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建设现代化都市圈是实现城市群高质量发展、实践新型城镇化的重要途径。都市圈轨道交通已成为实现都市圈时空高效组织和交通一体化的必要条件。目前,中国以超大城市为中心、1 h通勤圈为基本范围的都市圈已初具雏形,尤其以广州为中心的都市圈已发展相对成熟。基于都市圈内涵辨析,总结国外都市圈及轨道交通发展的相关经验,分析目前国内都市圈跨城通勤出行及轨道交通特征,回顾广州在都市圈轨道交通规划方面3个阶段的探索历程,总结经验并重点提出需要注意的4个方面,为建设现代化都市圈和有条件地区编制都市圈轨道交通规划提供经验参考。  相似文献   
轨道交通站点的主要职能之一是运输乘客,通过网络化建设推动人口的大量流动,同时也产生多空间尺度效应,公共交通导向开发(TOD)可以满足多元化的功能需求,激发影响区域的城市活力和协同公交都市的建设,理论和实践价值越发突出。然而目前的TOD相关研究成果主要基于单一尺度进行探讨,缺乏系统、多尺度、多维度的梳理。基于此,通过文献计量法分析TOD理论演进,研究新城市主义影响下的站点综合效应、精明增长影响下的站区集聚效应、多维度时代的站群结构效应,探明不同发展阶段TOD规划设计理论。对比中美语境下TOD概念差异,发现中国城市整体密度高、密度分布均质化、大城市通勤时距长、职住不匹配的问题突显。针对中国现在面临的问题,分别从站点、站区和站群尺度,提出TOD精细设计、协同规划、时空交互的开发建议和策略,希望对未来的TOD规划设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
为进一步提升运营地铁隧道收敛变形的综合整治效果,提出MJS联合微扰动注浆整治技术,并应用于杭州某运营地铁隧道收敛变形整治施工工程。通过分析整治施工前后隧道变形动态跟踪的监测数据与隧道断面扫描成果,探讨联合整治对于隧道变形的整治效果,总结微扰动注浆施工引起隧道收敛的变形规律。研究结果表明:MJS联合微扰动注浆施工对于地铁隧道收敛变形整治效果显著,有效解决注浆结束后隧道收敛二次回弹及注浆期间隧道产生附加变形的问题;微扰动注浆施工应重点保证前两次注浆的施工质量,并控制同一注浆孔位间隔时间。  相似文献   
以公共交通为导向的城市开发(transit-oriented development,TOD)是实现特大城市有效更新的重要路径。针对轨道交通TOD推动城市更新的机制保障及实现路径问题,从制度特征、核心主体及更新规律3个层面总结东京轨道交通TOD推动城市更新发展的特征,分析东京二子玉川站再开发案例。研究结果表明:政府通过赋予以轨道主体为核心的再开发组织法定权利,将规划开发及土地利用的权利下放给市场,可以实现再开发组织自主进行项目设计和项目开发;实施“再开发促进地区”制度,放宽再开发区域内的容积率限制,能够激励轨道主体参与公共空间建设并获得更高的开发强度,推动土地利用价值最大化并实现参与主体的利益平衡。研究成果以期为我国特大城市TOD模式下的城市更新提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   
基于多个基坑工程监测实例,通过对不同的施工阶段监测数据变化量与现行规范规定的控制值进行对比,分析不同的监测项目初始值采集时间对监测结果的影响程度。总结出围护墙顶部水平位移、深层水平位移、钢筋混凝土支撑内力、周边建筑竖向位移等监测项目合理的初始值采集时间,为基坑工程监测结果的科学性、监测评价的准确性奠定基础。  相似文献   
This article addresses interdisciplinary sustainable aspects of fisheries as part of ocean management. Human-caused impacts and their role as modifiers of living marine resources is discussed. The research note also theorizes about contemporary global change and its prospective biological consequences, especially when coupled with human-induced factors in coastal marine waters. Also addressed is the management and ecological aspects of fish stock populations as part of a large marine ecosystem (LME) in the Northeast United States continental shelf of the Atlantic Ocean with suggestions for an interdisciplinary policy orientation paradigm to foster the sustainability of marine life in the sea.  相似文献   
The coastal zone is attractive for human settlement because it tends to be resource rich, providing a good location to generate incomes and livelihoods. Equally, however, it is a complex and powerful natural environment, which means that the coastal zone often becomes a focus of conflict with multiple users competing for limited space and resources. Understanding the causes of, and determining solutions to, the ensuing problems requires inputs from a range of analyses across sectors and disciplines. However, different disciplinary and sectoral approaches frequently use different investigative methods, language, and means of presenting results. This article presents a framework that has been developed in collaboration with Indian institutions over the past three years in an effort to address some of these fundamental problems of analysis and translation into policy action. Key components addressed by the framework are strengthening the capacity to practice, knowing how to proceed and how to find out what needs to be known using experience-based problem solving.  相似文献   
Effective waterway management requires information on the characteristics and locations of boats. A field-based boat census—a traditional method to obtain spatially accurate information—is relatively expensive, time-consuming, and restrictive in scope. Vessel registration data, maintained by all U.S. states, is potentially a more robust information source. This research evaluated the accuracy and reliability of vessel registration data to supply location and attribute information for boats. The study premise was to use vessel registration data, which includes the mailing address of registered boat owners, to develop a spatially enabled inventory of boats. The study area comprised 12,064 salt-water accessible property parcels in two Florida counties. An on-water census (OWC) provided location and characteristics for 5,023 vessels, which were compared to 8,681 vessel registration records linked to the study area. Discrepancies between the OWC and vessel registration data were explained by a stratified, random sample of 485 telephone survey respondents. Study results show that vessel registration data accurately located and characterized roughly 81% of the boat population; in contrast, the OWC accurately located less than 56%. A conclusion is that state vessel registration data is a better alternative than an OWC for locating and characterizing boats kept along waterways.  相似文献   
Although the success of marine protected areas (MPAs) and associated zoning schemes is largely dependent on stakeholder acceptance and support, there have been relatively few studies examining the response of recreational stakeholders to MPA proposals. This study investigates the response of recreational boaters to a proposed MPA in British Columbia, Canada. Using a structured questionnaire (n = 543) and a focus group (n = 6), the research examines the level of support for the concept of marine zoning and identifies key factors influencing support or opposition. Results indicate that a small majority of recreational boaters support the concept of marine zoning, but that there are areas of concern that ought to be addressed as MPA implementation proceeds. Support for zoning was strongly related to perceived benefits, particularly environmental benefits. Furthermore, perceived benefits overall were found to outweigh concerns as determinants of recreational boater support for zoning. Major dimensions of opposition included perceptions of over-regulation, loss of access for boating, and mistrust of the government. A suggestion is that such concerns may be mitigated through focused communication and meaningful involvement of boaters in the zoning process.  相似文献   
Anecdotal evidence indicates that commercial and recreational water-dependent uses have been under development pressure in recent years, and in some cases have been converted to other uses. The conversion of water-dependent uses, which range from commercial shipyards to recreational marinas, may have many public costs, including the loss of access to public trust waters, the loss of jobs and associated economic activity, and the loss of traditional working waterfronts. This two-part study investigated the role of five coastal management programs in the northeastern United States in managing, monitoring, and protecting water-dependent uses. First, coastal managers in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey were interviewed to assess the conversion problem. Second, in collaboration with New York City-based Regional Plan Association, follow-up interviews were conducted with coastal managers and local planners in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey to gain greater insight into the role of coastal management programs and local governments in managing and promoting water-dependent uses. This article presents select findings from this study and discusses recommendations for improving the capacity of coastal management programs and local governments to manage water-dependent uses for the benefit of the public.  相似文献   
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