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SMW工法桩常用于深度不大于11 m基坑的支护结构,具有工期短、无污染、噪声小、可回收等特点。为研究此工法桩在超深基坑的适用性,以苏州某基坑工程(基坑深度15 m)为例,计算超深基坑开挖各工况下SMW工法桩的侧向变形、钢材强度承载力、地表沉降等规律,并现场施工验证。结果表明,SMW工法桩可作为深度15 m左右基坑的围护结构,且在工期、环保、经济性上具有明显优势,为其他类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   
以路基处理和边坡防护工程实例为例,介绍了路基处理中粉喷桩、SDDC桩、高分子注浆、泡沫轻质土,以及边坡防护中排桩挡墙的适用条件、应用场景,帮助道路工程师依据不同的工程边界条件,选择适用、经济、合理可行的工程措施方案来解决工程实际问题。  相似文献   
设计了一个基于数字处理芯片的新型视频字符混合器,详细的论述了系统的构成及工作原理。与传统基于中小规模集成电路设计的数字视频混合器相比,该设计有效提高了系统的集成度和字符的稳定性,杜绝了字符漂移现象,降低了成本,是实现视频字符以叠加的一种较好的选择方案。  相似文献   
马德 《交通标准化》2013,(18):54-56
随着我国公路建设的快速发展,越来越多的施工技术应用于公路的建设中,因此施工设备面临着很大的挑战。针对施工中沥青搅拌设备燃烧系统发生的开启风门较大、设备内部阀芯被杂质或者油品堵塞以及无法点火等问题进行了细致的探讨,分析故障排查方法,以保障路面施工不受影响。  相似文献   
以搅拌桩工艺处理软土地基,使其承压性能达到道路施工的必要条件。基于工程实践对其使用工艺进行技术优化,对于提高作业效率和降低工程成本是十分必要的。  相似文献   
就地冷再生技术具有施工便捷、污染小、旧料回收利用率高、节约成本等优势,在公路养护中得到了利用.以S49新扬高速为例,从适用条件、混合料设计、路用性能验证以及社会经济效益等方面,对就地冷再生技术进行系统研究,结果表明就地冷再生技术在高速公路养护工程中应用效果理想,可进行推广运用.  相似文献   
由于各种原因,上海市分流制排水地区目前仍然存在着不同程度的雨污混接现象,导致大量未经处理的污水直接通过雨水管网排向了周边河道水体,对河道水体造成了环境污染.城市内涝与黑臭水体治理的根本措施是控源截污,而控源截污的首要工作是全面推进雨污分流改造工作.以上海市某地区小区雨污分流改造工程为例,结合存在的雨污混接现象以及设计施...  相似文献   
用于连续式搅拌设备计量的差分减量(失重)秤   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
结合多年工作实践及国内外动态称重计量的广泛深入研究,通过对连续式搅拌设备计量方法的现状和计量精度如何提高的分析,介绍了采用差分减量(失重)秤称量这种全新的计量技术.  相似文献   
For the theoretical consideration of a system for reducing skin friction, a mathematical model was derived to represent, in a two-phase field, the effect on skin friction of the injection of micro air bubbles into the turbulent boundary layer of a liquid stream. Based on the Lagrangian method, the equation of motion governing a single bubble was derived. The random motion of bubbles in a field initially devoid of bubbles was then traced in three dimensions to estimate void fraction distributions across sections of the flow channel, and to determine local bubble behavior. The liquid phase was modeled on the principle of mixing length. Assuming that the force exerted on the liquid phase was equal to the fluid drag generated by bubble slip, an equation was derived to express the reduction in turbulent shear stress. Corroborating experimental data were obtained from tests using a cavitation tunnel equipped with a slit in the ceiling from which bubbly water was injected. The measurement data provided qualitative substantiation of the trend shown by the calculated results with regard to the skin friction ratio between cases with and without bubble injection as function of the distance downstream from the point of bubble injection.List of symbols B law of wall constant - C f local coefficient of skin friction - C f0 local coefficient of skin friction in the absence of bubbles - d b bubble diameter [m] - g acceleration of gravity [m/s2] - k 1 k4 proportional coefficient - k L turbulent energy of the liquid phase [m2/s2] - L representative length [m] - l b mean free path of a bubble [m] - m A added mass of a single bubble [kg] - m b mass of a single bubble [kg] - N x ,N y ,N z force perpendicular to the wall or ceiling exerted on a bubble adhering to that wall or ceiling [N] - P absolute pressure [Pa] - Q G rate of air supply [/min] - q L (i) turbulent velocity at the ith time increment [m/s] - R> ex Reynolds number defined by Eq. 32 - T *L integral time scale of the liquid phase [s] - U velocity of the main stream [m/s] - ,¯v,¯w time-averaged velocity components [m/s] - u,v,w turbulent velocity components [m/s] - û L ,vL root mean square values of liquid phase turbulence components in thex- and y-directions [m/s] - V volume of a single bubble [m3] - X,Y,Z components of bubble displacement [m] - x s ,y s ,z s coordinate of a random point on a sphere of unit diameter centered at the coordinate origin - root mean square of bubble displacement in they-direction in reference to the turbulent liquid phase velocity [m] - local void fraction - m mean void fraction in a turbulent region - regular random number - R v increment of the horizontal component of the force acting on a single bubble, defined by Eq. 22 [N] - t time increment [s] - 1 reduction of turbulent stress [N/m2] - L rate of liquid energy dissipation [m2/s3] - m coefficient defined by Eq. 30 - law of wall constant in the turbulent region in absence of bubbles - 1 law of wall constant in the turbulent region in presence of bubbles  相似文献   
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