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In recent years, increasing attention has been drawn to the development of various applications of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which are credited with the amelioration of traffic conditions in urban and regional environments. Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) constitute an important element of ITS by providing potential travelers with information on the network's current performance both en-route and pre-trip. In order to tackle the complexity of such systems, derived from the difficulty of providing real-time estimations of current as well as forecasts of future traffic conditions, a series of models and algorithms have been initiated. This paper proposes the development of an integrated framework for real-time ATIS and presents its application on a large-scale network, that of Thessaloniki, Greece, concluding with a discussion on development and implementation challenges as well as on the advantages and limitations of such an effort.  相似文献   
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) formed by connected vehicles in a traffic stream could be applied to improve safety, mobility, and environmental impacts of a transportation system. In this paper, we present analytical models for the instantaneous communication throughputs of VANETs to measure the efficiency of information propagation under various traffic conditions at a time instant. In particular, we define broadcast and unicast communication throughputs by the wireless channel bandwith multiplied by the average probabilities that one vehicle is a successful receiver and sender in a VAENT, respectively. With a protocol communication model, we derive formulas to determine the probabilities for an equipped vehicle to be a successful broadcast receiver and a successful unicast receiver/sender, and obtain broadcast and unicast throughputs along discrete and continuous traffic streams. We further examine the impacts on communication throughputs of the transmission range and the interference range of dedicated short range communication devices as well as the market penetration rate of equipped vehicles and the percentage of senders. Finally, we investigate the influence of shock waves on communication throughputs.  相似文献   
As intelligent transportation systems (ITS) approach the realm of widespread deployment, there is an increasing need to robustly capture the variability of link travel time in real-time to generate reliable predictions of real-time traffic conditions. This study proposes an adaptive information fusion model to predict the short-term link travel time distribution by iteratively combining past information on link travel time on the current day with the real-time link travel time information available at discrete time points. The past link travel time information is represented as a discrete distribution. The real-time link travel time is represented as a range, and is characterized using information quality in terms of information accuracy and time delay. A nonlinear programming formulation is used to specify the adaptive information fusion model to update the short-term link travel time distribution by focusing on information quality. The model adapts good information by weighing it higher while shielding the effects of bad information by reducing its weight. Numerical experiments suggest that the proposed model adequately represents the short-term link travel time distribution in terms of accuracy and robustness, while ensuring consistency with ambient traffic flow conditions. Further, they illustrate that the mean of a representative short-term travel time distribution is not necessarily a good tracking indicator of the actual (ground truth) time-dependent travel time on that link. Parametric sensitivity analysis illustrates that information accuracy significantly influences the model, and dominates the effects of time delay and the consistency constraint parameter. The proposed information fusion model bridges key methodological gaps in the ITS deployment context related to information fusion and the need for short-term travel time distributions.  相似文献   
Over the past decade, activity scheduling processes have gained increasing attention in the field of transportation research. However, still little is known about the scheduling of social activities even though these activities account for a large and growing portion of trips. This paper contributes to this knowledge. We analyze how the duration of social activities is influenced by social activity characteristics and characteristics of the relationship between the respondent and the contacted person(s). To that end, a latent class accelerated hazard model is estimated, based on social interaction diary data that was collected in the Netherlands in 2008. Chi-square tests and analyses of variance are used to test for significant relations between the latent classes and personal and household characteristics. Findings suggest that the social activity characteristics and the characteristics of the relationship between the socializing persons are highly significant in explaining social activity duration. This shows that social activities should not be considered as a homogenous set of activities and it underlines the importance of including the social context in travel-behavior models. Moreover, the results indicate that there is a substantial amount of latent heterogeneity across the population. Four latent classes are identified, showing different social activity durations, and different effects for both categories of explanatory variables. Latent class membership can be explained by household composition, socio-economic status (education, income and work hours), car ownership and the number of interactions in 2 days.  相似文献   
陈贵红 《现代隧道技术》2012,49(1):84-88,95
文章采川三维有限元数值模拟研究了偏压连拱隧道不同施工顺序下拱顶下沉、中墙稳定性及初期支护受力特征.研究结果表明,先开挖浅埋侧时,拱顶沉降较小,中墙在施工中的稳定安全系数较大、弯矩较小,初期支护受力较大;对于浅埋偏压连拱隧道,围岩变形及中墙在施工中的稳定性控制更为重要.所以,从有利于围岩变形、中墙稳定性控制以及中墙受力的角度出发,宜采用先开挖浅埋侧的施工方法.  相似文献   
对分担率进行科学的预测是交通运输规划的基础性工作,是制定运输决策的重要依据。文章经过比较选取多项Logit模型为分担率预测模型,介绍了模型建立与求解的方法,并运用该模型对南广高铁沿线客流分担率进行预测分析。  相似文献   
本文分析了国内大型邮轮三维设计模型的虚拟评审需求,基于Intergraph Smart 3D和SmartPlant Review软件,提出了国产大型邮轮虚拟设计评审的总体解决方案。该方案采用三维模型轻量化、模型虚拟评审以及大型邮轮设计-评审数据转换等关键技术,实现了面向大型邮轮设计的沉浸式三维模型全流程虚拟评审,并通过在国产大型邮轮设计模型上的应用测试,验证了该方案的可行性,可为提高大型邮轮设计生产效率、缩短建造周期以及降低生产成本等提供重要的技术支撑。  相似文献   
为合理分配动力电池生产线容量确定单元中移动机器人的任务,优化机器人调度路径,提高调度效率,在考虑设备加工工时、物理位置等约束下,以最小化调度任务时间为目标,建立多工序加工单元单轨约束下多移动机器人调度模型,设计遗传算法并采用MATLAB进行求解,给出不同机器人分配方案下的目标函数值和收敛情况。结果表明,采用所提出的调度方法对单轨多机器人服务范围进行规划能够减少调度时间、提高调度效率。  相似文献   
陈志明  伍斯杰 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):61-66
本文基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法,对多重参考系模型(MRF)及滑移网格模型(SM)在计算螺旋桨水动力性能时的差异进行了探讨。将以上两种模型应用到4381螺旋桨的水动力性能计算中,首先将计算得到的推力系数及转矩系数与试验数据进行了对比,考察了两种计算模型对螺旋桨的敞水性能的预测情况,并进一步对两种模型计算得到的螺旋桨盘面的速度场、桨叶的压力分布、桨后涡量云图等进行了对比分析。计算结果表明,滑移网格模型相较于多重参考系模型,对螺旋桨的推力系数的模拟结果误差更小,扭矩系数方面,两种模型的模拟结果相差不大;对于进速系数较大时,两种模型模拟得到的压力分布及速度分布较为相似,但对于高负荷情况,滑移网格模型可以更好地捕捉桨叶的压力分布及桨盘面处的速度分布情况;进速系数较小时,多重参考系模型可以模拟出涡结构的发散现象,而滑移网格模型可以更好的在高进速系数情况下捕捉到梢涡结构。  相似文献   
以直接传动形式的船舶推进轴系为研究对象,基于连续-离散混合模型,开展推进轴系纵向振动动力吸振设计分析。采用直接法和模态叠加法计算比较推进轴系在螺旋桨脉动推力下的频率响应,识别出第1阶模态是优势模态。结合Lagrange方程和模态展开定理推导出推进轴系连续-动力吸振器离散混合模型的动力学方程,采用动力调谐优化方法对动力吸振器进行优化设计,在优化状态下讨论动力吸振器的控制效果和参数影响规律。分析结果表明:动力吸振器安装位置应尽可能接近螺旋桨端,以减小动力吸振器动力参数值;第1阶共振线谱的减振效果与动力吸振器安装位置无关,仅取决于其质量比。  相似文献   
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