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介绍了工厂电力负荷及用电量参数实时监控系统的组成、原理、功能以及软、硬件的开发研究过程。通过对用电单位的用电状况实时监测,为用电部门提供电网运行电量数据。该系统运行安全可靠,功能强大,电力数据采集和报表查询准确、全面。  相似文献   
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) formed by connected vehicles in a traffic stream could be applied to improve safety, mobility, and environmental impacts of a transportation system. In this paper, we present analytical models for the instantaneous communication throughputs of VANETs to measure the efficiency of information propagation under various traffic conditions at a time instant. In particular, we define broadcast and unicast communication throughputs by the wireless channel bandwith multiplied by the average probabilities that one vehicle is a successful receiver and sender in a VAENT, respectively. With a protocol communication model, we derive formulas to determine the probabilities for an equipped vehicle to be a successful broadcast receiver and a successful unicast receiver/sender, and obtain broadcast and unicast throughputs along discrete and continuous traffic streams. We further examine the impacts on communication throughputs of the transmission range and the interference range of dedicated short range communication devices as well as the market penetration rate of equipped vehicles and the percentage of senders. Finally, we investigate the influence of shock waves on communication throughputs.  相似文献   
提出一种基于粗糙-模糊软计算的建模方法,构造一种基于贴近方向修正的高精度模糊推理算法,通过有限元分析(FEA)建立板材线加热成形工艺信息系统,根据粗糙集软计算获取线加热成形的工艺规律,运用模糊推理实现加工参数的快速准确预报。粗糙-模糊建模适用于线加热成形过程的静态或动态模型的构建,为实现该工艺的智能建模与控制提供一种新的技术手段。  相似文献   
Life events, such as the birth of a child, disrupt habitual travel behaviour and provide a valuable opportunity to influence the adoption of sustainable transport practices. However, in order for sustainable travel practices to be adopted, an understanding is required of the factors that influence travel mode choice among families with young children. Research in this field is particularly timely given many in the millennial generation, a comparably large cohort, are approaching this life stage. This comprehensive literature review develops a framework of factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children. The findings reveal a multitude of factors influence decisions about mode choice, and, in particular, encourage travel by car, when travelling with young children. The paper concludes with an agenda for future research about travel among families with young children, a largely overlooked group of transport users.  相似文献   
张珂 《船电技术》2022,42(1):41-43,48
补偿网络作为电源、耦合器以及负载的通道,是无线电能传输系统中必不可少的环节.本文针对现阶段感应耦合电能传输系统中常用的双边LCC补偿网络进行参数设计并实现软开关,减小无线电能传输系统的无功损耗,提升整体效率.首先介绍了4种基本的补偿网络的传输特性,然后引出双边LCC补偿网络.基于软开关特性,对双边LCC的谐振网络进行了...  相似文献   
主要阐述抓斗的主要参数之一——抓斗自重及其在抓斗各部件上的分配比例对抓斗性能的影响;抓斗抓取量与抓斗自重、散货物理-力学性质之间的关系,提出了如何合理确定抓斗自重及其在抓斗部件上的分配比例的方法。  相似文献   
系统参数误差是引起PC连续刚构桥悬臂施工控制误差的主要因素之一,因此消除系统参数误差是施工控制的关键所在.酉水河大桥施工监控系统参数识别过程表明,参数识别有利于施工参数的重点监测与调控.  相似文献   
高墩大跨连续刚构桥墩项的截面形式既有空心截面,也有实心截面。通过对比研究,分析了某高墩大跨连续刚构桥墩顶分别采用空心、实心截面后墩顶部位的受力特点。结果表明,在满足设计规范的前题下,选择实心截面有利于满足主梁施工搭设托架,方便施工。  相似文献   
The randomly intermittent spectra (RIS) signal is employed to combat spectrum congestion in radar and other radio services to evade the external interferences in high-frequency (HF) and ultrahigh-frequency (UHF)bands. However, the spectra discontinuity of the signal gets rise to high range sidelobes when matching the reflected echo, which is much more difficult for targets detection. So it is indispensable to investigate the technique for sidelobes suppression of the range profile when RIS signal is utilized, This paper introduced a new processing technique based on time domain filtering to lower the range sidelobes. A robust and effetive algorithm is adopted to solve the coefficients of the filter, and the restriction on the desired response of the filter is derived. The simulation results show that the peak range sidelobe can be reduced to -27dB from -9.5dB while the frequency band span (FBS) is 200kHz.  相似文献   
考虑了PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土支管受拉节点支主管宽度比与厚度比和主管宽厚比, 建立了热点应力集中系数有限元模型, 计算了支主管节点热点应力集中系数; 基于最小二乘法对计算结果进行拟合, 给出不同几何参数下节点热点应力集中系数计算公式, 对比了矩形钢管节点和PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土节点应力集中系数和荷载幅。计算结果表明: 采用有限元模型计算的热点应力集中系数曲线与静力试验曲线基本一致, 支主管交汇处各位置热点应力集中系数有限元计算结果与CIDECT规范公式计算结果平均比值分别为1.006、1.007、1.013、1.015和0.987, 两者差值小于15%, 因此, 有限元模型可靠; PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土支管受拉节点热点应力集中系数变化规律基本一致, 随支主管宽度比呈抛物线变化, 在0.60.8之间达到最大值, 随主管宽厚比和支主管厚度比增大而增大, 与CIDECT规范中矩形钢管节点计算结果一致; 拟合得到的PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土节点热点应力集中系数公式计算结果与有限元计算结果的平均比值为1.011, 均方差为0.222, 变异系数为0.219, 说明了拟合公式准确; 采用应力集中系数计算公式, 将PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土节点与矩形钢管节点进行对比, PBL加劲型矩形钢管混凝土节点支管热点应力集中系数下降了68%以上, 主管热点应力集中系数下降了61%以上, 在2.0×106循环次数作用下, 容许荷载幅提高到3倍以上。  相似文献   
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