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Normally, Maglev (magnetic levitation) vehicles run on elevated guideways. The elevated guideway must satisfy various load conditions of the vehicle, and has to be designed to ensure ride quality, while ensuring that the levitation stability of the vehicle is not affected by the deflection of the guideway. However, because the elevated guideways of Maglev vehicles in South Korea and other countries fabricated so far have been based on over-conservative design criteria, the size of the structures has increased. Further, from the cost perspective, they are unfavourable when compared with other light rail transits such as monorail, rubber wheel, and steel wheel automatic guided transit. Therefore, a slender guideway that does have an adverse effect on the levitation stability of the vehicle is required through optimisation of design criteria. In this study, to predict the effect of various design parameters of the guideway on the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle, simulations were carried out using a dynamics model similar to the actual vehicle and guideway, and a limiting value of deflection ratio of the slender guideway to ensure levitation control is proposed. A guideway that meets the requirement as per the proposed limit for deflection ratio was designed and fabricated, and through a driving test of the vehicle, the validity of the slender guideway was verified. From the results, it was confirmed that although some increase in airgap and cabin acceleration was observed with the proposed slender guideway when compared with the conventional guideway, there was no notable adverse effect on the levitation stability and ride quality of the vehicle. Therefore, it can be inferred that the results of this study will become the basis for establishing design criteria for slender guideways of Maglev vehicles in future.  相似文献   
分析了轮胎等汽车部件对行车安全的作用,论述了对ABS和车轮定位参数日常检测的必要性.介绍了电涡流中央制动器的制动原理和使用成本。  相似文献   
Advanced modelling of rail vehicle dynamics requires realistic solutions of contact problems for wheels and rails that are able to describe contact singularities, encountered for wheels and rails. The basic singularities demonstrate themselves as double and multiple contact patches. The solutions of the contact problems have to be known practically in each step of the numerical integration of the differential equations of the model. The existing fast, approximate methods of solution to achieve this goal have been outlined. One way to do this is to replace a multi-point contact by a set of ellipses. The other methods are based on so-called virtual penetration. They allow calculating the non-elliptical, multiple contact patches and creep forces online, during integration of the model. This allows nearly real-time simulations. The methods are valid and applicable for so-called quasi-Hertzian cases, when the contact conditions do not deviate much from the assumptions of the Hertz theory. It is believed that it is worthwhile to use them in other cases too.  相似文献   
Fuzzy-logic applied to yaw moment control for vehicle stability   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In this paper, we propose a new yaw moment control based on fuzzy logic to improve vehicle handling and stability. The advantages of fuzzy methods are their simplicity and their good performance in controlling non-linear systems. The developed controller generates the suitable yaw moment which is obtained from the difference of the brake forces between the front wheels so that the vehicle follows the target values of the yaw rate and the sideslip angle. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control method when the vehicle is subjected to different cornering steering manoeuvres such as change line and J-turn under different driving conditions (dry road and snow-covered).  相似文献   
初步探讨了面向开发型驾驶模拟器的具有模块化结构的汽车动力学仿真模型建立方法,从而可以在此基础上进一步建立一套通用的面向结构的汽车动力学仿真程序,便捷地在开发型驾驶模拟器上实现对不同类型或同类型不同结构车辆性能的仿真。  相似文献   
为了对工程车辆的落物保护装置(FOPS)进行可靠性试验提供理论依据,采用冲击动力学的塑性波两侧的动量平衡理论对工程车辆FOPS受冲击时落锤的动态响应进行了研究,建立了锤头变形的基本方程,绘制了方程相应曲线;建立了锤头在冲击过程中任一瞬时变形长度和非变形长度的数学模型,找到了工程应变和冲击速度之间的曲线对于塑性大变形的突变点及影响落锤变形的各个因素和控制变形的依据。为减小落锤的蘑菇形尺寸,降低锤头的材料成本,多次重复使用落锤,进行合理的落锤结构设计指明了方向。  相似文献   
建立了195/60R14型子午线轮胎三维非线性有限元模型,研究了在静负荷作用下轮胎帘线的受力特征。结果表明,静负荷对轮胎接地区域内帘线受力影响显著;模型带束层结构为2层相交的帘线结构,不能构成力学上的对称;带束层角度的变化对帘线剪应力分布有一定的影响,对胎肩部位帘线剪应力影响较大。  相似文献   
本文采用计算流体力学软件STAR-CCM+对某新开发汽车除霜风道进行数值模拟。通过稳态计算来预测汽车的除霜性能,对除霜效果进行了探讨,并进行了试验。对比模拟结果和试验结果总体比较接近,验证了CFD模拟的的可靠性,为汽车挡风玻璃除霜效果模拟工程提供了参考。  相似文献   
应用已有的车辆简化模型,借助反演设计理论,研究了缓和竖曲线的反演设计方法;探讨了依据车辆—路面耦合动力学模型的安全性和舒适性动力学评价指标,给出了缓和竖曲线反演设计的一般流程。该方法为开发宜人化路面CAD系统提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
高速铁路尼尔森拱桥车桥动力特性   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
应用车桥耦合振动理论分析了高速铁路尼尔森体系钢管拱桥车桥的动力特性,对该类桥的系梁、拱肋的动力特性以及列车过桥的平稳性进行了详细论述,最后对提篮式拱与平行式拱动力性能进行了分析比较。  相似文献   
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