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Cod (Gadus morhua) inhabit not only the famous fishing banks of the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf, but also inshore waters from Labrador to New England. Relatively little is known about the life history of inshore cod, their historic levels of abundance, and their relationship to offshore stocks. Inshore cod stocks along the East Coast should be managed under a new paradigm that recognizes the importance of these fish to the stock complex. Recently documented fishers' ecological knowledge (FEK) suggests inshore stocks of cod may exist along the Newfoundland and Labrador coastline that have yet to be scientifically documented. Coastal communities adjacent to the local population of cod in Gilbert Bay, Labrador have initiated efforts to protect and manage this stock locally through a co-management approach. The Gilbert Bay experience, FEK, and related science and education could provide insight into ways to protect and enhance the health of local stocks remaining along the northeast coast of North America.  相似文献   
Competing interests related to marine resources have the potential to create conflict in the coastal zone. In many parts of the world marine farms exist in close proximity to areas that support recreation and tourism. The purpose of this study was to examine residents’ perceptions of proposed marine farm development related to their proximity to, and recreational use of, a coastal area in New Zealand. Residents from two areas were surveyed about their recreational use of the region and about perceptions related to marine farm development. Results indicated that those living closest to proposed marine farms used the area more often and in different ways, were most sensitive to marine farm development, and were less positive in their evaluations of marine farms, despite agreeing that marine farms can have positive economic consequences for nearby communities. Implications for using stakeholder input for the planning and management of marine farms are discussed.  相似文献   
介绍CBTC系统的数据通信网,根据CBTC系统骨干网的双网特性,为轨旁AP建立2个AP数据库,与列车车头和车尾的2套车载无线电台相对应.车载设备中设计一个车载无线电台管理模块,利用轨旁AP数据库排除非法的无线干扰,实现无线覆盖区域间的越区切换,保证切换的安全性和稳定性.  相似文献   
利用GIS手段,制作哈尔滨市二环人居环境评价等级图。首先,对地理信息系统作简单的介绍,并说明他在人居环境评价中的应用原理,其中,主要对GIS的空间分析功能进行详细阐述。其次,通过查阅文献资料,建立一套比较完整的城市住宅区人居环境评价体系。最后,对搜集到数据进行住宅区人居环境评价,并将结果以专题图的形式展现出来,通过对实例的分析,更直观地表现出GIS在城市人居环境评价中的应用。  相似文献   
小城镇建设对我国社会经济发展的影响越来越大,积极推进建筑节能,是我国的重要国策。本文通过节能设计思路,把好建筑设计节能关,使小城镇住宅建筑节能水平再提高。  相似文献   
城市街区形态对居民出行能耗的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姜洋  何东全 《城市交通》2011,9(4):21-29,75
研究中国城市形态与居民出行能耗的关系在新时期城镇化发展、能源紧缺、气候变化背景下显得极为迫切.首先提出基于调研数据估算居民出行能耗的方法.以济南市9个小区为例,通过定量计算和描述性分析,比较了传统胡同式、密方格网式、单位邻里式和超大街区式四种类型街区形态特征和家庭出行能耗的差异.研究表明,人口密度、容积率最高的超大街区...  相似文献   
以江合高速公路D7合同段的龙井沟大桥变更为高填方而进行的桥和高路堤2种方案比选为依托,论述了高填方路堤设置的优势,如消化弃方、减少占地等,以及存在的主要问题,如工后沉降量大、边坡稳定性及后期维护费用高等.为类似路段进行桥路比选提供参考.  相似文献   
彭侠  邵玉振 《城市道桥与防洪》2011,(5):104-106,242,243
针对济南市特有的暴雨特点,结合实例分析了位于城市防洪河道上游的济南市南部区域的规划建设对防洪的影响.通过雨水蓄渗技术和地方法规等对策支持,指导济南市南部大型居住的开发建设中雨水综合利用的实施,使该区域在建设前后雨水径流水平不变,达到"上蓄"的要求.  相似文献   
台北捷运东门站站体开挖因工期与施工安全性之考量,采调整地下结构施筑之施工步骤,取消原回撑的架设,并以大面积连续侧墙系统模板于侧墙组模作业上,侧墙系统模板高4.5 m,于底板施筑完成后连续拆除第8和9层支撑,直接进行侧墙施工,系统模板拆模后可立即移动至下一区块施作;施工前曾进行数值模拟分析,借以了解拆除第8和9层支撑后底板与第7层支撑的力量是否足以抵挡挡土壁外侧之土压力,同时于侧墙之内外两侧主筋加装钢筋应力计,检核土壤潜变所造成的侧向压力转移至侧墙的应力,并与实际挡土壁之侧向变位进行比对分析反馈,后续上部之中间层与上月台层的结构侧墙皆采用此大面积连续侧墙系统模板且顺利完工,实际施工时程较原工期缩短近7个月左右,期望藉由此案例之介绍,提供工程界未来类似工程设计与施工参考。  相似文献   
既有居住区交通改造评价指标体系的建立旨在了解老、旧小区各项交通设施现状,对改造必要性等进行评价。其构建的指标体系包括4个一级指标,12个二级指标及34个评分细则,其中一、二级指标的权重分别用层次分析法和组合赋权法来确定,评分则是采用专家打分与居民意愿调查相结合。该体系提倡因地制宜,对于不同地域、区位的小区参考规范也不尽相同,力求使结果更科学、合理。  相似文献   
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