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在地震高烈度地区桥梁下部结构设计时,经常会遇到桥墩较高时需要设置系梁的情况,来防止墩柱发生横向动力失稳,减小地震作用下的桥梁破坏.从大量的震害中发现未设系梁的桥墩比设置系梁的桥墩横向破坏显著.以毛林特大桥引桥下部结构为研究对象,分析E2地震作用下墩柱的横向变形和关键截面的内力,研究表明桥墩较高时系梁设置对桥墩横向抗震性能影响显著.  相似文献   
板式无砟轨道具有变形小、稳定性好的优点,在我国铁路客运专线上应用广泛。国内外学者在建立车辆、轨道以及车辆-轨道耦合系统模型及算法方面已做了许多工作。然而,已有的模型与实际情况尚有差异,有待进一步完善。根据板式无砟轨道的结构特点,采用板单元模拟轨下结构,建立了车辆-板式轨道耦合系统动力分析模型及算法,推导了板式轨道模型单元的刚度、质量以及阻尼矩阵;考虑轮轨非线性接触行为,引入交叉迭代法求解车辆-轨道耦合系统动力学方程;仿真分析了线路随机不平顺工况下,CRH3型动车通过CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道时,车辆和轨道结构的动力响应。该模型与算法比已有模型更接近实际,计算结果更准确可靠。  相似文献   
Research purposes: In order to further study the reinforcement of prestressed anchor frame beam in the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake, a model of the deep cutting slope is built through FLAC 3D simulation software, the seismic wave to the model from three directions of x,y and z is input, and the dynamic response of the slope is analyzed. Then, the prestressed anchor frame beam reinforcement measures are applied to the model, and this paper analyzes the reinforcement effect of the prestressed anchor frame beam to the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake. Research conclusions:(1) The prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on restraining the horizontal displacement of the deep cutting slope. (2) Under the three dimensional strong earthquake, the prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on the horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity of the deep cutting slope, which reduces the peak of horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity. (3) Through the comparison of the response before and after the reinforcement of the prestressed anchor frame beam is given under the 9 degrees three dimensional strong earthquake, it can be concluded that the prestressed anchor frame beam can provide good reinforcement effect to the deep cutting slope. (4) This research can be used for reference to the earthquake resistance of the slope engineering. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
运用自编车—线—桥垂向耦合振动分析程序,分析车辆通过桥梁时列车和桥梁的动力响应,研究桥梁墩台发生不均匀沉降对车、桥垂向系统耦合振动的影响。研究表明:货物列车通过时,在桥梁墩台不均匀沉降单一因素引起轨道不平顺的条件下,车辆和桥梁的动力响应随着列车速度的提高而增大,列车在经过桥梁折角时,轮轨力增大;在普通轨道不平顺和桥梁墩台不均匀沉降引起的附加轨道不平顺叠加的条件下,车辆和桥梁的动力指标中受到影响最大的是车体加速度,其次是轮重减载率,但各项指标均在规范规定的范围内。因此,对于客货共线的桥梁,规范限值可以满足货车运行安全性的要求,并且有一定的预留量。  相似文献   
轻量化地铁车辆多为以型材铆焊成型的铝合金车体结构,必须具有良好的振动特性,以保证旅客的乘坐舒适性。轨道随机不平顺是引起车辆强迫振动的主要原因,有必要分析轨道不平顺激励下铝合金地铁车辆车体的振动响应,为车体优化设计提供理论参考。详细分析了铝合金A型地铁车辆车体结构特点,经过合理简化几何模型,建立了符合车体结构力学特性的白车身有限元模型。以德国高干扰线路作为激励源,运用多体系统动力学分析软件ADMAS/Rail建立了铝合金地铁动车系统动力学分析模型并计算获得车体在转向架支撑处的动载荷。将所求动载荷施加于车体相应位置,在ANSYS软件中进行车体谐响应分析,计算了车体在轨道不平顺激励下的振动响应。结果显示,车体振动最大峰值频率与车体一阶扭转和一阶弯曲模态频率基本一致。  相似文献   
钢管混凝土拱桥在车辆荷载作用下的非线性动力响应分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据随动硬化理论和钢管混凝土组合材料恢复力模型 ,提出了复杂应力状态下钢管混凝土组合材料的弹塑性应力应变关系。采用非线性有限元法 ,对一钢管混凝土拱桥进行移动车辆荷载作用下车—桥体系的动力响应分析 ,并进一步研究钢管混凝土组合材料进入塑性后对体系振动的影响 ,取得了较满意的结果 ,为钢管混凝土拱桥动力性能评价提供参考。  相似文献   
Neighborhood services,trip purpose,and tour-based travel   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Krizek  Kevin J. 《Transportation》2003,30(4):387-410
Communities are increasingly looking to land use planning strategies to reduce drive-alone travel. Many planning efforts aim to develop neighborhoods with higher levels of accessibility that will allow residents to shop closer to home and drive fewer miles. To better understand how accessible land use patterns relate to household travel behavior, this paper is divided into three sections. The first section describes the typical range of services available in areas with high neighborhood accessibility. It explains how trip-based travel analysis is limited because it does not consider the linked (chained) nature of most travel. The second section describes a framework that provides a more behavioral understanding of household travel. This framework highlights travel tours, the sequence of trips that begin and end at home, as the basic unit of analysis. The paper offers a typology of travel tours to account for different travel purposes; by doing so, this typology helps understand tours relative to the range of services typically offered in accessible neighborhoods. The final section empirically analyzes relationships between tour type and neighborhood access using detailed travel data from the Central Puget Sound region (Seattle, Washington). Households living in areas with higher levels of neighborhood access are found to complete more tours and make fewer stops per tour. They make more simple tours (out and back) for work and maintenance (personal, appointment, and shopping) trip purposes but there is no difference in the frequency of other types of tours. While they travel shorter distances for maintenance-type errands, a large portion of their maintenance travel is still pursued outside the neighborhood. These findings suggest that while higher levels of neighborhood access influences travel tours, it does not spur households to complete the bulk of their errands close to home.  相似文献   
新型纤维增强混凝土梁的抗弯冲击特性   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
邓宗才  李建辉  孙宏俊  傅智 《公路》2004,(12):163-169
为了研究纤维增强混凝土梁的抗弯冲击特性.利用自制的自由落锤抗弯冲击试验装置,测定了不同体积掺率下细直径的腈纶纤维、聚酯纤维、玻璃纤维,粗直径的聚丙烯纤维和哑铃形钢纤维增强混凝土梁的抗弯冲击力学性能。试验表明:纤维增强混凝土梁的冲击次数与纤维品种和体积掺率有关;当细直径纤维的体积掺率为0.07%~O.27%时,纤维增强混凝土梁的初裂、破坏冲击次数分别为素混凝土的1.1~4.5倍和1.1~4.4倍;当粗直径纤维的体积掺率为O.5%~1.4%时,纤维增强混凝土梁的初裂、破坏冲击次数分别为素混凝土梁的2.4~4.6倍和5.2~31.0倍。细纤维增强混凝土梁的初裂冲击性能优于粗纤维增强混凝土梁.粗纤维增强混凝土梁的破坏冲击性能和冲击延性明显优于细纤维增强混凝土梁。  相似文献   
高速公路事故响应控制模式构建   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为优化高速公路发生交通事故后的入口匝道调节率,以达到减缓交通拥挤、降低事故冲击的目的,对高速公路交通事故发生后的车流行为进行了研究,以车流行为改变引起的检测信号为基础,建立了控制所需的行为参数集;利用控制理论,构建了高速公路事故动态随机响应控制模式,并利用卡尔曼滤波和线性二次高斯方法求解,通过实例演算进行评析。研究结果表明:提出的控制模式与无控制和定时控制相比较,对中等流量具有较好的控制效果,对较高流量和较低流量具有一定的控制效果,对较高流量和中等流量下的通过率有一定的改善。该控制模式可运用于高速公路智能控制系统之中,提高事故条件下的道路交通服务水平。  相似文献   
Pendyala  Ram M.  Bhat  Chandra R. 《Transportation》2004,31(4):429-456
The timing and duration of an activity episode are two important temporal aspects of activity-travel behavior. Understanding the causal relationship between these two variables would be useful in the development of activity-based travel demand modeling systems. This paper investigates the relationship between these two variables by considering two different causal structures – one structure in which time-of-day choice is determined first and influences duration and a second structure in which activity duration is determined first and affects time-of-day choice. These two structures are estimated within a discrete-continuous simultaneous equations framework employing a full-information maximum likelihood methodology that allows error covariance. The estimation is performed separately for commuter and non-commuter samples drawn from a 1996 household travel survey data set from the Tampa Bay area in Florida. The results of the model estimation effort show that the causal structure in which activity duration precedes or affects activity timing (time of day choice) performs better for the non-commuter sample. For the commuter sample, the findings were less conclusive with both causal structures offering equally good statistical measures of fit. In addition, for the commuter sample, all error correlations were found to be zero. These two findings suggest that time of day choice and activity episode duration are only loosely related for the commuter sample, possibly due to the relatively non-discretionary and inflexible work activity and travel.  相似文献   
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