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针对具有模糊因数的多目标交通问题,提出了一种优先模糊目标规划方法。本文首先建立了模糊目标的隶属度函数,其次,将隶属度函数的最高度作为期望水平并引入了偏差变量,从而将隶属度函数转化为隶属度目标。通过最小化负偏差变量得到最满意解。对模糊目标不同优先级结构下的解进行了敏感性分析,并用欧氏距离函数确定了最佳的目标优先级结构,通过最小化后悔值达到决策区域理想点决策值,得到决策单元最满意解。最后,应用实例对本文方法进行分析验证。  相似文献   
工程应用中在进行鲁棒性优化设计时,要求所求出的解既要具有较高的质量,又要满足一定的鲁棒性要求。将鲁棒性优化问题转化为一个双目标的优化问题,即一个目标为解的最优性,另一个目标为解的鲁棒性,并针对一艘最大应力接近许用应力的多用途船进行基于鲁棒性的中横剖面优化设计。首先,用支持向量机的方法建立船体舱段的近似模型,用于求取舱段的最大应力,并结合蒙特卡罗积分的思想构造出表示最大应力鲁棒性的函数;随后,以最大应力最小和最大应力的鲁棒性函数值最小为目标函数,设计出一种求解鲁棒性最优解的粒子群多目标优化算法。优化结果不仅能降低船体结构的最大应力,同时还可较大程度地提高最大应力的鲁棒性,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
应急设施鲁棒优化选址模型及算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决不确定情况下应急设施选址问题, 采用鲁棒优化方法处理应急节点权重的区间估计, 基于最优的设施选址到各个应急节点的赋权距离之和最小, 建立有限期要求的不确定性应急设施选址模型, 并给出了模型的求解算法, 比较分析了鲁棒解与确定情况下的最优解。分析结果表明: 当情况发生变化后, 在确定情况下得到的最优解将发生较大的偏差, 而在所有可能发生的情况下, 鲁棒解与最优解目标函数值的最大偏差最小, 因此, 不确定性应急设施选址模型的解可以有效规避风险。  相似文献   
带时间窗的车辆路径混合遗传算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
基于标准遗传算法, 将每一个染色体与分组信息相结合, 使染色体结构包含有更多信息, 辅以λ-交换局部搜索技术, 构造了一种新的混合遗传算法, 对带时间窗约束的车辆路径问题进行了求解, 并与标准遗传算法的求解结果进行了对比研究, 发现使用混合遗传算法, 总行驶里程为162km, 而使用标准遗传算法, 总行驶里程为182 km。结果表明混合遗传算法的求解结果比标准遗传算法更加接近最优解, 所需的行驶里程缩短, 有效降低运输企业的车辆运行成本。  相似文献   
If railway companies ask for station capacity numbers, their underlying question is in fact one about the platformability of extra trains. Train platformability depends not only on the infrastructure, buffer times, and the desired departure and arrival times of the trains, but also on route durations, which depend on train speeds and lengths, as well as on conflicts between routes at any given time. We consider all these factors in this paper. We assume a current train set and a future one, where the second is based on the expected traffic increase through the station considered. The platforming problem is about assigning a platform to each train, together with suitable in- and out-routes. Route choices lead to different route durations and imply different in-route-begin and out-route-end times. Our module platforms the maximum possible weighted sum of trains in the current and future train set. The resulting number of trains can be seen as the realistic capacity consumption of the schedule. Our goal function allows for current trains to be preferably allocated to their current platforms.Our module is able to deal with real stations and train sets in a few seconds and has been fully integrated by Infrabel, the Belgian Infrastructure Management Company, in their application called Ocapi, which is now used to platform existing and projected train sets and to determine the capacity consumption.  相似文献   
This paper develops various chance-constrained models for optimizing the probabilistic network design problem (PNDP), where we differentiate the quality of service (QoS) and measure the related network performance under uncertain demand. The upper level problem of PNDP designs continuous/discrete link capacities shared by multi-commodity flows, and the lower level problem differentiates the corresponding QoS for demand satisfaction, to prioritize customers and/or commodities. We consider PNDP variants that have either fixed flows (formulated at the upper level) or recourse flows (at the lower level) according to different applications. We transform each probabilistic model into a mixed-integer program, and derive polynomial-time algorithms for special cases with single-row chance constraints. The paper formulates benchmark stochastic programming models by either enforcing to meet all demand or penalizing unmet demand via a linear penalty function. We compare different models and approaches by testing randomly generated network instances and an instance built on the Sioux–Falls network. Numerical results demonstrate the computational efficacy of the solution approaches and derive managerial insights.  相似文献   
河北北部山区三抚公路的路线优化过程中提出了在新形势下建设新型公路、和谐公路的新理念,适当加大前期投入,确保公路使用安全,减少了后期养护费用,提高了公路的使用寿命,并为新时期的山区公路建设提出了新的看法和新的设计思路。  相似文献   
浅谈公路桥梁的养护管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着交通建养工作的开展,其薄弱环节——桥梁养护管理也越来越为人们所重视。通过列举分析桥梁维修养护工作中常见的问题,研究解决问题的措施,可以达到提高桥梁养护管理水平的目的。  相似文献   
梳理了集装箱港口船舶配载计划问题的国内外文献,从配载计划的分类、影响因素与求解方法三方面回顾了其研究现状和成果,探讨了目前研究中存在的不足与后续的研究方向。研究结果表明:在论文题目中直接点明主贝位规划问题或者箱位分配问题的文献越来越少,更多的是直接点明“配载计划问题”;多数文献考虑了船舶稳性、船舶强度、集装箱属性(尺寸、质量、类型等)、岸桥属性等影响配载计划问题中的几个因素,只有极少数文献将配载计划问题的影响因素全部考虑在内,因此,为了使研究更贴近港口实际操作,综合考虑配载计划问题的影响因素将成为未来的研究重点;配载计划还受到港口内其他作业的影响,因此,为了提高港口的作业效率和运营水平,应综合考虑集装箱港口各个区域之间的相互作用;随着铁水联运的发展,铁路集装箱也会堆放在船舶上,因而在配载计划问题中也需要考虑铁路集装箱的影响;多数文献都设计了智能算法,并获得了较多的优化解,但是为了更加直观形象地展示求解结果,应该将仿真优化与算法计算结合在一起。  相似文献   
In this research, we present a data-splitting algorithm to optimally solve the aircraft sequencing problem (ASP) on a single runway under both segregated and mixed-mode of operation. This problem is formulated as a 0–1 mixed-integer program (MIP), taking into account several realistic constraints, including safety separation standards, wide time-windows, and constrained position shifting, with the objective of maximizing the total throughput. Varied scenarios of large scale realistic instances of this problem, which is NP-hard in general, are computationally difficult to solve with the direct use of commercial solver as well as existing state-of-the-art dynamic programming method. The design of the algorithm is based on a recently introduced data-splitting algorithm which uses the divide-and-conquer paradigm, wherein the given set of flights is divided into several disjoint subsets, each of which is optimized using 0–1 MIP while ensuring the optimality of the entire set. Computational results show that the difficult instances can be solved in real-time and the solution is efficient in comparison to the commercial solver and dynamic programming, using both sequential, as well as parallel, implementation of this pleasingly parallel algorithm.  相似文献   
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