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Innovative traffic management measures are needed to reduce transportation-related emissions. While in Europe, road lane management has focused mainly on introduction of bus lanes, the conversion to High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) and eco-lanes (lanes dedicated to vehicles running on alternative fuels) has not been studied comprehensively. The objectives of this research are to: (1) Develop an integrated microscopic modeling platform calibrated with real world data to assess both traffic and emissions impacts of future Traffic Management Strategies (TMS) in an urban area; (2) Evaluate the introduction of HOV/eco-lanes in three different types of roads, freeway, arterial and urban routes, in an European medium-sized city and its effects in terms of emissions and traffic performance. The methodology consists of three distinct phases: (a) Traffic and road inventory data collection; (b) Traffic and emissions simulation using an integrated platform of microscopic simulation; and (c) Evaluation of scenarios. For the baseline scenario, the statistical analysis shows valid results. The results show that HOV and eco-lanes in a medium European city are feasible, and when the Average Occupancy of Vehicles (AOV) increases, on freeways, the majority of vehicles can reduce their travel time (2%) with a positive impact in terms of total emissions (−38% NOx, −39% HC, −43% CO and −37% CO2). On urban and arterial corridors, the reduction in emissions could be achieved only if the AOV increases from 1.50 to 1.70 passengers/vehicle. Total emissions of the corridor with an AOV of 1.70 passengers/vehicle can be reduced up to 35–36% for the urban route while the values can be reduced by 36–39% for the arterial road. With the introduction of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Electric Vehicles (EV) it is possible to reduce emissions, although the introduction of eco-lanes did not show significant reductions in emissions. When both policies are simulated together, an emissions improvement is observed for the arterial route and for two of the scenarios.  相似文献   
To support the development of policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by encouraging reduced travel and increased use of efficient transportation modes, it is necessary to better understand the explanatory effects that transportation, population density, and policy variables have on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. This study presents the development of a model of CO2 emissions per capita as a function of various explanatory variables using data on 146 urbanized areas in the United States. The model takes into account selectivity bias resulting from the fact that adopting policies aimed at reducing emissions in an urbanized area may be partly driven by the presence of environmental concerns in that area. The results indicate that population density, transit share, freeway lane-miles per capita, private vehicle occupancy, and average travel time have a statistically significant explanatory effect on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. In addition, the presence of automobile emissions inspection programs, which serves as a proxy indicator of other policies addressing environmental concerns and which could influence travelers in making environmentally favorable travel choices, markedly changes the manner in which transportation variables explain CO2 emission levels.  相似文献   
2017年中国城市轨道交通运营线路统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截至2017年底,中国内地共有33座城市拥有城市轨道交通运营线路,总长4 706 km,运营线路161条,其中新增运营线路32条(段),新增运营里程874 km.统计运营线路的名称、里程等情况,并对统计口径和特别情况予以说明(本文中的统计数字没有包含由国家铁路部门管理的324 km市域快轨线路).给出2017年中国各城市的轨道交通运营线路数量和里程排序.并对我国轨道交通总体发展情况做了简要分析.北京以22条线位居运营线路数量首位,上海以676 km位居运营总里程首位.预测到2018年底,运营总里程将接近6 000 km,运营城市数量达到36座.  相似文献   
为定量化得出高速公路同一车道中前后相邻车辆的碰撞概率,从制动减速度的角度出发,提出一种新的前后相邻车辆碰撞概率计算方法。分别考虑前后车发生碰撞的3种不同情况,推导出如果发生碰撞前车需要的最小制动减速度。基于路侧毫米波雷达获取海量车辆运行状态真实数据,包括轨迹、速度以及制动减速度的变化规律,采用广义帕累托分布(Generalized Pareto Distribution,GPD)建立制动减速度分布模型,进一步基于GPD模型计算出在不同场景下如果发生碰撞所需最小制动减速度的发生概率,将该概率值确定为碰撞概率。研究结果表明,在本研究路段,约99.10%的加速度在[-1, 1] m·s-2的区间范围内波动,车辆制动减速度的分布具有“长尾”特征,较大的制动减速度占比非常小。内侧1车道、2车道加速分布比3车道的分布更为集中,大型货车的加速度分布比小客车的加速度分布更集中。最后,基于真实的危险场景数据以及模拟的典型危险场景数据进行验证,将该方法的计算结果与传统方法的计算结果相比较,表明该方法的计算结果连续,且可迅速、准确地识别各类危险场景。  相似文献   
介绍了张花(湖南省张家界市至花垣县)高速公路第二合同段老屋湾连拱隧道施工技术方案。隧道进口端位于半山腰,地形陡峭,出口端位于冲沟形成的水沟中,从理论上阐述了可行性方案,然后从技术上进行了认真分析,探讨了高速公路连拱隧道的施工工序和施工方法。  相似文献   
隧道穿越富水岩溶地层时,为预报可能遭遇的突水突泥灾害类型、水量以及突出物信息,需提前探明掌子面前方地层含水量、渗透系数、导水系数等水文地质参数,从而对灾害源进行泥水识别。核磁共振探测(Magnetic Resonance Sounding,MRS)是一种能够直接探明地层水文地质特征的物探方法,基于MRS方法的这一优势,提出一种针对充填型岩溶突水突泥灾害源的核磁共振表征与泥水识别的方法,以期对突水突泥灾害进行预报并加以区分。通过引入Log-Gauss分布函数构建MRS弛豫时间的时空分布函数,用以表征不同灾害所对应的充填物特征;并对掌子面前方电阻率、含水量以及MRS弛豫时间分布进行三维离散,实现了对充填型岩溶突水突泥灾害源的核磁共振表征与建模。在此基础上,正演模拟了不同类型突水突泥灾害源的MRS响应信号,并分析了其响应特征与影响因素。基于灾害源的MRS响应信号特征,利用充填物含水量和MRS弛豫时间的时空分布函数建立了以充填型岩溶突水突泥灾害源的泥水识别因子作为对灾害源进行泥水识别的判据。  相似文献   
王建新 《路基工程》2010,(3):114-116
以深圳丰盛町地下阳光街隧道暗挖工程D区为例,采用FLAC-3D建立有限元模型,对地下街隧道暗挖工程施工全过程进行三维数值模拟,研究了开挖过程中周围地表沉降、地下街顶板下沉、底板隆起以及开挖对隧道下部地铁隧道拱顶变形的影响。研究结果可为类似工程的设计、施工提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
南京纬三路过江通道在江中段采用盾构法修建,其内设上下层双向四车道,直径为14.5 m.该隧道江北盾构出洞时主要穿越淤泥质粘土,土体含水量大,承载力低,若采用普通加固方式很难保证盾构出洞破壁时土体的稳定和有效隔水,设计采用人工地层冻结加固技术.结合现场实际情况,利用数值方法,就冻结施工时土体冻胀效应对地下连续墙安全性的影...  相似文献   
文章结合张唐铁路工程燕山隧道下穿公路出口段,采用三维有限差分程序,研究分析了其施工过程中的地层变形特性、力学响应、能量积聚及塑性区分布特征.研究结果表明:公路最大沉降量小于规范要求,围岩竖向最大变形为20 mm,水平变形为16 mm;掌子面前方挤出变形明显,最大值为38 mm;边墙能量密度集中现象较显著,位于距洞壁5 m深部围岩处;掌子面前方6 m左右围岩处出现能量积聚,为掌子面稳定关键部位:塑性区主要集中在掌子面前方、拱肩、边墙及墙脚.为此,建议对掌子面进行预加固,保证墙脚和拱肩部位配筋,提高结构整体稳定性.  相似文献   
盾构在富水砂层中掘进时,容易出现喷涌、地表沉降大、流砂等现象,给掘进施工带来很多问题和困难,尤其是在全断面富水砂层中掘进时,如何控制盾构施工参数显得极其重要。文章结合广州地铁21号线水西站—长平站盾构区间隧道工程实例,考虑了工程实践中盾构穿越全断面富水砂层且下穿薄弱基础的水西村民房建筑的情况,进行了盾构施工措施及试验段掘进参数分析,确定了盾构下穿水西村民房建筑的施工参数。监测结果表明:参数实际控制值与分析拟定值接近,地表沉降可以控制在5 mm内,房屋沉降可以控制在10 mm内,验证了参数选取的正确性。盾构在全断面富水砂层中下穿平房群时,实际土舱压力高于静止土压力,同步注浆量不低于1.6倍的理论值,提高土压力和推力可以有效降低平房群的沉降值。  相似文献   
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