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基于轮胎印迹的事故再现方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆玉凯  金先龙  黄靖  侯心一 《汽车工程》2006,28(3):250-253,286
首先建立了相机的三维摄影测量模型,用于轮胎印迹的准确勘测和建模。然后建立了车辆运动及碰撞过程中的动力学模型,用以模拟车辆在碰撞前、碰撞过程及碰撞后的运动轨迹,和摄影测量得到的轮胎印迹模型比较,采用轨迹优化的方法实现交通事故在计算机上的三维模拟再现。最后通过在典型事故再现中的应用阐述此方法的应用价值。  相似文献   
Congestion charging is being considered as a potential measure to address the issue of substantially increased traffic congestion and vehicle emissions in Beijing. This study assessed the impact of congestion charging on traffic and emissions in Beijing using macroscopic traffic simulation and vehicle emissions calculation. Multiple testing scenarios were developed with assumptions in different charging zone sizes, public transit service levels and charging methods. Our analysis results showed that congestion charging in Beijing may increase public transit use by approximately 13%, potentially reduce CO and HC emissions by 60–70%, and reduce NOx emissions by 35–45% within the charging zone. However, congestion charging may also result in increased travel activities and emissions outside of the charging zone and a slight increase in emissions for the entire urban area. The size of charging zone, charging method, and charging rate are key factors that directly influence the impact of congestion charging; improved public transit service needs to be considered as a complementary approach with congestion charging. This study is used by Beijing Transportation Environment and Energy Center (BTEC) as reference to support the development of Beijing’s congestion charging policy and regulation.  相似文献   
钻孔灌注桩水化热会暖化冻土引起桩基承载力下降,以桩基水化热在时间与空间上的影响效应为研究目的,结合青藏公路G214沿线查拉坪旱桥桩基观测数据,分析水化热对地温场的扰动范围以及桩周土回冻时间,给出灌注桩18 d内的养护温度。结果表明:水化热对距桩1.95 m以外地温影响微弱;144 d后桩侧温度降至0℃以下,229 d后桩侧温度低于-0.5℃;2 a后桩侧基本回冻至天然地温,此时承载力已达到设计要求。桩基混凝土养护温度前5 d在10℃以上,5~12 d在5℃以上,12~15 d为2℃以上,15~18 d仍高于0℃。通过数值仿真给出混凝土入模温度及桩基施工时间对桩周温度场的影响,模拟结果显示,该区域的灌注桩施工可以在相应规范规定范围内提高混凝土入模温度;灌注桩施工可以在冷季进行,但要做好5 m以上深度桩基混凝土的温控措施。  相似文献   
温拌SBS沥青混合料旋转压实特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用旋转压实仪(SGC) 成型温拌SBS沥青混合料试件, 根据体积参数的变化规律确定了最佳拌合温度, 根据旋转压实曲线对温拌沥青混合料和热拌沥青混合料的压实特性进行了对比分析。分析结果表明: 与热拌沥青混合料相比, 用旋转压实法确定温拌沥青混合料成型温度降低约20℃, 动稳定度提高30%, 低温抗裂和抗水损害能力相差不大。在压实初期, 热拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为2.53, 密实能量指数为0.246, 温拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为3.14, 密实能量指数为0.156, 表明温拌沥青混合料具有更好的施工和易性; 在压实后期, 热拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为0.019 5, 密实能量指数为1.95和1.65, 温拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为0.015 2, 密实能量指数为2.61和2.00, 表明开放交通后温拌沥青混合料具有更好的抵抗荷载压密的能力。  相似文献   
本文以中国历史上第一部关于行政诉讼制度的法律《行政裁判院官制草案》为对象,着重研究其产生的原因、基本特点及历史地位。本文认为,《行政裁判院官制草案》的诞生是西方宪政思想传播和清末立宪思潮兴起的结果,标志着中国社会权力分立与制衡思想的启蒙和现代权利意识的觉醒,对中国北洋政府、南京国民政府的行政诉讼制度产生了重大影响,具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   
本文采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了船舶撞击高桩码头群桩的空间有限元模型。通过计算评估了撞击力、桩体刚度、撞击位置和撞击角度下对群桩结构损伤位置的影响。基于人工神经网络(ANN)方法,对不同参数组合下的群桩结构损伤位置进行了预测,并对ANN方法的可行性进行了评估。  相似文献   
港珠澳大桥将改变珠江口东西两岸之间的空间运输联系方式,从而改变整个珠三角地区的物流格局.从珠三角地区城市空间布局结构、产业特点出发,总结珠三角地区物流业特点,对港珠澳大桥影响珠三角物流格局的途径进行介绍;并逐一分析港珠澳大桥建成后对香港、深圳、珠海等珠三角主要城市物流业的不同影响.  相似文献   
Stress concentration and residual stress have a significant influence on fatigue life of welded joints. In order to reduce the stress concentration of welded joints, a mathematical design method of tensile triangles (MTT) based on bionics was applied to weld shape design. Accordingly, the stress concentration of various weld beads in the corner boxing welded joint and the fillet welded T-joint was dissected using our in-house FEM software JWRIAN. It was found that there existed a large stress concentration in the conventional welded joints, whereas those welded joints with elongated weld bead were accompanied by a lower stress concentration, especially for elongated weld bead with MTT design. Furthermore, among the weld shapes of the corner boxing fillet welded joint, the rectangle shape of weld bead had the minimum stress concentration factor (1.05). For the fillet welded T-joint with MTT design, the stress concentration of weld toe decreased dramatically with the increase of the index of designed shape, but there was a minor difference of stress concentration at weld root between the weld beads with MTT design. In addition, application of low transformation temperature (LTT) weld metal utilizing martensitic transformation to the fillet welded T-joints can produce compressive residual stress at weld toe.  相似文献   
以兰州地铁所在地区为研究对象,实测地铁隧道开挖前的地温(简称为初始地温),根据实测数据,提出地铁初始地温预测模型公式。采用非稳态传热的数值模型,分析运营条件下地铁隧道围岩温度的演化规律。结果表明:兰州地铁初始地温随环境气温和埋深的变化而变化;年变温层位于自地表至埋深12m处;年恒温层位于埋深12m及其以下,温度为15℃左右;年变温层中,1年内初始地温变化规律与环境气温变化规律相似,近似呈正弦曲线状分布,但存在相位滞后的现象;1年中初始地温的振幅随埋深的增大呈指数下降趋势。在隧道内空气与围岩之间热交换中,兰州地铁隧道围岩的温度及其梯度、热透厚度(未达到极限时)均与隧道内环境温度、热交换时间成正相关关系,但与距隧道内壁的距离成负相关关系。  相似文献   
对某型直流充电柜满负载工况下温度场进行仿真,根据实验测量数据验证仿真结果准确性,成功完成了对充电柜温度场的建模仿真工作,并实现对初始模型的简化,为对整个充电站进行温度场建模仿真奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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