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大跨度连续刚构桥施工期截面应力测试与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西布柳河大桥主桥为主跨235m、墩高97米、桥宽仅8.3米的特柔预应力混凝土连续刚构桥。文章结合主桥施工监控实践,介绍大跨高墩连续刚构桥施工期截面应力测试及数据分析的方法,为同类桥型施工提供参考。  相似文献   
针对热油管道的低输量问题,着重从管道的水力特性和热力特性2个方面进行分析,评述了温度和管道摩阻损失随距离和输量变化的情况,总结出管道低输量运行会带来凝管事故、翻越点增多、发生管道超压现象和费用增加等问题,并提出了降低低输量管道不稳定性的方法及具体措施,为保证管道的安全运行提供了参考.  相似文献   
第三方损坏评价是指对由于各种外力作用而使管道受损的可能性进行分级.根据影响第三方损坏因素的情况,采用故障树分析法和模糊综合评判法相结合的数学模型进行评价.通过故障树分析,得到引起第三方损坏的各种因素的重要度.再将之作为模糊综合评判法的权重向量,求得第三方损坏的综合评判向量,最后按照最大隶属度原则确定各管段第三方损坏可能性的等级.  相似文献   
Wet shotcrete spraying units are widely used in underground engineering, for railways, highways, water conservancy and hydropower stations, municipal works, mining and military and other industries. Structural analysis and mechanical behavior optimization are conducted regarding the lifting arm of a TKJ series shotcrete spraying unit, and optimization of the hinge point position and working scope of the lifting arm is realized. The optimal layout scheme for the hinge force is given based on the Monte Carlo method, the hinge force of the lifting arm is improved for the mean and maximum values, and the maximum and average hinge force of the lifting cylinder decrease by 23.14% and 7.70%, respectively, compared with that of the original scheme. The static strength is checked using Ansys-Workbench for the optimized scheme, and the results show that the optimized scheme has a larger safety re-serve and that the structural design is more reasonable than the original scheme. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
为判断汽车座椅骨架的结构合理性,文章利用ANSA建立了某乘用车座椅骨架总成及假头型有限元模型,对该座椅骨架进行了模态分析与基于显式动力学有限元的头枕吸能性仿真试验,得到前四阶固有频率和振型、头枕前碰仿真分析加速度时间历程图。结果表明,该座椅骨架自由模态频率避开了人体最敏感的共振频率范围,整个碰撞过程假头型减速度超过80 g的连续作用时间未超过3 ms。  相似文献   
文章以开口加劲肋正交异性钢桥面铺装体系作为研究对象,建立了包括桥面板和铺装的整体三维有限元分析模型,研究了荷载作用下铺装层的力学特性。分析表明,横向拉应力是开口加劲肋正交异性钢桥面铺装设计的一个重要控制指标;开口加劲肋正交异性钢桥面铺装层间剪应力较大,在铺装结构设计时应注意选择具有较强抗剪强度的粘结材料;开口加劲肋正交异性钢桥面铺装对车辆荷载的应力应变响应具有很强的局部效应。  相似文献   
长距离成品油管道在密闭输送过程中,出现非正常停泵、误关阀门及混油界面经过泵等均会引起水击现象发生。水击波沿管道传播,极易导致管道局部超压而造成管道破裂、损坏设备等,故水击保护成为成品油管道密闭输送关键性的工艺技术之一。金嘉湖成品油管道在全线水击保护控制方面采用了进出站压力调节系统、分输站分油流量调节系统、出站压力超高泄放系统、进站低压泄放保护系统、进出站压力超限停泵联锁保护系统来保证管道事故工况时的安全。  相似文献   
In this work we propose a mechanism to optimize the capacity of the main corridor within a railway network with a radial-backbone or X-tree structure. The radial-backbone (or X-tree) structure is composed of two types of lines: the primary lines that travel exclusively on the common backbone (main corridor) and radial lines which, starting from the common backbone, branch out to individual locations. We define possible line configurations as binary strings and propose operators on them for their analysis, yielding an effective algorithm for generating an optimal design and train frequencies. We test our algorithm on real data for the high speed line Madrid–Seville. A frequency plan consistent with the optimal capacity is then proposed in order to eliminate the number of transfers between lines as well as to minimize the network fleet size, determining the minimum number of vehicles needed to serve all travel demand at maximum occupancy.  相似文献   
In this paper, renewal costs for railway tracks are investigated using survival analysis. The purpose is to derive the effect from increased traffic volumes on rail renewal cycle lengths and to calculate associated marginal costs. A flow sample of censored data containing almost 1300 observations on the Swedish main railway network is used. We specify Weibull regression models, and estimate deterioration elasticities for total tonnage as well as for passenger and freight tonnages separately. Marginal costs are calculated as a change in present values of renewal costs from premature renewal following increased traffic volumes. The marginal cost for total tonnage is estimated to approximately SEK 0.002 per gross ton kilometre.  相似文献   
This paper explores the long-run impacts of gross domestic product, exchange rate, and transport costs on bilateral air and ocean freight flows between the US and China. The study employs a cointegration framework by using export and import data over the period of 2003:Q1-2014:Q2. Results show that gross domestic product is the key determinant of bilateral freight flows, indicating that real income of a trading partner is a driving force of the bilateral freight flows between the US and China. In examining the sensitivities of the bilateral trade flows, air freight flows are found to be more responsive to a real income change than ocean freight flows. The bilateral exchange rate is a significant factor affecting the freight flows from China to the US, suggesting that a US dollar appreciation against the Chinese yuan increases the inflows of Chinese commodities to the US. The impacts of the bilateral exchange rate and transport cost are found to vary at industry and commodity levels. These findings support the importance of employing disaggregate data in the bilateral freight flow analysis.  相似文献   
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