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智能交通系统中动态路径诱导算法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对智能交通中动态路径诱导算法进行较为系统的综述。首先,从微观和宏观角度对动态诱导系统中需要用到的交通参数模型进行分析和比较,并列举几种交通参数模型;然后,对一些经典路网寻优算法进行分析,并引用一些专家学者的研究成果;最后,对动态路径诱导算法的未来发展方向进行探讨。  相似文献   
基于宏观交通仿真模型, 提出了可变情报板(VMS)行程时间诱导效益仿真算法, 分析了驾驶人的信息关注率和信息理解偏差系数对VMS行程时间诱导效益的影响。以行程时间计算模型和驾驶人信息响应模型与METANET仿真模型为理论基础, 以路网总耗时改善率为诱导效益目标, 在3种不同规模的路网上进行仿真试验。仿真结果表明: VMS行程时间对于改善路网运行效率通常具有正面的诱导效益; 信息关注率越高, 信息理解偏差系数越小, 诱导效益越显著; 当信息关注率为80%以上时, 小型、中型、大型3种路网的诱导效益分别达到28.89%、15.87%、10.53%以上。可见, 仿真算法有效。  相似文献   
提出了1个经济可运作的实时动态节能减碳计算模型,用KPI来评估节能减碳效果,运作方式如下:配备GPS装置之实验车,后端软件自动动态搭配Google Map与路径图资之起讫点(A→B)来回一趟,才量该车之耗油量,由行前预估值、旅行时间、动态交通事件与实际油耗值之误差分析,在实时交通信息协助下选定之KPI (key performance index)值(含油耗、CO2排放量、道路等级、旅行时间及ETC (electronic toll collection)费用等)做比较.搜集对应环保路径之路网交通信息数据及交通信息建立历史数据库,配合时速/油耗表完成油耗/碳排放系统数据库,得出实时交通信息占比与油耗预估误差率关系图.  相似文献   
为了提高公铁联运物流配送客户满意度和降低物流运输成本, 将物流配送过程中铁路物流配送中心、货运站(配送点)与收货点之间的路径作为优化对象, 分析了公铁联运中铁路物流配送中心的配送模式, 建立了以客户物流费用最低为目标的路径选择模型, 考虑了各个节点之间的单位运输费用、货物在各节点的包装和储存费用以及客户对某种货物的需求量。计算结果表明: 当铁路物流中心不直接向客户配送货物, 而是选择货运站来配送货物时, 客户物流总费用最小, 因此, 路径选择模型可以准确地描述物流配送问题。  相似文献   
为了减小热带气旋路径预报误差对船舶避台决策带来的不利于安全的影响, 介绍了船舶绕避热带气旋技术方法的使用现状和热带气旋路径预报的现状, 分析了船舶绕避热带气旋决策时使用多源热带气旋路径预报的意义。在对气象部门使用的多源预报结果集成技术应用情况介绍的基础上, 提出了将多源信息融合技术应用到船舶绕避热带气旋方案决策中的具体方法和船舶避台多级决策应用流程。实例分析表明: 利用多源预报结果进行多级决策来确定船舶避台方案, 可以综合考虑多个来源的热带气旋路径预报和热带气旋未来各种可能的路径, 最大程度地降低可能发生的危险和损失, 保障船舶和船员安全。  相似文献   
集装箱在海铁联运过程中容易受到各种不确定因素的影响, 导致运输时间波动, 进而影响货物的送达准点率。为有效降低不确定运输时间的影响, 兼顾运输过程的经济性和绿色可持续性优化集装箱海铁联运箱流径路。采用随机机会约束规划构建运输总费用最少和碳排放量最低的多目标模型。在约束条件中引入铁路和海洋期望运到时间, 并对超过期望运到时间的径路进行惩罚处理, 保证运输径路的优越性。考虑一站直达和中转换装这2种运输组织模式, 克服现有研究未考虑货源是否充足的缺陷。运用不确定及概率论相关理论知识将不确定约束转化为线性约束。以西安至洛杉矶的集装箱货物出口径路优化为案例背景, 采用NSGA-Ⅱ算法求解, 并通过贪心算法改进初始化种群以及基于logistics分布的概率选择算子改进精英选择算子。通过对比分析得到以下结果: ①算法优化后运输总费用减少23.15万美元, 碳排放减少6.69 t, 同时算法求解速度提高了75.36%;②将本文模型选用的随机规划和模糊规划进行对比, 发现随机规划解集数量多于模糊规划, 且二者在相同输送径路中的运输总费用和碳排放量均优化了10.65%。因此本文模型和算法具有良好的优化效果。进行灵敏度分析, 观察置信水平以及时间影响系数对目标函数和货物送达准点率的影响。结果表明: ①较高的铁路和海洋运输置信水平会提高货物的运输总费用。②时间影响系数和货物送达准点率呈负相关, 影响系数越大货物送达准点率越低。  相似文献   
This paper shows the relationship between flow, generalized origin–destination (OD), and alternative route flow from a set of ordinal graph trajectories. In contrast to traffic assignment methods that employ OD matrix to produce flow matrix, we use ordinal trajectory on a network graph as input and produce both the generalized OD matrix and the flow matrix, with the alternative and substitute route flow matrices as additional outputs. By using linear algebra‐like operations on matrix sets, the relationship between network utilization (in terms of flow, generalized OD, alternative route flow, and desire line) and network structure (in terms of distance matrix and adjacency matrix) are derived. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Usually, road networks are characterized by their great dynamics including different entities in interactions. This leads to more complex road traffic management. This paper proposes an adaptive multiagent system based on the ant colony behavior and the hierarchical fuzzy model. This system allows adjusting efficiently the road traffic according to the real-time changes in road networks by the integration of an adaptive vehicle route guidance system. The proposed system is implemented and simulated under a multiagent platform in order to discuss the improvement of the global road traffic quality in terms of time, fluidity and adaptivity.  相似文献   
The evacuation operations problem aims to avoid or mitigate the potential loss of life in a region threatened or affected by a disaster. It is shaped to a large extent by the evolution of evacuation traffic resulting from the demand–supply interactions of the associated transportation network. Information-based control is a strategic tool for evacuation traffic operations as it can enable greater access to the affected population and more effective response. However, comparatively few studies have focused on the implementation of information-based control in evacuation operations. This study develops a control module for evacuation operations centered on addressing the demand–supply interactions by using behavior-consistent information strategies. These strategies incorporate the likely responses of evacuees to the information provided in the determination of route guidance information. The control module works as an iterative computational process involving an evacuee route choice model and a control model of information strategies to determine the route guidance information to direct evacuation traffic so as to approach a desired network traffic flow pattern. The problem is formulated as a fuzzy logic based optimization framework to explicitly incorporate practical concerns related to information dissemination characteristics and social equity in evacuation operations. Numerical experiments highlight the importance of accounting for the demand–supply interactions, as the use of behavior-consistent information strategies can lead evacuee route choices to approach the operator-desired proportions corresponding to the desired traffic pattern. The results also indicate that while a behavior-consistent information strategy can be effective, gaps with the desired route proportions can exist due to the discrete nature of the linguistic messages and the real-world difficulty in accurately modeling evacuees’ actual route choice behavior.  相似文献   
河北北部山区三抚公路的路线优化过程中提出了在新形势下建设新型公路、和谐公路的新理念,适当加大前期投入,确保公路使用安全,减少了后期养护费用,提高了公路的使用寿命,并为新时期的山区公路建设提出了新的看法和新的设计思路。  相似文献   
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