过遮阳棚时间为2 s时,最大瞳孔直径变化速率下降4.84%,通过遮阳棚时间为5 s时,最大瞳孔直径变化速率下降33.58%;在隧道出口段明适应过程中,通过遮阳棚时间为2 s时,最大瞳孔直径变化速率下降38.75%,通过遮阳棚的时间为5 s时,最大瞳孔直径变化速率下降49.97%。  相似文献   
Unconventional intersection designs have been used to increase the capacity of intersections that are over‐saturated under conventional ones. However, existing unconventional designs typically require extra land space and their effectiveness often depends on drivers' familiarity with the uncommon operating rules. To overcome these challenges, we propose a new unconventional design, where movements that are mutually incompatible under the conventional design can be made compatible of each other by allocating exit lanes to them appropriately, thereby creating opportunities for capacity improvement. We develop a lane‐based capacity optimization model that incorporates the allocation of exit lanes as decision variables. The model is formulated as a Binary Mixed Integer Linear Programming problem, which can be efficiently solved by standard branch‐and‐bound algorithms. Numerical experiments show that significant capacity improvement can be obtained under our design. Besides proposing a new unconventional design, we also contribute to the literature of lane‐based signal optimization methods by providing a novel linear formulation for the latest, yet nonlinear, model described in Wong and Heydecker [Transportation Research Part B 45(4):667–681]. This improvement is methodologically beneficial as linear models are computationally more convenient than nonlinear ones. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对在建毛羽山隧道出口发生的大变形情况,对施工控制及变形进行分类,探讨大变形的影响因素,得出高地应力、地质岩性是变形的主要因素,地质构造是变形的次要因素,通过完善施工工艺和提高支护刚度可以有效地抑制变形的发展,保证隧道安全施工.  相似文献   
黄承锋 《中国公路学报》2004,17(1):98-101,105
分析通道经济带内封闭线路出入口地区存在的优势区位及其原因;以通道内存在封闭的高等级公路与平行的非封闭普通低等级公路的不同情况,建立了三个数学模型,推导出存在的三种聚集状态,得到了封闭线路对经济带具有强制聚集作用及其聚集作用的产生和大小是由线路本身的空间特征——出入口的分布以及运输费用函数决定的结论;并根据模型的基本条件,将其扩展到其他运输方式线路,说明了模型对其他类型通道的可解释性,这对于区域运输线路的选择、产业布局和选择具有指导意义。  相似文献   
以白鹿山隧道出口段的滑坡病害为例,阐述了滑坡现象的成因,并进行了滑坡体性质的分析.通过滑坡体整治方案的比选,阐明了以退为进治理隧道洞口段滑坡病害施工方案的理论依据和技术方案,对今后隧道洞口山体滑坡的整治提供了参考.  相似文献   
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