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交通拥堵和交通污染问题是近年来引人关注的问题,特别是交通碳减排已成为发达国家碳减排的重点领域,而优先发展公交系统对解决上述问题具有重大的现实意义。在总结和阐述公交优先发展的内涵和意义的基础上,以清远市公交系统为研究对象,总结和分析了"公交优先"战略下清远市公交发展现状和问题,提出了清远市公交优先发展的思路与具体做法,并根据现有情况规划了三种不同水平的公交优先发展情景方案,计算了三种方案下二氧化碳的排放量。结果显示:公交很高吸引力的方案比一般吸引力的方案每年少排二氧化碳38.9万t,年度减排直接效益为2 723万元,节约能源的直接效益为12.5亿元。最后提出了清远市公交优先发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
AMT换挡品质的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)具有传动效率高、结构紧凑及工作可靠等优点。介绍了AMT换挡品质的定义及其影响因素,分析了几种影响因素之间的内在关系,并在此理论基础上寻求一种可获得最佳AMT换挡品质的方法。AMT按照其对发动机控制方式的不同,可分为柔性控制和刚性控制结构。  相似文献   
This paper presents a tyre slip-based integrated chassis control of front/rear traction distribution and four-wheel braking for enhanced performance from moderate driving to limit handling. The proposed algorithm adopted hierarchical structure: supervisor – desired motion tracking controller – optimisation-based control allocation. In the supervisor, by considering transient cornering characteristics, desired vehicle motion is calculated. In the desired motion tracking controller, in order to track desired vehicle motion, virtual control input is determined in the manner of sliding mode control. In the control allocation, virtual control input is allocated to minimise cost function. The cost function consists of two major parts. First part is a slip-based tyre friction utilisation quantification, which does not need a tyre force estimation. Second part is an allocation guideline, which guides optimally allocated inputs to predefined solution. The proposed algorithm has been investigated via simulation from moderate driving to limit handling scenario. Compared to Base and direct yaw moment control system, the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce tyre dissipation energy in the moderate driving situation. Moreover, the proposed algorithm enhances limit handling performance compared to Base and direct yaw moment control system. In addition to comparison with Base and direct yaw moment control, comparison the proposed algorithm with the control algorithm based on the known tyre force information has been conducted. The results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm is similar with that of the control algorithm with the known tyre force information.  相似文献   
为明确事故现场可视轮胎印迹强度与车辆动力学特性、轮胎橡胶磨损特征及道路表面灰度之间的关联特性,提出基于车路耦合的事故现场轮胎印迹强度参数化研究方法。通过结合动态滑动摩擦因数模型及轮胎非线性模型,建立车辆路面9 DOF非线性系统动力学模型,运用VBOX惯性测量技术验证模型的有效性。运用胎面磨损能量模型,从车路系统角度确定车辆、轮胎和路面特性对轮胎全局摩擦力及胎面磨损特性的影响。结合印迹强度特征模型提出轮胎印迹强度参数研究方法,选取不同制动、转向角工况及3组路面、胎面特性对轮胎路面接地力学特性、胎面橡胶磨损量、可视轮胎印迹特征进行仿真分析。结果表明:印迹强度仅与全局摩擦力大小有关,与轮胎路面滑移方向无关;滑移工况下胎面橡胶磨损量随着全局摩擦力和滑移速度的增大而增大,而印迹强度变化不明显;制动力矩和道路表面灰度对产生可视轮胎印迹起决定作用,转向角主要影响不规则可视轮胎印迹的产生;前轮轮胎最先出现可视印迹,且可视印迹长度和强度均高于后轮轮胎;采取可视印迹起点作为事故车辆速度判定具有一定的误差,应根据具体情况进行具体分析;研究成果能够为基于可视轮胎印迹的交通事故重建提供理论基础。  相似文献   
为评价煤直接液化残渣(Direct Coal Liquefaction Residue,DCLR)对沥青与集料黏附性的影响,基于表面自由能理论,以SK-90沥青为基质沥青,以石灰岩为集料,利用躺滴法分别测试不同DCLR掺量下(0%、2%、4%、6%、8%、10%,掺量表示DCLR与SK-90质量比,下文同)改性沥青在不同老化阶段(原样、短期老化以及长期老化)的表面自由能,计算不同老化阶段不同DCLR掺量下沥青的黏聚功,以及无水和有水条件下不同DCLR掺量的改性沥青在不同老化阶段与石灰岩之间的黏附功和剥落功,并采用黏附功、黏聚功之和与剥落功的比值作为水稳定性能评价参数来评价沥青-集料间的水稳定性能。试验结果表明:DCLR加入后,随着掺量的增加会提高沥青自身的重均分子量和极性基团含量,从而提高DCLR改性沥青表面自由能中的极性分量、非极性分量以及黏聚功;DCLR改性沥青-石灰岩之间的黏附功、水稳定性能等均随着DCLR掺量的增加而逐渐增加,说明加入DCLR并增加其掺量会显著提高沥青与石灰岩之间的黏附性和水稳定性能,但沥青的老化对DCLR改性沥青-石灰岩之间的黏附性及水稳定性能影响不大。  相似文献   
阐明了石油沥青是一种燃烧不产生致癌物质、能燃尽的特殊液体燃料,替代柴油作燃料经济效益明显,且管理方便。深入讨论了双重内击式雾化喷咀的特点和设计中的问题及特种燃料沥青使用中的一些工程问题。  相似文献   
随着移动Ad Hoc网络的应用日趋广泛,如何有效节省移动节点的能量,提高网络生存时间成为了难题.针对现有的节能协议和机制很少考虑链路误码率的问题,分析了在端到端重传机制和逐跳重传机制下的理想能耗,定义了新的链路代价函数.仿真结果表明使用该机制的路由协议具有较好性能,在数据传输可靠性和能耗之间达到有效的平衡.  相似文献   
分析我国现行沥青路面设计指标,指出弯沉指标不能有效的控制路面车辙,在吸收国外沥青路面设计指标的基础上,增加路基顶面压应变指标作为沥青路面抗车辙设计指标;在参考城市道路设计规范,分析路面剪应力分布的基础上,提出面层材料剪应力也可作为沥青路面抗车辙设计指标。  相似文献   
A new hierarchical approach called bintree energy segmentation was presented for color image segmentation. The image features are extracted by adaptive clustering on multi-channel data at each level and used as the criteria to dynamically select the best chromatic channel, where the segmentation is carried out. In this approach, an extended direct energy computation method based on the Chan-Vese model was proposed to segment the selected channel, and the segmentation outputs are then fused with other channels into new images, from which a new channel with better features is selected for the second round segmentation. This procedure is repeated until the preset condition is met. Finally, a binary segmentation tree is formed, in which each leaf represents a class of objects with a distinctive color. To facilitate the data organization, image background is employed in segmentation and channels fusion. The bintree energy segmentation exploits color information involved in all channels data and tries to optimize the global segmentation result by choosing the "best" channel for segmentation at each level. The experiments show that the method is effective in speed, accuracy and flexibility.  相似文献   
重庆江津观音岩长江大桥现浇桥面湿接缝采用补偿收缩混凝土。针对不同类型、不同掺量的膨胀剂进行强度和限制膨胀率的正交试验,从而选择出适用于该桥的膨胀剂类型、掺量以及膨胀混凝土的配合比。  相似文献   
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