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为了解决传统匝道控制车流汇入时车辆需要减速至停止,从而造成延误时间过长的问题,提出了一种智能网联车环境下的高速匝道汇入车辆轨迹优化的两阶段优化模型,其中,第1 阶段优化车辆进入匝道口的时序;第2 阶段基于第1 阶段的最优时序,优化车辆轨迹. 根据所构建的模型设计了一种启发式算法优化车辆通过匝道冲突区域的时序,然后结合 GPOPS工具优化车辆的轨迹.为了验证所提出方法的有效性,将所提出的方法应用到20 min 随机到达的车流,进行仿真实验.实验结果表明,与先进先出的方法相比,本文所提出的方法能够使总延误减少59.7%,总油耗减少10.5%,说明该方法能够实现车辆以较高的速度通过匝道冲突区域,有效地减少了车辆汇入延误,同时也节约了油耗.  相似文献   
Strong efforts are spent in automotive engineering for the creation of so called Driving Cycles (DCs). Vehicle DC development has been a topic under research over the last thirty years, since it is a key activity both from an authority and from an industrial research point of view. Considering the innovative characteristics of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and their diffusion on certain contexts (e.g. city centers), the demand for tailored cycles arises. A proposal for driving data analysis and synthesis has been developed through the review and the selection of known literature experiences, having as a goal the application on a EVs focused case study. The measurement campaign has been conducted in the city of Florence, which includes limited traffic areas accessible to EVs. A fleet of EVs has been monitored through a non-invasive data logging system. After data acquisition, time-speed data series have been processed for filtering and grouping. The main product of the activity is a set of DCs obtained by pseudo-randomized selection of original data. The similarity of synthetic DCs to acquired data has been verified through the validation of cycle parameters. Finally, the new DCs and a selection of existing ones are compared on the basis of relevant kinematic parameters and expected energy consumption. The method followed for the creation of DCs has been implemented in a software package. It can be used to generate cycles and, under certain boundary conditions, to get a filtered access to the measured data and provide integration within simulation environment.  相似文献   
Automated vehicles represent a technology that promises to increase mobility for many groups, including the senior population (those over age 65) but also for non-drivers and people with medical conditions. This paper estimates bounds on the potential increases in travel in a fully automated vehicle environment due to an increase in mobility from the non-driving and senior populations and people with travel-restrictive medical conditions. In addition, these bounding estimates indicate which of these demographics could have the greatest increases in annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and highlight those age groups and genders within these populations that could contribute the most to the VMT increases. The data source is the 2009 National Household Transportation Survey (NHTS), which provides information on travel characteristics of the U.S. population. The changes to light-duty VMT are estimated by creating and examining three possible travel demand wedges. In demand wedge one, non-drivers are assumed to travel as much as the drivers within each age group and gender. Demand wedge two assumes that the driving elderly (those over age 65) without medical conditions will travel as much as a younger population within each gender. Demand wedge three makes the assumption that working age adult drivers (19–64) with medical conditions will travel as much as working age adults without medical conditions within each gender, while the driving elderly with medical any travel-restrictive conditions will travel as much as a younger demographic within each gender in a fully automated vehicle environment. The combination of the results from all three demand wedges represents an upper bound of 295 billion miles or a 14% increase in annual light-duty VMT for the US population 19 and older. Since traveling has other costs besides driving effort, these estimates serve to bound the potential increase from these populations to inform the scope of the challenges, rather than forecast specific VMT scenarios.  相似文献   
This study investigates the energy consumption impact of route selection on battery electric vehicles (BEVs) using empirical second-by-second Global Positioning System (GPS) commute data and traffic micro-simulation data. Drivers typically choose routes that reduce travel time and therefore travel cost. However, BEVs’ limited driving range makes energy efficient route selection of particular concern to BEV drivers. In addition, BEVs’ regenerative braking systems allow for the recovery of energy while braking, which is affected by route choices. State-of-the-art BEV energy consumption models consider a simplified constant regenerative braking energy efficiency or average speed dependent regenerative braking factors. To overcome these limitations, this study adopted a microscopic BEV energy consumption model, which captures the effect of transient behavior on BEV energy consumption and recovery while braking in a congested network. The study found that BEVs and conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) had different fuel/energy-optimized traffic assignments, suggesting that different routings be recommended for electric vehicles. For the specific case study, simulation results indicate that a faster route could actually increase BEV energy consumption, and that significant energy savings were observed when BEVs utilized a longer travel time route because energy is regenerated. Finally, the study found that regenerated energy was greatly affected by facility types and congestion levels and also BEVs’ energy efficiency could be significantly influenced by regenerated energy.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the impacts on energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the introduction of electric vehicles into a smart grid, as a case study. The AVL Cruise software was used to simulate two vehicles, one electric and the other engine-powered, both operating under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), in order to calculate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, fuel consumption and energy efficiency. Available carbon dioxide data from electric power generation in Brazil were used for comparison with the simulated results. In addition, scenarios of gradual introduction of electric vehicles in a taxi fleet operating with a smart grid system in Sete Lagoas city, MG, Brazil, were made to evaluate their impacts. The results demonstrate that CO2 emissions from the electric vehicle fleet can be from 10 to 26 times lower than that of the engine-powered vehicle fleet. In addition, the scenarios indicate that even with high factors of CO2 emissions from energy generation, significant reductions of annual emissions are obtained with the introduction of electric vehicles in the fleet.  相似文献   
This field study aims at understanding the influence of direct experience of an automated vehicle (AV, Level 3) and explaining and predicting public acceptance of AVs through a psychological model. The model includes behavioral intention (BI) to use self-driving vehicles (SDVs, Level 5), willingness to re-ride (WTR) in our AV (Level 3), and their four potential determinants, namely perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), trust related to SDVs, and perceived safety (PS) while riding in our AV. The last two determinants are largely ignored, but we consider them critical in the context of AVs. Three-hundred students were invited as participants (passengers) to experience the AV. The trust, PU, PEU, and BI of the participants were recorded prior to their experiencing the AV; after this experience, all the constructs of the psychological model were recorded. The participants’ experience with the AV was found to increase their trust, PU and PEU (but not BI), the consistency between PU/PEU and BI, and the explanatory power of BI. The model explained 55% of the variance in BI and 40% in WTR. PU, trust, and PS were found to be steady and direct predictors of both the acceptance measures; PEU predicted BI only after the participants’ AV experience. Mediation analysis showed that trust also can indirectly affect AV acceptance through other determinants. Out-of-sample prediction confirmed the model’s predictive capability for AV acceptance. The theoretical contributions and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Fully automated vehicles could have a significant share of the road network traffic in the near future. Several commercial vehicles with full-range Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems or semi-autonomous functionalities are already available on the market. Many research studies aim at leveraging the potential of automated driving in order to improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles. However, in the vast majority of those, fuel efficiency is isolated to the driving dynamics between a single follower-leader pair, hence overlooking the complex nature of traffic. Consequently fuel efficiency and the efficient use of the roadway capacity are framed as conflicting objectives, leading to fuel-economy control models that adopt highly conservative driving styles.This formulation of the problem could be seen as a user-optimal approach, where in spite of delivering savings for individual vehicles, there is the side-effect of the deterioration of traffic flow. An important point that is overlooked is that the inefficient use of roadway capacity gives rise to congested traffic and traffic breakdowns, which in return increases energy costs within the system. The optimisation methods used in these studies entail high computational costs and, therefore, impose a strict constraint on the scope of problem.In this study, the use of car-following models and the limitation of the search space of optimal strategies to the parameter space of these is proposed. The proposed framework enables performing much more comprehensive optimisations and conducting more extensive tests on the collective impacts of fuel-economy driving strategies. The results show that, as conjectured, a “short-sighted” user-optimal approach is unable to deliver overall fuel efficiency. Conversely, a system-optimal formulation for fuel efficient driving is presented, and it is shown that the objectives of fuel efficiency and traffic flow are in fact not only non-conflicting, but also that they could be viewed as one when the global benefits to the network are considered.  相似文献   
Literature has shown potentials of Connected/Cooperative Automated Vehicles (CAVs) in improving highway operations, especially on roadway capacity and flow stability. However, benefits were also shown to be negligible at low market penetration rates. This work develops a novel adaptive driving strategy for CAVs to stabilise heterogeneous vehicle strings by controlling one CAV under vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. Assumed is a roadside system with V2I communications, which receives control parameters of the CAV in the string and estimates parameters imperfectly of non-connected automated vehicles. It determines the adaptive control parameters (e.g. desired time gap and feedback gains) of the CAV if a downstream disturbance is identified and sends them to the CAV. The CAV changes its behaviour based on the adaptive parameters commanded by the roadside system to suppress the disturbance.The proposed adaptive driving strategy is based on string stability analysis of heterogeneous vehicle strings. To this end, linearised vehicle dynamics model and control law are used in the controller parametrisation and Laplace transform of the speed and gap error dynamics in time domain to frequency domain enables the determination of sufficient string stability criteria of heterogeneous strings. The analytical string stability conditions give new insights into automated vehicular string stability properties in relation to the system properties of time delays and controller design parameters of feedback gains and desired time gap. It further allows the quantification of a stability margin, which is subsequently used to adapt the feedback control gains and desired time gap of the CAV to suppress the amplification of gap and speed errors through the string.Analytical results are verified via systematic simulation of both homogeneous and heterogeneous strings. Simulation demonstrates the predictive power of the analytical string stability conditions. The performance of the adaptive driving strategy under V2I cooperation is tested in simulation. Results show that even the estimation of control parameters of non-connected automated vehicles are imperfect and there is mismatch between the model used in analytical derivation and that in simulation, the proposed adaptive driving strategy suppresses disturbances in a wide range of situations.  相似文献   
Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) allow the transportation community to foresee dramatic improvements for the incoming years in terms of a more efficient, environmental friendly and safe traffic management. In that context, new ITS paradigms like Cooperative Systems (C-ITS) enable an efficient traffic state estimation and traffic control. C-ITS refers to three levels of cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure: (i) equipped vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) adjusting their motion to surrounding traffic conditions; (ii) information exchange with the infrastructure; (iii) vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Therefore, C-ITS makes it possible to go a step further in providing real time information and tailored control strategies to specific drivers. As a response to an expected increasing penetration rate of these systems, traffic managers and researchers have to come up with new methodologies that override the classic methods of traffic modeling and control. In this paper, we discuss some potentialities of C-ITS for traffic management with the methodological issues following the expansion of such systems. Cooperative traffic models are introduced into an open-source traffic simulator. The resulting simulation framework is robust and able to assess potential benefits of cooperative traffic control strategies in different traffic configurations.  相似文献   
In the recent years many developments took place regarding automated vehicles (AVs) technology. It is however unknown to which extent the share of the existing transport modes will change as result of AVs introduction as another public transport option. This study is the first where detailed traveller preferences for AVs are explored and compared to existing modes. Its main objective is to position AVs in the transportation market and understand the sensitivity of travellers towards some of their attributes, focusing particularly on the use of these vehicles as egress mode of train trips. Because fully-automated vehicles are not yet a reality and they entail a potentially high disruptive way on how we use automobiles today, we apply a stated preference experiment where the role of attitudes in perceiving the utility of AVs is particularly explored in addition to the classical instrumental variables and several socio-economic variables. The estimated discrete choice model shows that first class train travellers on average prefer the use of AVs as egress mode, compared to the use of bicycle or bus/tram/metro as egress. We therefore conclude that AVs as last mile transport between the train station and the final destination have most potential for first class train travellers. Results show that in-vehicle time in AVs is experienced more negatively than in-vehicle time in manually driven cars. This suggests that travellers do not perceive the theoretical advantage of being able to perform other tasks during the trip in an automated vehicle, at least not yet. Results also show that travellers’ attitudes regarding trust and sustainability of AVs are playing an important role in AVs attractiveness, which leads to uncertainty on how people will react when AVs are introduced in practice. We therefore state the importance of paying sufficient attention to these psychological factors, next to classic instrumental attributes like travel time and costs, before and during the implementation process of AVs as a public transport alternative. We recommend the extension of this research to revealed preference studies, thereby using the results of field studies.  相似文献   
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