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为了降低埋地管道腐蚀影响因素之间的复杂相关性,提高腐蚀预测精度,文中提出一种基于自适应免疫遗传算法-加权最小二乘支持向量机(AIGA-WLSSVM)的埋地管道腐蚀速率预测建模方法,并采用AIGA优化模型参数,进一步提高模型的学习能力和稳定性。最后通过实例分析验证了AIGA-WLSSVM建模方法在埋地管道腐蚀速率预测中的可行性和有效性,为埋地管道的检修与更换提供参考。  相似文献   
为解决汕头港煤堆场不足的问题,提出将轮胎吊改造成堆煤皮带机,与地面移动皮带机配套,就可将备用的堆煤场利用起来。介绍了该方案的设计、设备的选型,及其稳定性计算,指出该方案实施后,将大大提高堆场边角的利用率。  相似文献   
Considering the influence of many factors (soil loss, frontal additional thrust, the friction force of the shield shell and the additional grouting force), a method for improving the uniform soil body movement model is pro-posed, and a mechanical calculation model is established to study the calculation method for soil body deformation caused by double-line parallel shield driving. Based on the Mindlin solutions of elastic mechanics, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by the last three factors are calculated; considering the uniform soil body movement model, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by soil loss are calculated, then the to-tal theoretical solutions for soil body deformations under multiple factors are obtained by means of superposition. The vertical surface settlement, vertical horizontal displacement, and vertical displacements of the soil body at different depths of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 are calculated to analyze the variation laws. Meanwhile the influential factors for horizontal displacement variation are studied. The research shows that with a change of depth, the settlement of the soil body changes within the scope of 10 to 13 m in the horizontal direction near where the maximum settlement occurs;the direction of the horizontal displacement of the soil body changes with a change of the positional relationship be-tween the calculation points and the tunnel; and with an increase of interval J for the two tunnels, the horizontal dis-placement of the soil body of a deep double-line tunnel decreases while the displacement near the surface changes slightly. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) formed by connected vehicles in a traffic stream could be applied to improve safety, mobility, and environmental impacts of a transportation system. In this paper, we present analytical models for the instantaneous communication throughputs of VANETs to measure the efficiency of information propagation under various traffic conditions at a time instant. In particular, we define broadcast and unicast communication throughputs by the wireless channel bandwith multiplied by the average probabilities that one vehicle is a successful receiver and sender in a VAENT, respectively. With a protocol communication model, we derive formulas to determine the probabilities for an equipped vehicle to be a successful broadcast receiver and a successful unicast receiver/sender, and obtain broadcast and unicast throughputs along discrete and continuous traffic streams. We further examine the impacts on communication throughputs of the transmission range and the interference range of dedicated short range communication devices as well as the market penetration rate of equipped vehicles and the percentage of senders. Finally, we investigate the influence of shock waves on communication throughputs.  相似文献   
我国船用柴油机功率标准规定柴油机应能够在超负荷功率(即110%标定功率)下连续运转。超负荷工况各参数变化可以反映柴油机的整体性能,是船用柴油机负荷试验的重要工况点。本文通过陕柴重工生产的12PA6B柴油机的负荷试验,研究证实该机型在超负荷工况下能保持较低的燃油消耗率和烟度排放,以及较高的功率和扭矩输出。  相似文献   
为了有效解决原油长输管线反复出现的原油途耗异常问题,通过对原油油种、工艺条件和原油输送方式等的分析,设计了等质量流量比例采样系统,由该系统实现原油管线在线自动取样。系统投用后,实现了实时对量,及时发现损耗异常情况,有效控制了原油途耗不稳定的问题。采用等质量流量比例采样模式,较好地解决了多油种、边收边付、多种输送方式以及流量范围宽等不利因素影响计量的问题,具有较好的参考和推广价值。  相似文献   
对分担率进行科学的预测是交通运输规划的基础性工作,是制定运输决策的重要依据。文章经过比较选取多项Logit模型为分担率预测模型,介绍了模型建立与求解的方法,并运用该模型对南广高铁沿线客流分担率进行预测分析。  相似文献   
针对长江口某围堤施工软土堆载过程中的稳定性问题,进行不同加载模式下的应力路径试验,分析长江口软黏土的应力-应变关系、结构损伤特性、强度及应变率发展模式,为该围堤工程的施工速率选取及施工过程中的稳定性控制提供技术依据。结果表明:在不考虑固结的前提下,土体的不排水抗剪强度几乎不受加载模式影响;最终强度与达到破坏时的应变大小无关,但与分级加载时间和分级静置时间存在相互作用关系;土体失稳时的应变率与加载速率和静置时间均有一定关系,且加载速率的影响更大;当加荷超过不排水抗剪强度的80%时,或分级最大应变率逐渐偏离加载初期的线性变化,土样濒临破坏。  相似文献   
为研究6 km长公路隧道全射流纵向排烟的可行性与有效性,依托羊鹿山隧道开展全射流纵向排烟现场实体火灾试验。试验在不利于排烟的下坡隧道(左洞)内进行,考虑5、10 、20 MW3个不同等级的火灾规模,并对不同工况下隧道内沿程风速、排烟时间等进行研究。通过对不同火灾工况下油盘火现场试验,得出如下结论: 1)现场火灾试验期间,羊鹿山隧道左洞内自然风速为1.0~1.6 m/s,与排烟方向相反,为排烟阻力; 2)隧道内开启6组以上风机时,下坡隧道内沿程风速大于3.0 m/s; 3)根据5、10、20 MW油盘火排烟试验结果,采用全射流纵向排烟方式能将隧道内烟气全部排出洞外,且从点火开始到烟气全部排出洞外的时间约为30 min。  相似文献   
在对收费型公路运营模式进行研究的基础上,利用交通规划软件建立了基于广义费用的交通流量分配模型即多方式多类型交通分配模型,通过对模型参数的科学标定和网络的合理设置,得到各类车型在特定网络上的流量分配、路段饱和率以及通行费用,并对此模型的应用效果进行分析,最终为区域高速公路网规划、路段交通量预测提供依据。  相似文献   
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