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针对新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情防控中应急医疗物资调度不尽合理、集配中心中转效率不够高等问题,重新设计了重大突发公共卫生事件下城市应急医疗物资调度与配送体系,并给出了应急医疗物资的分类方法。从医疗物资使用需求和库存估计可使用时间2个维度构建需求点紧急度指标,考虑突发公共卫生事件特征,以加权的需求满足率最大化为主要目标、车辆行驶距离最小化为次要目标,构建应急医疗物资动态分配模型,并通过算例验证了模型的有效性和可行性。结果表明:所构建的模型能够兼顾医疗物资分配的公平和效率,符合突发公共卫生事件中应急医疗物资供给和需求的动态变化特性,确保在物资短时间供给不足的情况下各需求点也能公平获取一定比例的物资;且模型仅要求各需求点上报各种品类医疗物资的使用人数和库存量,同时模型还给出数据缺失时的自动计算办法,可操作性更强;运用紧急度指标对需求满足率最大化目标进行校正,解决了各需求点因需求量差异对公平分配造成的影响,使得应急医疗物资分配更加合理。研究成果结合了新冠肺炎疫情防控中应急医疗物资调度的具体过程,使得分配模型更符合实际需要,可为城市应急医疗物资优化调度提供决策依据。  相似文献   
戴露  胡小文  李鹏果 《城市道桥与防洪》2020,(4):22-24,I0002-I0003
城市公共交通是城市交通的重要组成部分,具有缓解交通拥堵、降低能源消耗、改善生态环境等优势,一直是政府大力支持与提倡优先的出行方式。基于公交的运营数据,提取了每次刷卡数据的上客站点数据,进一步分析出公交网络层面站点上客特征,最后,结合居住人口、工作人口分布,分析出公交乘客上客与空间人口分布的关联性。  相似文献   
作为城市枢纽的公交车,采用纯电动技术可作为降低城市环境污染、减少能源消耗的切入点.目前续驶里程短是制约纯电动公交发展的主要因素.可以通过增加动力电池的电量或者对整车进行轻量化来增加续驶里程.在轻量化设计方面,对高强钢、铝合金、镁合金、工程塑料和碳纤维等几种轻量化材料进行对比分析,从中选出目前较为合适的铝合金材料.通过理...  相似文献   
随着科技的进步及项目管理水平的提高,BIM技术应运而生。本文以清华珠三角研究院粤港澳大湾区创新基地项目为依托,从应用目标、应用前准备工作、前期策划管理、技术管理、质量安全管理、物资设备管理、进度管理、经济成本管理等方面开展BIM技术在公建项目施工中的应用研究,结果表明:使用BIM技术,使项目管理走向精细化、全面化、高效化,并提高质量标准,增加安全保障,减少项目成本,提高项目利润率;同时与AI技术相结合,使BIM技术更加具有简便性,产出更大效益。  相似文献   
To determine the spatial distribution of rental stations and bikeways in a public bike system, this paper proposes a facility location and network design model. The model is developed as a multi-objective programing problem that considers four objectives (minimizing cyclist risk, maximizing cyclist comfort, minimizing adverse impacts on traffic and maximizing service coverage) and multiple constraints (monetary budget, network connectivity, station spacing, bikeway types, station number and value ranges of decision variables). The ε-constraint method solves the programing problem for the public bike system in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. The nine non-dominated alternatives generated are all markedly better than existing locations of rental stations and bikeways. Scenario analysis results indicate that increasing the construction budget for bikeways significantly improves cyclist safety and comfort whilst increasing the adverse impact on traffic. Planners can use this model to develop public bike systems that spatially integrate rental stations and bikeway networks.  相似文献   
The need to measure and evaluate transit system performance has led to the development of numerous performance indicators. However, depending upon the indicator, we oftentimes reach different conclusions regarding transit system performance. The research reported in this paper uses factor analytic methods to generate a set of underlying attributes (factors) that capture the performance of public transit systems in Indiana. Similar to what is reported in the literature, this study finds three attributes that best describe transit system performance: efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance. Based upon systemsÕ factor scores, the study finds that systems scoring highly on one attribute generally perform well on the remaining attributes. Further, there is an inverse relationship between system performance and subsidies, a finding that supports performance based subsidy allocations.  相似文献   
Socially and environmentally appropriate urban futures for the motor car   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In its relatively short life, the automobile has provided a level of mobility unlikely to have been feasible with a reliance on conventional forms of land based public transport. It has contributed in both a positive and negative way to the quality of life, transforming our cities, our way of life, and giving us a greater command over time and space. Concern over the undesirable social and environmental impacts has increased over time, with calls for governments to take action to reduce the automobile's dominant role. New investment in fixed-track public transport and bus priority systems together with strategies to discourage travel have been proposed to improve accessibility and to aid in cleaning up the physical environment. This paper reviews some of the issues facing society as it works to identify policies to achieve an economically and environmentally sustainabie future. There is a need for a broader set of policies to facilitate alternative land use-transport lifestyles while facing appropriate pricing signals. Some of the key issues are adjustments in the relative prices of location and transport, spatial incentives to make public transport economically viable (i.e. changing urban densities, zoning/incentive changes to allow more infill), road pricing (i.e. charging cars the economic cost of using the roads), new information technology systems (e.g. IVHS) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transport infrastructure, major improvements in the fuel efficiency of fossil fuelled vehicles, and alternative-fuelled vehicles (clean-air vehicles).  相似文献   
West Germany is densely populated, averaging 245 inhabitants/km2, but varying widely between urban agglomerations and rural areas. Transport volume has increased by 40% since 1970, with virtually all growth due to private automobiles. Since 1981 public transit has been suffering from decreasing demand.A 1964 Expert's Report to the German federal government was the stimulus for initiating an effective funding mechanism for new public transit construction. In 1965 Germany's first federated transit authority was founded for the region of Hamburg.Principal among the goals of any cooperative agreement among transit companies are improvements for the passengers and improvement of revenues for the companies. To attain these ends, two distinct forms of transit aggrements have been developed in Germany: transit cooperative (Verkehrsgemeinschaft) and transit federation (Verkehrsverbund). The former is more suitable for smaller to medium-sized towns, while the latter is more suitable for larger cities. The two types are described in this article.German transit federations during the 1970s succeeded in significantly increasing ridership, while during the 1980s patronage has either remained steady or has declined. Yet transit federations showed much better perfomance than did public transit in general. In terms of costs and revenues, no public transit organization in Germany is able to break even; deficits vary between 42% and 55%. The author concludes, however, that hidden subsidies for automobile traffic are far higher, because of environmental damage and the high social cost of traffic accidents.  相似文献   
对我国道路运输行业管理方针的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
路成章  王文龙 《公路交通科技》2007,24(5):140-146,158
面对我国道路运输业存在的诸多问题,指出了加强行业管理的重要性,并对道路运输业的经济本质进行了理论分析。尽管世界各国的道路运输行业都不具备自然垄断的形态,但文章仍然在我国首次提出了道路运输业属公用事业范畴的观点,这在一定程度上给出了我国道路运输业管制与放开争议的解决思路。根据我国道路运输行业所处的发展阶段和发展环境,提出了政府对道路运输行业的管理不仅不应消弱,相反应该大大加强的观点。对于竞争不完全的市场,政府的管制是至为必要的;仅强调开放运输市场只会增加竞争的无序和资源的浪费。文章认为今后相当时期对道路运输行业应实施适度管制的管理方针,而管制的重点在于运输市场的准入。  相似文献   
从民法的立法精神出发,以道路运输承运人责任保险制度的颁布实施为研究对象,通过理论分析提出承运人责任险制度安排虽然是一种合同行为,体现了民事法律关系与法律救济原则,但其已突破了传统民法的“意思自治”私法范畴,折射了国家干预和“私法的公法化”的法理本质。同时以社会学的视野来看,承运人责任险险种从制度上化解了社会矛盾,维护了社会稳定,体现了风险规避与社会和谐意义。  相似文献   
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