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对防腐层完整性检测尤其是对防腐层破损点的精确定位,及对检出大、中面积破损点开挖修补,是确保土壤跟管道的有效绝缘、提高阴极保护效果的关键。文中分析了常用埋地钢质管道防腐层破损点检测技术特点,结合现场检测实践,综合应用多种技术,能有效检测埋地钢质管道防腐层破损点。根据测量数据可以判断破损点大小以及是否开挖修理,在管道安全运行及检测的经济性之间寻找结合点。  相似文献   
随着海洋油气勘探开发的发展,柔性管道得到越来越广泛的应用。文中介绍了柔性管道的分类及结构,重点描述了粘结和无粘结柔性管道,无粘结柔性管道是目前国外发展趋势和研究重点。阐述了柔性管道的技术优势以及适用范围,同时介绍了柔性管道的发展状况、设计准则以及国外的主要制造厂商。国内柔性管道技术与世界先进水平之间还存在较大的差距,采用无粘结技术以及适用超深水环境将是国内未来深水海底柔性管道技术发展的方向。  相似文献   
X80及以上级别管线钢管的高屈强比是工程应用中的一个突出问题,失效评估曲线是其安全评定的重要依据。文中通过单轴拉伸和断裂韧性试验建立了高屈强比X80管线钢管的特征失效评估图及拟合方程。结果表明:随着钢管屈强比升高,失效评估曲线的截至线(最大载荷比)降低;高、低屈强比钢管的评估曲线在载荷比大于某一临界值时发生分离,且高屈强比钢管的评估曲线处于低屈强比钢管的评估曲线之下;高屈强比钢管的选择3评估曲线比选择1和选择2曲线更偏于安全。  相似文献   
为有效解决船用中厚钢板复杂曲面加工问题,研究空气冷却(空冷)、正面水冷和反面水冷方式对大尺寸钢板弯曲成形的影响因素。首先采用COMSOL Multiphysics仿真平台模拟电磁感应加热和冷却变形多物理场同步耦合过程,然后分析各种因素对大尺寸钢板弯曲成形的影响,最后通过试验验证有限元模型的可靠性,并对感应加热弯曲成形效果进行评估。结果表明:相对于水冷,空气冷却对钢板Y向位移改变效果显著;相对于空气冷却,水冷对钢板角位移的改变影响明显;当频率为50 k Hz时,电流频率对表面温度和角位移影响显著;当钢板长宽比不小于1∶2时,Y向位移的增加比较显著;当长宽比约为1∶1时,角位移的改变比较明显。  相似文献   
Water bursts during tunnel construction endanger construction, and it is therefore necessary to reserve a waterproof dike with the required thickness to avoid water bursts and to take reinforcement of the dike and treatment of the structure liable to trigger a water burst. Using the water burst at K5+398 of the Mingyueshan tunnel of the Shanghai-Chengdu expressway as an example, and considering the type of tunnel section and the upright mudstone of the dike, the waterproof dike at the work face is simplified as a round thin plate. A formula for the calculation of a minimum safety thickness for the critical waterproof dike is deduced by analyzing the force applied on the water-proof dike, and the minimum safety thickness for the water burst section at K5+398 of the Mingyueshan tunnel is cal-culated. The numerical simulation analysis demonstrates the critical thickness of waterproof dike at K5+398 of the Mingyueshan tunnel is 1.4-1.55 m, and the calculated water inflow and water burst basically agree with the actual condition. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
In this paper the numerical simulation analysis of the effect of explosion in the gas pipeline compartment of a utility tunnel on neighboring metro tunnels was conducted using the software AUTODYN. The results show that the TNT equivalent in a fireproof partition with length of 200 m is 41.6 kg when the gas concentration in the gas pipeline compartment reaches 10%; the blast wave has much effect on the crown and arch waist of the round metro tunnel and it’s necessary to take some protective measures in both areas; when the surrounding soil is sand, the utili- ty tunnel is above the round metro tunnel and their alignments are in the same direction, the greater the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and the metro tunnel, the smaller the effect of the blast wave on the metro tunnel; when the vertical spacing is 7.2 m, the maximum dynamic tensile stress is 1.86 MPa (including the static stress value of 1 MPa in the tunnel segment) and it is slightly smaller than the designed tensile strength of metro tunnel (about 1.89 MPa). The maximum vibration velocity and the maximum displacement meet the structural stability require- ments, so it is suggested the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and metro tunnel shall not be less than 7.2 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
In order to study the diffusion law of grouting slurry in the water-rich sand layer under flowing water conditions, a grouting test model consisting of a main test system, a grouting system, and a measurement system was developed. And for detecting the diffusion scope of the grouts, a new resistivity method was proposed. It is found that the relationship between grouting pressure and grouting rate during the test is strong. Under hydrodynamic conditions, the grouting slurry diffuses elliptically. Due to gravity and the effect of the upper water flow, the center of gravity of the ellipsoid is below the grouting outlet, and the grouting effectively improves the physical and mechanical properties of water-rich sand bodies. At the same time, the resistivity method has a good application effect on the detection of grouting diffusion range. The range of slurry diffusion obtained by the resistivity method is basically consistent with the boundary of the stone body after excavation, indicating that the resistivity method is reliable for detection of grouting range in dynamic water-rich sand layer. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
文中介绍了"防腐层+保温层+防护层+封口"复合防腐保温补口结构在阿赛线安全扩能改造工程中的应用,介绍了复合防腐保温补口结构的施工方法和检验方法,总结了现场施工中出现的问题和解决方法,对这种复合补口结构的优点和缺点进行了分析,最后提出了改进建议。  相似文献   
油田注水管线所输送介质复杂,腐蚀现象严重,存在安全隐患,一旦因腐蚀泄漏就会造成巨大的经济损失。因此,开展油田注水管道的腐蚀研究及采取措施减缓腐蚀具有重要意义。为此,对某油田注水管道现场采集注入水样及腐蚀产物,通过X-射线衍射及X-射线能谱仪进行分析,分析结果表明腐蚀产物主要是碳酸钙,同时含有一定量的氯化物、碳酸亚铁、硫化物等成分。通过电镜扫描腐蚀产物的微观形貌,发现存在氯离子腐蚀。并通过ICP-OES分析输送介质组分,针对其腐蚀特点及输送介质组分,采用失重法及电化学方法评价了引入季铵盐的咪唑啉缓蚀剂HJD2最佳质量分数及缓蚀机理,实验结果表明该缓蚀剂对该注水管道具有较好的缓蚀作用,在现场注水温度下,最佳质量分数(0.06%)时的缓蚀效率为95.1%,通过注入该缓蚀剂可以有效地减缓该注水管线的腐蚀,延长管线的使用寿命。  相似文献   
文中对煤浆沉降特性进行了详细分析,结论表明质量分数和粒度是影响煤浆颗粒沉降速度的主要因素。然后,从煤浆沉降特性角度出发,总结了管道输煤工程中煤浆制备、筛检超粗颗粒、煤浆储存、长距离管道输送以及终端脱水等环节需采取的相应措施及要求,为煤浆输送管道安全、经济、可靠地运行提供参考。  相似文献   
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