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Trains crashing onto heavy road vehicles stuck across rail tracks are more likely occurrences at level crossings due to ongoing increase in the registration of heavy vehicles and these long heavy vehicles getting caught in traffic after partly crossing the boom gate; these incidents lead to significant financial losses and societal costs. This paper presents an investigation of the dynamic responses of trains under frontal collision on road trucks obliquely stuck on rail tracks at level crossings. This study builds a nonlinear three-dimensional multi-body dynamic model of a passenger train colliding with an obliquely stuck road truck on a ballasted track. The model is first benchmarked against several train dynamics packages and its predictions of the dynamic response and derailment potential are shown rational. A geometry-based derailment assessment criterion is applied to evaluate the derailment behaviour of the frontal obliquely impacted trains under different conditions. Sensitivities of several key influencing parameters, such as the train impact speed, the truck mass, the friction at truck tyres, the train–truck impact angle, the contact friction at the collision zone, the wheel/rail friction and the train suspension are reported.  相似文献   
对公路建设环境保护作了比较深入地分析与探讨,总结归纳了公路施工环境保护工作的重点与措施。  相似文献   
为解决城市老城区交通压力持续增大的问题,从道路系统、公共交通系统、慢行交通系统三个方面进行研究,基于健康城市理念,并借鉴国外城市老城区交通发展模式,提出国内城市老城区健康道路交通模式应具有道路网络"高密度、小街区、微循环",公共交通全覆盖、高效率,慢行交通空间连续、设施完善、与公共交通无缝衔接等特征,为老城区健康道路交通规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   
高等级公路工程项目的实施需利用多种要素和各种条件,因而会受到多种因素的影响.影响高等级公路工程投资额的主要因素,包括社会、政治、经济环境、地理环境(地形、地质、水文)、公路等级、交通状况、发展政策、资金来源、土地成本、结构物、定额取费标准,材料和设备价格等.本文将定性描述其影响.  相似文献   
探讨了用因子分析法中公因子作为评价指标的替代指标,用其得分值作为新指标的数值.根据公因子对原始评价信息解释大小来计算新指标权重.然后,用线性加权法对评价对象的安全水平进行客观评价,最后,对此方法进行了比较应用研究,发现评价结论与其它方法有差别.  相似文献   
为了使金路牌ZHF5050TSL扫路车更能适应各种复杂路面的清扫工况,对扫路车吸盘装置进行了分析研究,并提出了改进设计方案,经反复试验,效果良好。  相似文献   
城市道路建设过程中,存在各种不确定因素。当道路沿线构筑物较多、周边环境较为复杂时,需进行多方案的比选,在兼顾经济指标与技术指标的前提下确定切实可行的路线方案。结合兰州市南环路(西客站段)联通工程方案,总结了城市建设中路线方案比选的几点思考,供道路专业人员参考。  相似文献   
对实际道路交通系统特征的研究是通过分析布设在路网中不同地点大量交通信息采集设备采集的数据来进行的。交通信息采集是对城市道路交通系统在时间和空闻上一个采样过程,其数据具有时问和空间属性.本文系统地建立了一种城市道路交通系统频谱分析方法。对于时间采样,通过功率谱分析认为:不同的数据采样间隔,获得的交通信息不同,从而分析出的...  相似文献   
对路面铣刨刀具结构组成、切削时象、工作状态和失效机理的进行了简洁的论述。着重分析了刀具正常失效和非正常失效产生的原因.提出了保证刀具正常失效的措施。  相似文献   
Surrogate indicators are meant to be alternatives or complements of safety analyses based on accident records. These indicators are used to study critical traffic events that occur more frequently, making such incidents easier to analyse. This article provides an overview of existing surrogate indicators and specifically focuses on their merit for the analyses of vulnerable road users and the extent to which they have been validated by previous research. Each indicator is evaluated based on its ability to consider the collision risk, which can be further divided into the initial conditions of an event, the magnitude of any evasive action and the injury risk in any traffic event. The results show that various indicators and their combinations can reflect different aspects of any traffic event. However, no existing indicator seems to capture all aspects. Various studies have also focused on the validity of different indicators. However, due to the use of diverse approaches to validation, the large difference in how many locations were investigated and variations in the duration of observation at each location, it is difficult to compare and discuss the validity of the different surrogate safety indicators. Since no current indicator can properly reflect all the important aspects underlined in this article, the authors suggest that the choice of a suitable indicator in future surrogate safety studies should be made with considerations of the context-dependent suitability of the respective indicator.  相似文献   
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