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The Bay Area ATIS (Advanced Traveler Information System) testbed evaluation methodology is aimed at collecting, processing and enabling wide-spread dissemination of information on transportation conditions and travel options. A fundamental premise of the testbed methodology is that a public surveillance and database system, designed to open-architecture standards, will be the most effective in providing historical, real-time, and predictive information

When complete, the testbed infrastructure will include a comprehensive surveillance system, public databases designed to open architecture standards, models for real-time prediction of future travel conditions, systems for communicating with travelers during pre-trip and enroute stages and, importantly, an on-going evaluation methodology.

The database will contain up-to-the-minute information on travel options, including automobile, bus and rail. This paper presents a conceptual framework describing various elements of the testbed evaluation and presents two field operational tests currently underway. Specifically, discussions on the TravInfo project and the Freeway Service Patrol evaluation project are presented. The framework developed in this paper is intended to influence the selection of other projects for which the testbed will provide a platform.  相似文献   
在分析国外城市公共交通发展历史和哈尔滨市公共交通实际状况的基础上,阐述了轨道交通发展的方向及其优越性,论述了哈尔滨市发展轨道交通的有利条件及其产生的良好效益。  相似文献   
以某山区高填方市政桥梁为例,介绍了山区高填方扶壁式桥台的设计难点,并建立精细化midas有限元分析模型,对比研究了有对撑梁和无对撑梁两种桥台形式的桩基、扶壁、承台等重要构件的受力,根据受力进行结构优化及配筋,总结反思了工程设计中的难点并提出改进措施,为后续同类桥梁结构的设计提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
城市市政基础设施的市政雨水排水标准的制定对象是城市的市政雨水排水管道和城市的市政排水支沟等,市政排水标准制定是针对城区局部的短降雨历时快排标准,其标准表达为降雨重现期。水利行业的排涝标准的制定出发点是针对城乡结合部、乡镇、农村尺度的排涝标准,是城市市政排水系统的下游接纳设施,包含排涝沟渠、田间排水设施、承泄区等。水利排水标准表达尺度包含降雨重现期、降雨历时、涝水排除时间、涝水排除程度,其中,水利降雨重现期与市政降雨重现期存在重现期选样方法、统计资料来源、统计计算方法、地表产流汇流理论的不一致,从而导致二者无法直接进行理论计算的衔接。但是,城市的雨水排水系统需要将市政排水标准的降雨排入水利排涝标准的沟渠或者河道中,如何有效地在计算中衔接二者的标准大小和流量关系是困扰工程技术人员的难题。通过对二者标准的理论梳理,指出两者的区别和适用性,同时通过利用Infoworks ICM模拟验证山西省长治市典型的城郊结合部河道工程,提出长治市市政雨水排水标准和水利排涝标准的对应关系,为类似高原盆地型城市的两标准统一提供参考。  相似文献   
主要研究MSBR工艺污水处理建设项目协同管理的实践与效果。介绍了MSBR工艺的基本原理、特点及协同管理的概念,阐述了协同管理在MSBR工艺污水处理建设项目中的重要性。从工作目标确定、任务分解、各环节协同工作的重点内容等方面,详细探讨了协同管理在MSBR工艺污水处理建设项目中的应用与实践。通过实际案例地分析,对案例成果采用模糊分析法验证了协同管理在MSBR工艺污水处理建设项目中的可行性和优势。最后,总结研究成果,并指出需要注意的相关内容。  相似文献   
渠江风洞子航电枢纽是以航运为主,结合发电的综合利用水利枢纽工程.电站取水口布置于弯道凸岸一侧,取水位置不利.本文结合风洞子枢纽整体模型试验研究成果,分析了枢纽建成前后坝区河段不同水沙运动规律,论证电站取水口及尾水渠平面布置的合理性,研究了库区泥沙淤积对电站引水防沙的影响,尤其是对于电站厂房取水口布置于弯曲河道凸岸,电站进口前池能否保持门前清问题,提出改善取水口引水防沙条件的优化工程措施,并采用拦沙、导沙、拉沙的综合防沙系统,取得较好的引水防沙效果.研究成果已被设计采用  相似文献   
英国职业教育特色与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了中英职业教育合作项目的背景与进展,研究了英国当前的职业教育状况,分析了先进的教育经验.并对合作项目下的汽修课程体系改革作出了规划。  相似文献   
Municipalities play an important role in the planning and development of communities that support active transportation (AT), which refers to human-powered modes of travel, such as walking and cycling. Municipal-level stakeholders involved in land-use and transportation infrastructure planning consider multiple social, environmental and economic considerations to inform decision-making and investments in AT. Evidence around the fiscal benefits of AT investment for local governments has not been systematically identified. This scoping review sought to explore the existing evidence regarding investments in AT and opportunities for savings on municipal expenditures and revenue generation. In total, 7060 records were located and screened; of which 162 full-text articles were reviewed. Ultimately, 23 articles met our inclusion criteria and were included in this review. The available evidence focuses on potential economic benefits of AT in the areas of tax revenues, property values, consumer spending and employment, all of which are relevant sources of revenue generation in municipal operating budgets. An evidence gap was identified regarding AT infrastructure investments and benefits corresponding to municipal expenditures (e.g. maintenance cost savings). Notably, a large portion of literature was published after 2009, suggesting that municipal-level evidence on the fiscal benefits of AT investments may just be emerging.  相似文献   
文中对煤浆沉降特性进行了详细分析,结论表明质量分数和粒度是影响煤浆颗粒沉降速度的主要因素。然后,从煤浆沉降特性角度出发,总结了管道输煤工程中煤浆制备、筛检超粗颗粒、煤浆储存、长距离管道输送以及终端脱水等环节需采取的相应措施及要求,为煤浆输送管道安全、经济、可靠地运行提供参考。  相似文献   
文章结合工程总承包的特点,分析了工程总承包模式下项目业主在项目实施过程中所面临的风险,提出了相应的防范风险的措施。  相似文献   
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