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城市道路交通拥堵风险传播过程受拥堵预警信息、出行者行为特性及居民出行流量分布等诸多因素影响.本文提出包括道路子网、信息子网和出行子网的多重网络模型,应用改进的UAU-SIR(Unaware-Aware-Unaware-Susceptible-Infective-Recovered)模型,探讨多重网络预警信息下的城市道路...  相似文献   
纤维增强塑料(FRP)混凝土结构疲劳性能研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
FRP混凝土结构的疲劳性能是结构非常重要的一个性能,目前国内外对这方面的研究还较少,本文简要从FRP新建结构和FRP加固混凝土结构两方面介绍了国内外对FRP混凝土结构疲劳性能的研究进展,并对今后拟开展的研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
研究列车动力响应的平稳性和各态历经性对寻求列车动力响应随机过程的统计规律具有重要意义.基于多体动力学理论,采用多体动力学分析软件Simpack建立国内某高速列车动车车辆的多体动力学模型.采用三角级数法模拟得到的轨道不平顺作为随机输入激励计算得到列车以不同速度行驶不同距离的动力响应时程样本序列.进一步运用平稳性检验方法中...  相似文献   
车辆荷载作用下沥青路面各结构层受力复杂,现行公路沥青路面设计规范未能考虑车辆振动特性和橡胶轮胎非线性。为研究整车多轮动载作用下沥青路面动力响应,基于车辆动力学、橡胶材料超弹性及沥青路面黏弹性理论,构建整车-橡胶轮胎-沥青路面三维有限元模型,与实际车-路现场测量比较验证本模型的可靠性,对比分析无路面不平度与B级路面不平度激励下,路面各结构层动力响应。结果表明:通过与实际车-路测量结果比较,沥青层底部纵向最大剪应变与实测值误差为5.889%,表明该车-路动力学模型可靠、合理;B级路面不平度激励下,后轴左单轮接地法向力为0~86.526 kN,车体法向振动加速度为-0.451~0.372 m·s-2,后轴左悬架弹力为60.376~68.42 kN;与无路面不平度相比,后轴左单轮最大接地法向力、车体最大法向加速度、后轴左悬架最大弹力分别增加113%、402.7%、7.4%;与无路面不平度相比,沥青路面上、中、下面层纵向最大压应力分别增加18.91%、12.4%、21.1%,纵向最大拉应力分别增加3.94%、6.25%、33.3%;横向最大压应力分别增加10.43%、8.47%、9.19%,横向最大拉应力分别增加12.19%、13.08%、33.33%,且压应力数值远大于拉应力;竖向最大压应力分别增加19.1%、19.35%、20.07%,竖向最大拉应力分别增加26.93%、7.38%、6.2%,且前轮压应力大于中、后轮压应力。以上数据说明路面不平度对结构层响应影响较大,车辆振动特性及橡胶轮胎与路面非线性接触不容忽略。  相似文献   
本文针对大惯量、大功率特性的液压升降装置起动时,存在快速响应和稳定性较难兼顾的突出问题,分析了阀控柱塞缸特性及机液伺服系统原理,建立了机液伺服系统的控制数学模型,运用经典控制理论分析方法,得出系统开环、闭环传递函数,并在时域内开展了阶跃信号输入下的系统响应特性分析,明确了影响系统性能的参数设计原则,为实际工程设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   
从原理和适用性的角度对美标高桩码头抗震计算方法进行对比,着重研究了位移法及其中的替代结构法。对替代结构法中推覆曲线的双折线化方式、阻尼比计算、反应谱衰减等影响因素进行分析。通过推覆分析和替代结构法计算变形能力和地震位移、复核码头抗震性能。结合实际案例,采用反应谱法和替代结构法对某高桩码头结构进行抗震分析。结果表明反应谱法趋于保守,不能反映塑性后的荷载衰减,相比而言替代结构法更为准确。而对于替代结构法,不同的等效阻尼比会较大程度影响地震位移结果。  相似文献   
为了分析城市道路环境下高度自动驾驶中非驾驶相关任务和接管紧迫度对接管绩效的影响,基于驾驶模拟器设计了自动驾驶紧急接管场景并开展驾驶模拟试验,接管请求时间分别设定为3,4,5 s,非驾驶相关任务为读新闻、看视频、玩游戏,自动驾驶车速为50 km·h-1,试验中共招募了49名被试(男性30名,女性19名),被试的平均年龄为31.06岁(标准差为7.1岁),驾驶人在自动驾驶阶段始终执行非驾驶相关任务,听到接管请求提示后需要接管车辆的控制权,并实施紧急避让操作。研究结果表明:在紧急接管情况下,接管紧迫度对合成加速度和最小TTC有影响,而对接管时间无影响,与5 s的接管请求时间条件相比,3,4 s的接管请求时间条件下的合成加速度明显增加,而最小TTC则随接管请求时间的减少而降低;非驾驶相关任务对接管时间和最小TTC有影响,而对合成加速度无影响,与无非驾驶相关任务相比,非驾驶相关任务会显著增加接管时间和降低最小TTC;碰撞几乎都发生在3 s和4 s的接管请求时间下,5 s的接管请求时间能够基本保证接管的安全性。  相似文献   
Augmented Reality “AR” is a promising paradigm that can offer users with real-time, high-quality visualization of a wide variety of information. In AR, virtual objects are added to the real-world view in real time. The AR technology can offer a very realistic environment for enhancing drivers’ performance on the road and testing drivers’ ability to react to different road design and traffic operations scenarios. This can be achieved by adding virtual objects (people, vehicles, hazards, and other objects) to the normal view while driving an actual vehicle in a real environment. This paper explores a new Augmented Reality Vehicle “ARV” system and attempts to apply this new concept to a selected traffic engineering application namely the left-turn maneuver at two-way stop-controlled “TWSC” intersection. This TWSC intersection experiment, in addition to testing the feasibility of the application, tries to quantify the size of gaps accepted by different driver’s characteristics (age and gender). The ARV system can be installed in any vehicle where the driver can see the surrounding environment through a Head Mounted Display “HMD” and virtual objects are generated through a computer and added to the scene. These different environments are generated using a well defined set of scenarios. The results from this study supported the feasibility and validity of the proposed ARV system and they showed promise for this system to be used in the field-testing for the safety and operation aspects of transportation research. Results of the left-turn maneuver study revealed that participants accepted gaps in the range of 4.0-9.0 s. This finding implies that all gaps below 4 s are rejected and all gaps above 9 s are likely to be accepted. The mean value of the left-turn time was 4.67 s which is a little bit higher than reported values in the literature (4.0-4.3 s). Older drivers were found to select larger gaps to make left turns than younger drivers. The conservative driving attitude of older drivers indicates the potential presence of reduced driving ability of elderly. Drivers’ characteristics (age and gender) did not significantly affect the left-turn time. Based on the survey questions that were handed to participants, most participants indicated good level of comfort with none or small level of risk while driving the vehicle with the ARV system. None of the participants felt any kind of motion sickness and the participants’ answers indicated a good visibility and realism of the scene with overall good system fidelity.  相似文献   
This paper examines the activity engagement, sequencing and timing of activities for student, faculty and staff commuter groups at the largest university in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. The daily activity patterns of all university community groups are modeled using the classification and regression tree classifier algorithm. The data used for this study are derived from the Environmentally Aware Travel Diary Survey (EnACT) conducted in spring 2016 at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. Results show that there are significant differences in activity and travel behavior between university population segments and the general population in the region, and between campus groups. For example, students participate in more recreation activities compared to faculty and staff. They also take more trips to and from campus, and are more flexible in their scheduling of trips. The insights gained from this study will provide helpful information for promoting sustainability across university campuses, and for development of campus-based travel demand management strategies.  相似文献   
In order to quantitatively evaluate the safety of the surrounding rock of an underground cavern under seis-mic load, a comprehensive evaluation method for the stability of surrounding rock is proposed based on the general safety factor and point safety factor. A calculation method for the general safety factor of a cavern based on the prin-ciple of shear strength reduction of a rock mass is given, the run-through of the plastic zone between the main power-house and main transformer room is presented as a critical criterion for the overall instability of the cavern, and the general safety factor is obtained by searching for the reduction coefficient. A point safety factor calculation method based on the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion is given. The influence of different seismic input parameters on the general safety factor of the cavern and the point safety factor of key positions are studied based on an underground power-house cavern of a hydropower station in Southwest China. The results show that the quantitative evaluation method for the stability of the surrounding rock based on the safety factor is feasible and can reflect the general safety de-gree and local safety degree of different positions of the cavern for different working conditions. It is found that the general safety factor of the cavern and the point safety factor of key positions decrease with an increase of the ampli-tude and duration of a seismic wave while they increase with an increase of the incident angle; additionally, the low frequency of a seismic wave has a great influence on the cavern while the high frequency has little effect. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
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