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A mail survey of coastal user groups, academics, and state coastal zone management program managers was conducted to determine the perceptions of the performance of state coastal zone management programs relative to the protection of coastal resources, the management of coastal development, the improvement of public access, and the management of coastal hazards. Information on the perceived importance of the selected issues to each of the 24 states being studied was also solicited. Findings on the perceptions of various categories of interest groups, academics, and program managers with respect to the overall performance of state coastal zone management programs in the four issue areas were presented in an earlier article, “Perceptions of the Performance of State Coastal Zone Management Programs in the United States”; (Knecht et al., 1996). The present article draws on a subset of these data—the responses from the coastal user groups and the academics—and presents the findings at the regional and individual state level. In terms of perceived performance of state coastal zone management programs on a regional basis relative to the selected issue areas, the highest rating went to the Great Lakes region for its management of public access. However, the North Atlantic region received the highest performance rating for the three other issue areas: protection of coastal resources, management of coastal development, and management of coastal hazards. Looking at state performance with regard to the coastal issues judged to be of most importance to the states—the protection of coastal resources and the management of coastal development—respondents indicated that states should improve their performance in both areas, with the greatest need related to the management of coastal development. Overall, the states of the North Atlantic, Great Lakes, and South Atlantic regions were perceived to be performing somewhat better relative to the four issue areas than the states in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico regions. While the data do not shed light on the reasons for these regional differences, we suggest that, in the case of the Pacific region at least, the differences could be associated with higher expectations among the resident population with regard to environmental quality in general and coastal management in particular.  相似文献   

The growing popularity of electric devices and the increasing number of hybrid and electric cars have recently raised concerns about the use of auditory signals by vulnerable road users. This paper consolidates current knowledge about the two trends in relation to cycling safety. Both a literature review and a crash data analysis were carried out. Based on a proposed conceptual model, knowledge gaps are identified that need to be addressed for a better understanding of the relation between limitations on auditory information while cycling. Results suggest that the concerns regarding the use of electronic devices while cycling and the advent of hybrid and electric vehicles are justified. Listening to music and conversing on the phone negatively influence cyclists’ auditory perception, self-reported crash risk and cycling performance. With regard to electric cars, a recurring problem is their quietness at low speeds. Implications of these findings in terms of cycling safety are discussed.  相似文献   
综述一般信息融合功能模型和交通运输信息融合应用的进展,指出这两个方面的联系和差异.针对交通运输应用的信息本质和功能特性,提出交通运输信息融合的一般定义,并建立了交通运输信息融合功能模型.模型对信源引入机器信息与认知信息的划分,提出了分属机器信息和认知信息两个层次的采集校验融合、状态特征融合、预测评估融合、规划设计融合和综合决策融合五级信息融合功能,提供了五级融合功能的三种应用模式,实现了不同交通运输应用功能与信息操作功能的衔接,与一般多传感器数据融合功能模型具有统一性.论文还以交通拥挤管理问题为例,给出了相应的信息融合功能模型.  相似文献   
回顾了现有信号交叉口机动车服务水平确定方法,提出了基于模糊神经网络的信号交叉口服务水平模型,设计了基于可视化仿真的驾驶员感受量化调查方法。该模型首先将评价指标输入模糊化,以便利用模糊理论模拟驾驶员的感受形成过程,然后利用人工神经网络驱动模糊推理,从而预测驾驶员对交叉口运行状况的感受,以及交叉口服务水平。本文以混合交通条件下信号交叉口转向车流为例,利用调查数据标定、验证模型。实验结果表明,该模型能够有效预测驾驶员对交叉口运行状况的感受和交叉口服务水平。通行能力、饱和度与驾驶员感受打分值之间的相关性较弱,但方差分析表明这两项指标是感受打分值及服务水平的显著影响因素。延误与感受打分值显著相关。  相似文献   
为了综合量化表征公交走廊客流承载设施及工具的空间拥挤性和客流运送时间效率,并科学评价客观技术指标和主观乘客感知对公交系统运行状态的敏感度,提出客流拥塞的概念,并用客流拥塞指数量化表征公交系统运行状态。通过解析客流拥塞与出行时效的关联,并分析公交出行阶段特征,基于“时效延长”思想构建客流拥塞量化表征模型,用于系统量化乘客对出行时间和空间拥挤的主观感知;选取影响出行时效的核心要素作为特征变量(车厢客流密度、站台乘客密度、区间乘车时间和站点候车时间),采用直观类比打分SP调查法获取数据用于估计模型参数;基于北京西三环公交走廊实测数据,分析全天区间客流拥塞指数时空分布特征和走廊客流拥塞指数动态演化趋势。研究结果表明:北京西三环公交走廊客流拥塞高峰阈值为0.193 9,客流拥塞状态存在明显的方向特征,下行方向客流拥塞高峰状态更显著且持续时间更长;4个特征变量灵敏度系数均值分别为0.449 2,0.165 2,1.427 1和0.408 3,即区间乘车时间为客流拥塞指数最显著的影响因子,而站台乘客密度的影响程度最小,模型识别公交客流拥塞成因的能力得以体现;该模型能够综合全面地反映公交走廊客流拥塞时空分布和动态演化趋势,并能够应用于公交运行状态改善措施研究。  相似文献   
为了给乘客提供人性化的服务,本文利用乘客感知-反应的方法研究了地铁 车站通道服务水平标准及其划分方法.利用问卷调查和重要度指数法确定了评价指标(乘客平均占用空间)和最小样本量(200).通过图片分组检验确保了服务水平感知问卷各题项 图片的覆盖面.通过专家评估和文献参考确保了问卷的内容效度,通过问卷调查过程的把 握和数据逻辑判断确保了问卷的信度,通过验证性因子分析检验了问卷的结构效度,利用有效数据形成了A-E级标准.结果显示,本文标准均低于TCQSM的A-E级,但DE级间 阈值略高于TCQSM的EF级间阈值;分性别对比时,男性乘客的A和B级标准高于女性, 而C和D级标准基本相同.经分析该标准较为合理,用此方法可以确定其它设备设施的服务水平.  相似文献   
以弹性停车激励机制为背景,应用条件风险价值函数刻画个体共享泊位的风险感知特征,提出基于风险感知收益最优的泊位定价方法,探究共享停车供需关系对最优租赁价格的影响规律,并以美国加州大学伯克利分校为例,灵敏度分析各关键参数对共享停车政策效能的正负导向效用.研究表明:基于风险感知收益最优的泊位定价方法能根据外部停车需求约束差异...  相似文献   
为弥补城市景点公共交通便捷性评价主客观分离缺陷,以单个游客出行链为研究对象,以游客个体特征,公共交通出行链和景点吸引力这3个层面的因素为自变量,游客感知便捷程度为因变量,采用武汉市15个主要景点的问卷数据建立多项Logistic和CI(Convenience Index)模型.利用回归系数分析因素的影响,用标准化系数分...  相似文献   
阐述智能铁路的外延和内涵,立足于智能铁路在国内外的发展现状,重点分析雷达通信一体化技术与智能铁路融合发展的必要性与可行性。综合现有研究和相关文献,论述雷达通信一体化技术的概念及特点,分析并提出雷达通信一体化技术在智能铁路中的两方面应用:智能感知层安全保障应用和智能传输层雷达辅助通信应用。雷达通信一体化技术可为我国铁路不断提高服务质量、促进信息化智能建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
智能运输系统项目用户满意度的测度问题在国内至今尚属一个无人问津的课题。本文以电子收费系统(ETC)项目为研究对象,提出了基于感知质量的ETC项目用户满意度模糊测评模型,并通过基于交通仿真软件模拟设计的评价方案,测算出了在不同ETC装备车辆占有率情况下相应的用户满意度指数。该模型方法为国家和地方政府的交通运输部门深入了解ETC项目可能给用户带来的各方面影响提供定量支持。  相似文献   
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