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广州地铁6号线的隧道通风设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
广州地铁6号线穿越老城区,因此隧道通风设计的控制因素较多.通过简化和输入合理的边界条件和参数,运用SES程序对该线路进行计算,针对隧道内温度和风量进行分析.指出在现有配置隧道通风系统的情况下,深埋隧道内近、远期的全线温度满足要求;单端设置活塞风井的"活塞效应"作用较大,隧道区间换气量达到《地铁设计规范》规定,且增设消声器对活塞风道的作用影响不大,设计优化、合理.  相似文献   
长沙南湖路湘江隧道通风方案初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于我国的经济技术发展现状及趋势,借鉴公路隧道通风的相关设计理论、原则以及国内已建类似工程的经验,针对长沙市南湖路湘江隧道的工程特点,探讨并分析影响该隧道通风方案确立的因素,提出既满足隧道内的行车安全和洞外环保要求,又有利于降低工程造价和减少运营费用的通风方案。  相似文献   
通过对江西省景婺黄高速公路蛟岭隧道施工中所遇到的瓦斯情况进行分析,并总结其经验教训从设计完善、瓦斯防治、结构措施等角度,提出一些处治方法和建议,经实践证明是行之有效的,可供同类工程借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
More and more multiple-track tunnels and super-large section tunnels have been built, and disman- tling of temporary strut is a weak point of the whole structure during force transfer when the secondary lining is con- structed. It is significant to guarantee structure safety during dismantling of temporary strut. Little systematic re- search on safety in dismantling of temporary strut of the super-large section tunnel with double-layer primary support has been conducted, so the internal force and security of the two-layer primary support of the Xinkaotang tunnel were analyzed by a numerical analysis and site measurement, and it proves the effect of two-layer primary support on the safety during strut dismantling. The research results indicate that: (1) with constant support thickness and one-time longitudinal dismantling length, the safety factor of secondary primary support is larger than that of the first primary support, and the safety factor of the first primary support is larger than that of the single-layer primary support. Change range of safety factor for the first primary support is smaller than that of the single-layer primary support, and the safe factor for the single-layer primary support is smaller than that of the secondary primary support; (2) with the same support pattern, the safety factors increase firstly and then decrease with an increase of the onetime dismantling length. The calculated results of various cases show that the reasonable one-time dismantling length for this project is about 9 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
In this paper the numerical simulation analysis of the effect of explosion in the gas pipeline compartment of a utility tunnel on neighboring metro tunnels was conducted using the software AUTODYN. The results show that the TNT equivalent in a fireproof partition with length of 200 m is 41.6 kg when the gas concentration in the gas pipeline compartment reaches 10%; the blast wave has much effect on the crown and arch waist of the round metro tunnel and it’s necessary to take some protective measures in both areas; when the surrounding soil is sand, the utili- ty tunnel is above the round metro tunnel and their alignments are in the same direction, the greater the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and the metro tunnel, the smaller the effect of the blast wave on the metro tunnel; when the vertical spacing is 7.2 m, the maximum dynamic tensile stress is 1.86 MPa (including the static stress value of 1 MPa in the tunnel segment) and it is slightly smaller than the designed tensile strength of metro tunnel (about 1.89 MPa). The maximum vibration velocity and the maximum displacement meet the structural stability require- ments, so it is suggested the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and metro tunnel shall not be less than 7.2 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Considering the influence of many factors (soil loss, frontal additional thrust, the friction force of the shield shell and the additional grouting force), a method for improving the uniform soil body movement model is pro-posed, and a mechanical calculation model is established to study the calculation method for soil body deformation caused by double-line parallel shield driving. Based on the Mindlin solutions of elastic mechanics, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by the last three factors are calculated; considering the uniform soil body movement model, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by soil loss are calculated, then the to-tal theoretical solutions for soil body deformations under multiple factors are obtained by means of superposition. The vertical surface settlement, vertical horizontal displacement, and vertical displacements of the soil body at different depths of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 are calculated to analyze the variation laws. Meanwhile the influential factors for horizontal displacement variation are studied. The research shows that with a change of depth, the settlement of the soil body changes within the scope of 10 to 13 m in the horizontal direction near where the maximum settlement occurs;the direction of the horizontal displacement of the soil body changes with a change of the positional relationship be-tween the calculation points and the tunnel; and with an increase of interval J for the two tunnels, the horizontal dis-placement of the soil body of a deep double-line tunnel decreases while the displacement near the surface changes slightly. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Based on the Sutong GIL utility tunnel project, which is constructed by the shield machine under the river, and as for the overloading problem at the river bank slope during operating period, the refined threedimensional finite element model was established to study the deformation and cracking characteristics of the tunnel segment structure under different forms of overloading. The evolution laws of section convergence, joint opening and structural stress were analyzed, and the structure damage mechanisms were revealed under conditions of large area loading and local loading. The surface-surcharge control standard was proposed. For the big diameter shield tunneling crossing the silty clay, the research results show that: (1) the deformation failure process is divided into three stages under large area loading condition, taking the design load and compressive yield of rebars inside haunch as the critical points respectively. The first stage is characterized by the elastic stress, the second stage is in plastic state with fracture, and the third stage is accelerating deformation and instability stage. The vertical convergence is 110.5 mm with no opening of joints when rebars are yielded; (2)the deformation failure process under local loading condition is also divided into elasticity, plasticity and instability stages, taking the design load and tensile yield of rebars outside haunch as the critical points respectively. The vertical convergence is 152.6 mm with joint opening of 4.36 mm; (3) the early-warning values of additional stress on the ground under conditions of large area loading and local loading are 110 kPa and 70 kPa respectively. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
In this study, real-time monitoring campaigns were conducted in two tunnels (Line A and Line B) at a subway station in Shanghai, including temperature, relative humidity, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, in order to understand the climate and PM characteristics in the transportation microenvironment. In addition, collected floor dust particles in the tunnel were analyzed by ICP for their metal elemental composition. Strong correlations occurred between all PM levels and meteorological parameters in the tunnel of Line A (with platform screen doors), in comparison with the weak correlations between such parameters in the tunnel of Line B (without platform screen doors). PM2.5 and PM10 between peak hours and off-peak hours for both lines presented significant differences (p < 0.05), respectively. Nevertheless, PM1 showed a different pattern, with p > 0.05 for Line A and p < 0.05 for Line B, respectively. In addition, statistical results concluded that PM had an evident weekly variation for both lines. Friday was the highest day of all particulate matters in monitoring periods for both lines. Ratios of PM1/PM10 and PM2.5/PM10 were high when trains were out of service and low when trains were in service. Relative abundance of metal elements detected from floor dust particles proved that floor dust particles in tunnels might be a major source of airborne PM in the subway microenvironments, with Fe as the most abundant metal element, followed by Ca, Al, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Hg.  相似文献   
随着我国交通运输业日益发达,越来越多的公路隧道投入运营,其安全性和运营成本之间的矛盾也越来越受到关注,如何在保证隧道运营安全的前提下,尽可能的降低运营成本成为亟待解决的难题。本文从隧道照明安全节能的角度出发,提出一种根据车速改变加强照明区段长度的隧道照明控制系统,满足照明质量的同时进行隧道的"按需照明"。系统将车速信息分为50 km/h以下、50~70 km/h、70~90 km/h、90 km/h以上四个速度区段,每个速度区段设计不同的加强照明区段长度;通过电感式线圈检测进入隧道的车辆速度作为控制输入参数,控制相应区段进行照明。  相似文献   
为研究公路隧道巷道式运营通风横通道周围的流场特性,以贵州凉风坳隧道为研究背景,利用流体力学研究软件Fluent建立隧道三维模型并进行了数值仿真计算。通过在隧道两边等风速条件下,对隧道内人行横通道以及车行横通道附近的流场特点研究,分析了运营通风横通道周围流场分布的具体特点。模拟结果表明:车行横通道与人行横通道两边流场分布基本相同;横通道内风速相对较小,约为隧道内风速的10%;不同风速下,横通道附近的速度分布和总压分布整体走势一致;两边流场相对稳定,不会进行风流和污染物的串流。  相似文献   
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