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针对目前内河航运中普遍使用VHF语音通信进行船舶信息交流的缺点,设计了一种基于自组织无线数据通信、GPS定位、嵌入式软硬件设计和电子江图等关键技术实现的内河船舶信息自动报告系统,研制的实验室样机实现了自动感知临近船舶并对距离过近的危险船舶报警、船舶向岸基设备自动发送相关航运信息等功能。该系统具有运营低成本、自动准确报告船舶信息的特点,能够提高内河航运安全技术水平。  相似文献   
Big data from floating cars supply a frequent, ubiquitous sampling of traffic conditions on the road network and provide great opportunities for enhanced short-term traffic predictions based on real-time information on the whole network. Two network-based machine learning models, a Bayesian network and a neural network, are formulated with a double star framework that reflects time and space correlation among traffic variables and because of its modular structure is suitable for an automatic implementation on large road networks. Among different mono-dimensional time-series models, a seasonal autoregressive moving average model (SARMA) is selected for comparison. The time-series model is also used in a hybrid modeling framework to provide the Bayesian network with an a priori estimation of the predicted speed, which is then corrected exploiting the information collected on other links. A large floating car data set on a sub-area of the road network of Rome is used for validation. To account for the variable accuracy of the speed estimated from floating car data, a new error indicator is introduced that relates accuracy of prediction to accuracy of measure. Validation results highlighted that the spatial architecture of the Bayesian network is advantageous in standard conditions, where a priori knowledge is more significant, while mono-dimensional time series revealed to be more valuable in the few cases of non-recurrent congestion conditions observed in the data set. The results obtained suggested introducing a supervisor framework that selects the most suitable prediction depending on the detected traffic regimes.  相似文献   
A number of highly cited papers by Flyvbjerg and associates have shown that ex ante infrastructure appraisals tend to be overly optimistic. Ex post evaluations indicate a bias where investment costs are higher and benefits lower on average than predicted ex ante. These authors argue that the bias must be attributed to intentional misrepresentation by project developers. This paper shows that the bias may arise simply as a selection bias, without there being any bias at all in predictions ex ante, and that such a bias is bound to arise whenever ex ante predictions are related to the decisions whether to implement projects. Using a database of projects we present examples indicating that the selection bias may be substantial. The examples also indicate that benefit–cost ratios remain a useful selection criterion even when cost and benefits are highly uncertain, gainsaying the argument that such uncertainties render cost-benefit analyses useless.  相似文献   
为提高生产效率,对秦皇岛港煤四期定位车进行了改造,并将定位车变频器更换为西门子6SE71 36系列的变频器.阐述了新变频系统的结构,对变频器调试作了说明,改造后,降低了故障率,节约了能源.  相似文献   
以提高车辆动态称重精度为目的,从两方面提出了改善措施:在分析车辆通过秤台时受力情况的基础上,设计了一种高精度的称重传感器;针对动态称重实际波形,设计了一种新的数据处理方法。通过对硬件和软件的改善,提高了动态称重精度。  相似文献   
高速公路场景图像的二值化及交通标志定位检测方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用CCD摄像机采集高速公路场景图像,并通过图像颜色空间变换,将图像的RGB量值转换为色度-饱和度-亮度(HSV)量值。采用基于阈值的方法对场景图像中颜色饱和度分量进行二值化分割处理;利用场景二值化图像形状特征(周长、形状参数、圆形性参数)去除非目标区域,并通过搜索场景二值化图像方向投影值序列的突变点实现标志准确定位。采用HSV颜色模型中的亮度分量和最佳阈值法对场景图像中标志区域进行二值化处理。结果表明,应用上述方法能取得良好的效果。  相似文献   
模糊控制技术在船舶动力定位中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在进行某船动力定位系统的设计过程中,采用了模糊控制器作为系统的控制器,并针对仿真过程中出现的问题进行优化,得到了一个切实可行的模糊控制器,并对该模糊控制器进行了仿真试验验证。  相似文献   
为了解决具有非线性和环境干扰的船舶动力定位系统的控制问题, 提出了一种基于线性矩阵不等式的滑模控制算法; 将跟踪误差设计为滑模函数, 设计线性矩阵不等式, 求解状态反馈增益; 基于二次型Lyapunov函数证明了闭环系统的稳定性; 设计切换函数, 使系统对不确定性和外加干扰具有较强的鲁棒性, 避免出现抖振现象; 对基于线性矩阵不等式的滑模控制器进行仿真, 计算出动力定位船舶在无扰动的匀速运动和有外界环境扰动的变速运动2种不同情况下的前进速度、横荡速度、艏向角速度、前进加速度、横荡加速度、艏向角加速度、前进控制力、横荡控制力和艏向控制力矩等; 分析了状态反馈增益线性矩阵、边界层、切换项增益等参数对控制性能的影响。研究结果表明: 采用基本滑模控制使前进速度达到期望值所需的上升时间为29s, 而新算法为15s, 节约了48.28%;采用基本滑模控制使横荡速度达到期望值所需的上升时间为24s, 而新算法为14s, 节约了41.67%;采用基本滑模控制使艏向角速度达到期望值所需的上升时间为13s, 而新算法为10s, 节约了23.08%。可见, 设计的控制器对有非线性和环境干扰的船舶动力定位系统都具有较强的鲁棒性, 具有控制输入连续、控制抖振小、不存在过高增益等特点。  相似文献   
深中通道沉管隧道是世界首例采用钢壳混凝土复合结构的双向八车道沉管隧道,钢壳制造完成后浇筑免振捣自密实混凝土完成管节预制,其中单个标准管节隔仓数量约2200个,混凝土用量约2.9万m3,非标准管节隔仓数量近2000个,混凝土用量最大约2.5万m3.隧道东侧(深圳侧)的4节标准管节和6节变宽非标准管节由S08合同段承担,在...  相似文献   
GPS动态定位中自适应卡尔曼滤波模型的建立及其算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用描述机动载体运动的“当前”统计模型,建立了一种新的GPS动态定位自适应卡尔曼滤波模型。为了进一步提高滤波器的动态性能,提出一种改进的自适应滤波算法,大大提高了GPS动态定位卡尔曼滤波器的跟踪能力,改善了滤波效果。计算机仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
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