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C60高性能混凝土配合比设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍C60高性能泵送混凝土配合比设计,通过正交设计优化配合比参数,得出最佳配合比,对最佳配合比进行优化,最终得到满足设计和施工要求的C60高性能混凝土,可为类似工程施工提供参考。  相似文献   
为确定烟台某工程地基基岩的渗透特性,阐述水上岩体压水试验的主要操作过程、试验数据处理和试验结果分析评价方法.测定区域内的各岩层的透水率和渗透系数,给出不同风化程度岩层的渗透性评价,为设计提供防渗设计所需参数。  相似文献   
This paper introduces a relocation model for free-floating Carsharing (FFCS) systems with conventional and electric vehicles (EVs). In case of imbalances caused by one-way trips, the approach recommends profit maximizing vehicle relocations. Unlike existing approaches, two types of relocations are distinguished: inter zone relocations moving vehicles between defined macroscopic zones of the operating area and intra zone relocations moving vehicles within such zones. Relocations are combined with the unplugging and recharging of EVs and the refueling of conventional vehicles. In addition, remaining pure service trips are suggested. A historical data analysis and zone categorization module enables the calculation of target vehicle distributions. Unlike existing approaches, macroscopic optimization steps are supplemented by microscopic rule-based steps. This enables relocation recommendations on the individual vehicle level with the exact GPS coordinates of the relocation end positions. The approach is practice-ready with low computational times even for large-scale scenarios.To assess the impact of relocations on the system’s operation, the model is applied to a FFCS system in Munich, Germany within three real world field tests. Test three shows the highest degree of automation and represents the final version of the model. Its evaluation shows very promising results. Most importantly, the profit is increased by 5.8% and the sales per vehicle by up to 10%. The mean idle time per trip end is decreased by 4%.  相似文献   
This paper shows the results of a comparative fleet test the main objective of which was to measure the influence of Low Viscosity Oils (LVO) over the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of urban buses. To perform this test, 39 urban buses, classified into candidate and reference groups depending on the engine oil viscosity, covered a 60,000 km mileage corresponding to two rounds of standard Oil Drain Interval (ODI). In the same way, for 9 buses of the 39 buses, the effect of differential LVO over fuel consumption and their interaction with engine LVO was assessed during the second ODI.Test results confirm that the use of LVO could reduce fuel consumption, hence CO2 emissions. However, special attention should be taken prior to its implementation in a fleet, particularly if the vehicles are powered by engines with high mechanical and thermal stresses during vehicle operation because this could lead to friction loss increase, loss of the potential fuel consumption reduction of LVO and, in the worst scenario, higher rates of engine wear.  相似文献   
陈峻  王涛  李春燕  袁长伟 《中国公路学报》2012,25(1):128-134,140
为了精确解析城市公交车和社会车辆混合运行的状态,在基本路段车速模型适用性分析的基础上,引入公交车流量、社会车辆流量、公交车比例等参数,建立了改进的混合机动车运行速度模型,分别选取单向二车道和单向三车道路段进行交通试验调查,采用Metrocount 5600气压管式车辆分型系统进行数据采集并用于改进模型的参数标定,并分别建立了2种车型的速度差模型,提出了路段混合车流3种不同交通运行状态的评价方法。研究结果表明:同等车流量情况下,不同公交车比例对社会车辆速度的影响表现为3个显著的变化区间;随着路段饱和度的增加,社会车辆和公交车之间的速度差呈现出从几乎不变、快速缩小到接近于零3个较为明显的运行状态;考虑车流组成中公交车比例的变化可以细化路段车流畅通状态、拥堵形成状态以及拥堵状态的判别。  相似文献   
王婷婷  韦莉  卢兆明 《汽车电器》2013,(12):54-57,61
实验室标准化试验的条件比装车使用严酷,在汽车动力锂离子电池试验的过程中,实验室的安全是不可忽视的问题.基于实践和探索,介绍关于试验安全的要素和分析思路并讨论防护措施.  相似文献   
为了解双向荷载作用下灌浆波纹管装配式双柱墩的抗震性能,设计和制作了现浇混凝土墩、灌浆波纹管连接和预应力灌浆波纹管混合连接装配式双柱墩构件.开展了装配式双柱墩的双向拟静力试验,研究了破坏模式、滞回特性、骨架曲线、刚度退化、残余位移和接缝张开规律等,并与现浇混凝土双柱墩墩进行比较,重点分析了灌浆波纹管连接装配式预应力混凝土...  相似文献   
以南昌红谷沉管隧道为例,建立物模灌砂试验,实践表明砂水比1∶8~1∶12、水泥熟料掺量6%、灌砂压力控制在0.1~0.15 MPa,砂积盘半径能达到7.5~8 m。综合灌砂量、压力监测、水下探摸、管内测量4种监测方式,并利用全波场无损检测法和冲击映像法相结合的方式进行灌砂过程监测及其充填效果综合评价,得出结论: 中孔以扩散半径达到7.5~8 m及充盈度≥65%为终孔指标,边孔以扩散半径达到7.5~8 m及溢砂与前一孔溢砂融合为终孔指标,进而指导砂泵压力及停泵时间;通过合理配置灌砂设备及选择优质灌砂料,并分析灌砂施工中出现的问题及解决对策,E1-E6管段基础灌砂完成后,管段沉降值均在可控范围内,表明沉管管段灌砂基础质量可靠。  相似文献   
为了了解盾构法T接隧道在施工过程中主隧道外部的荷载以及响应,以国内第一条使用机械法施工的联络通道--宁波轨道交通3号线为背景进行研究。本文通过研究施工过程中的施工工况节点,现场监测主隧道结构的外荷载、收敛变形并计算结构内力,得到在整个施工过程中主隧道的结构响应及其变化规律。通过本文的研究,可以得出以下结论: 1)施工过程可依据外部荷载和结构体系进行划分工况,各工况具有明显的不同响应; 2)始发端和接收端的内力变化主要受到盾构顶力和外部注浆荷载的影响,且主要影响切削侧,切削过程中的内力增量在10%~20%,注浆压力影响的增量部分达到了50%; 3)各环及内支撑轴力增量在200 kN以下,破洞位置导致的轴力损失可以由其余位置共同承担,不需要特殊的破洞阶段超载设计。  相似文献   
龚德平 《桥梁建设》2006,(A01):131-133,139
以三峡左岸电站500kV输电线路杆塔桩基础静载试验工程为实例,介绍单桩垂直静载抗压试验、单桩垂直静载抗拔试验、单桩水平静载抗推试验,供同类工程参考。  相似文献   
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