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This paper proposes an optimization framework for urban transportation networks’ (re-)design which explicitly takes into account the specific decision-making processes of ordinary users and logistic operators. Ordinary users are typically commuters whose travels consist of well-defined pairs of origin and destination points, while logistic operators make deliveries at multiple locations. Obviously, these two user classes have different objectives and scopes of action. These differences are seldom considered in traffic research since most models aggregate the flow demand in OD matrices and use assignment models to predict the response of all users as if the dynamics of their optimization processes were of the same nature. This work demonstrates that better results can be achieved if the particular features of each user class are included in the models. It potentially improves the estimation of the responses and allows managers to shape their control measures to address specific user needs.  相似文献   
This article proposes a new, generalized travel cost based method to operationalize network accessibility provided by airports. The approach is novel as it integrates features of network topology with multiple quality aspects of scheduled air transport services into one metric. The method estimates generalized travel costs for the full set of feasible travel paths between an airport and all network destinations. Rooftop modeling accounts for schedule delay and isolates the most cost-efficient travel paths per O-D relation. Respecting the assumed arrival time preference of passengers and adjusting for destination importance, connectivity scores are derived. The method is then applied to explore changes in the global connectivity pattern of Scandinavian airports from 2004 to 2018. The results suggest distinct spatial differences throughout the network, but less pronounced in size than suggested by popularly applied connectivity measures. Findings also highlight the importance of the geographical location as a determinate of an airport’s connectivity.  相似文献   
Currently, the shipping industry is facing a great challenge of reducing emissions. Reducing ship speeds will reduce the emissions in the immediate future with no additional infrastructure. However, a detailed investigation is required to verify the claim that a 10% speed reduction would lead to 19% fuel savings (Faber et al., 2012).This paper investigates fuel savings due to speed reduction using detailed modeling of ship performance. Three container ships, two bulk carriers, and one tanker, representative of the shipping fleet, have been designed. Voyages have been simulated by modeling calm water resistance, wave resistance, propulsion efficiency, and engine limits. Six ships have been simulated in various weather conditions at different speeds. Potential fuel savings have been estimated for a range of speed reductions in realistic weather.It is concluded that the common assumption of cubic speed-power relation can cause a significant error in the estimation of bunker consumption. Simulations in different seasons have revealed that fuel savings due to speed reduction are highly weather dependent. Therefore, a simple way to include the effect of weather in shipping transport models has been proposed.Speed reduction can lead to an increase in the number of ships to fulfill the transport demand. Therefore, the emission reduction potential of speed reduction strategy, after accounting for the additional ships, has been studied. Surprisingly, when the speed is reduced by 30%, fuel savings vary from 2% to 45% depending on ship type, size and weather conditions. Fuel savings further reduce when the auxiliary engines are considered.  相似文献   
Fuel-switching personal transportation from gasoline to electricity offers many advantages, including lower noise, zero local air pollution, and petroleum-independence. But alleviations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are more nuanced, due to many factors, including the car’s battery range. We use GPS-based trip data to determine use type-specific, GHG-optimized ranges. The dataset comprises 412 cars and 384,869 individual trips in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. We use previously developed algorithms to determine driver types, such as using the car to commute or not. Calibrating an existing life cycle GHG model to a forecast, low-carbon grid for Ann Arbor, we find that the optimum range varies not only with the drive train architecture (plugin-hybrid versus battery-only) and charging technology (fast versus slow) but also with the driver type. Across the 108 scenarios we investigated, the range that yields lowest GHG varies from 65 km (55+ year old drivers, ultrafast charging, plugin-hybrid) to 158 km (16–34 year old drivers, overnight charging, battery-only). The optimum GHG reduction that electric cars offer – here conservatively measured versus gasoline-only hybrid cars – is fairly stable, between 29% (16–34 year old drivers, overnight charging, battery-only) and 46% (commuters, ultrafast charging, plugin-hybrid). The electrification of total distances is between 66% and 86%. However, if cars do not have the optimum range, these metrics drop substantially. We conclude that matching the range to drivers’ typical trip distances, charging technology, and drivetrain is a crucial pre-requisite for electric vehicles to achieve their highest potential to reduce GHG emissions in personal transportation.  相似文献   
计算机的广泛使用带动了网上拍卖的蓬勃兴起,给传统的拍卖带来了前所未有的冲击,而有关网上拍卖的法律体系尚未建立,因而出现了许多法律适用上的问题。本文将从网上拍卖的涵义特征入手,结合国内外网上拍卖的现状和立法,针对网上拍卖出现的问题,寻求可能的解决途径。  相似文献   
为研究区域交通运输需求和经济发展之间的关系,运用协整理论进行实证分析,选取1985—2013年重庆货运周转量、客运周转量、GDP数据,建立交通运输需求与经济之间的VAR模型,运用脉冲响应和方差分解对系统进行动态分析。结果表明:交通运输需求和GDP之间存在长期协整关系,GDP带动交通运输业的发展,交通运输业对GDP的贡献率较小;但随着交通运输业的不断发展,在逐渐加大对区域经济的推动作用。最后根据实证分析的结论,对重庆市交通运输业的发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   
�й����ܽ�ͨϵͳ��չս���о�   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
概要地介绍了“十五”国家科技攻关计划项目“中国智能交通系统发展战略研究”的主要内容和结论,该研究站在全局的高度,围绕国家综合交通的发展目标,深入地分析了我国交通运输的需求和必须解决的重大问题,客观评价了国际和国内智能交通的发展水平以及我国的差距,提出未来10~15年我国智能交通发展的指导思想、战略目标、各阶段的重点战略目标及保障措施和建议等。课题的研究成果将为编制我国智能交通的发展规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
分析了英国伦敦希斯罗机场的公共交通集疏运网络中的轨道交通线路、城市公交线路以及长途汽车网络,提出了大型枢纽机场建立公共交通集疏运网络的过程中可能会遭遇的问题以及处理的手段。以此为借鉴,对我国大型枢纽机场集疏运网络的规划与建设提出了建议。  相似文献   
针对目前国内已投入运营的自动化散货码头在装卸机械设备配置、功能区域划分、安全管理等方面存在的问题进行分析。提出针对性的解决对策,以进一步提高自动化散货码头的装卸作业效率并确保作业安全。对自动化散货码头的技术发展进行展望,供自动化散货码头建设或升级改造时参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
金镠  虞志英  何青 《水运工程》2018,(12):104-109
研究波浪与淤泥海床相互作用导致的海床液化、体积冲刷和高浓度近底悬沙的层移输运问题。采用de Wit提出的液化判别条件及计算方法,结合连云港近岸波浪和淤泥力学特征,计算不同来波条件下淤泥质海床的液化深度;进一步考虑浑水中含沙量对流速的折减影响,计算液化层运移速度分布。计算结果表明,大浪条件下,淤泥质海床可能有较大的液化深度,但层移厚度不大。由于层移含沙量较高,在近底水流驱动下仍能形成较大的输沙率和一定规模的大风天航道骤淤。有关研究成果为海床稳定性分析和输沙计算提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   
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