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针对参数特征复杂度高的铁路产品,提出了一种基于随机森林(RF)结合前向序列选择(SFS)算法的铁路产品检验检测数据关键影响因素识别方法,以辅助基于经验的识别方法。创新使用RF-SFS算法,将其应用于铁路隧道防水板检验检测数据关键影响因素的识别研究。根据多年铁路隧道防水板检测数据,建立RF模型,获得了影响铁路隧道防水板检测结果的特征关键性评分序列。随后,结合SFS方法得出关键性评分序列的阈值,将排名前6位的影响因素识别为关键特征,模型的预测能力达到99.98%。为验证关键特征识别方法的有效性,对比分析3种模型在使用不同特征子集时的预测能力。当仅选用关键特征时,3种模型的预测能力均达到最佳,加入冗余特征后模型的预测能力逐渐降低。  相似文献   
结合云南4座在建高风险隧道典型突涌实例,对不同不良地质发生突涌的地质情况及突涌段落地震波反射法(TSP)的预报成果进行总结,分析各类突涌发生的工程地质条件和地震波反射法物理参数,归纳隧道突涌地质特征,得出大规模突涌时地震波反射法物理参数中纵波速度V_p、横波波速V_s、纵横波速比V_p/V_s和泊松比σ四项参数的判断标准:(1)富水时,V_p/V_s与σ都呈增长趋势,V_p/V_s变化率增长约5%以上,σ变化率增长约10%以上;(2)富水时,V_p/V_s由1.7→2.0变化,σ由0.25→0.3变化;(3)层状裂隙或构造破碎时,V_p均呈下降趋势;(4)存在裂隙及富水通道时,V_s均呈下降趋势;(5)V_p和V_s同时下降时,围岩破碎及地下水发育程度同步上升;(6)V_p上升、V_s下降时,围岩完整程度变化不大,地下水或裂隙发育程度上升。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通工程具有投资规模大,建设时间紧,专业涉及面广,工程技术复杂等特点。总结深圳市已建城市轨道交通工程的技术经济指标,针对盾构区间隧道工程,研究轨道交通工程建设标准和造价指标体系,为合理确定本地区城市轨道交通工程建设和造价标准提供科学依据。通过确定盾构区间各项主要指标,为政府投资决策提供技术支撑,以期对轨道交通高质、高效发展起到一定推动作用。  相似文献   
Roughly 90% of all natural vibrations have epicenters in offshore zones and may cause destruction of submarine and floating structures. Such excitations can influence the safe performance of facilities set up on the seabed, like tunnels, jacket legs and subsea oil pipelines. Some researches on this theme have been carried out to demonstrate the importance of seaquake analyses and their effects have been underlined. The present study intends to numerically simulate a two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problem in order to examine the dynamic response of submarine tunnel under real horizontal earthquakes. Pressure is considered as independent nodal variables to represent the fluid flow effects and the induced time-dependent acceleration in porous medium equation is incorporated in the analysis and the tunnel shell is considered as flexible. This work highlights the importance of the input ground motion frequency content that governs the development of the induced seismic stress/strain around the lining of the tunnel. The results demonstrate that for deep sea the increment rate of the circumferential stress caused by surface gravity waves is below 7% when compared to the no-wave interface condition. Moreover, it is confirmed that long-period record may amplify the overall response of the system (up to 60%) specially the lateral and vertical displacements, as well as the principal stress to a lesser extent. The developed numerical model can attend to further analysis of tunnels embedded in a half-space in conjunction with fluid undergoing the severe long-period earthquakes.  相似文献   
为研究深部高地应力岩层中修建TBM隧道时管片衬砌结构的力学行为,以某深埋TBM工法隧道为研究对象,建立基于围岩蠕变和管片分块效应的衬砌-围岩复合模型,研究考虑时间效应下管片衬砌的受力特性。结果表明:考虑围岩蠕变效应下管片衬砌受力表现出明显的时间效应。随着围岩蠕变时间的延长,管片衬砌的形变、内力和接缝张开量均呈现两阶段增长,具体表现为前期呈线性增长,后期增加趋缓。洞周围岩应力经历三阶段变化,即先减小后增大直至稳定。围岩蠕变时间为100年时,管片衬砌的内力和形变量均接近极限值。研究结果可为深部高地应力且考虑围岩蠕变效应下的TBM隧道衬砌结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   
在对Fluent软件进行二次开发的基础上,对磁悬浮列车穿越隧道引起的压力波进行了三维数值模拟,得出了隧道内的压力波时程曲线。并将隧道内的压力波动情况与列车的运行情况相结合,对压力波在隧道内的传播规律进行了详细的分析和解释,这对磁悬浮铁路隧道的设计提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
The paper briefly outlines current design philosophies for floating bridges, with special reference to aspects that are deemed to be of interest in the context of very large floating structures. Since the design of submerged floating tunnels is done by people in the same milieu and deals with many of the same problems as in the design of floating bridges, while being in some respects more critical, some of the design philosophy of that subject is also included. The design philosophy and methodology for floating and submerged tunnel bridges draws heavily on Norwegian experiences in two large fields: offshore structures and conventional bridges.  相似文献   
锥形筒形桅杆是一种新型桅杆 ,由于其结构的特点 ,风载可能对它产生较大的威胁。通过四面锥状筒型桅杆的风洞试验 ,研究了桅杆模型在不同风向下 ,在雷诺数 1 .7× 1 0 5 Re 7.8× 1 0 5的范围中 ,其周向与轴向的表面压力分布 ,给出了桅杆模型表面压力系数沿周向与轴向的变化规律 ,并作了分析 ,阐明了其与风向、雷诺数之间的关系。通过桅杆模型表面压力的周向积分 ,得到了模型的升力与阻力 ,导出升力系数与阻力系数 ,并分析了二者随雷诺数及风向的变化规律。试验分析结果表明 :压力系数沿轴向的分布不均匀 ,靠近桅杆模型的中间部位 ,压力系数较大 ;在桅杆模型的两端 ,压力系数较小。压力系数沿周向的分布与风向有关 ,在迎风面上 ,压力系数最大 ,在背风面上 ,压力系数最小。升力系数与阻力系数也与风向密切相关 ,并且随着风向的变化 ,有较大的变化。在筒型桅杆设计中 ,应充分考虑到风向变化所引起的风载变化。  相似文献   
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