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Three weather sensitive models are used to explore the relationship between weather and home-based work trips within the City of Toronto, focusing on active modes of transportation. The data are restricted to non-captive commuters who have the option of selecting among five basic modes of auto driver, auto passenger, transit, bike and walk. Daily trip rates in various weather conditions are assessed. Overall, the results confirm that impact of weather on active modes of transportation is significant enough to deserve attention at the research, data collection and planning levels.  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of personal and environmental characteristics on severity of injuries sustained in pedestrian–vehicle crashes using a generalized ordered probit model. The data covers 2000–2004 of pedestrian–vehicle crashes taken from police incident reports for Baltimore City and supplemented with local land use, urban form and transportation information specific to the individual crash locations. The results on personal and behavioral variables confirm previous findings. Women pedestrians involved in crashes tend to be injured less frequently than their male counterparts; children have an increased likelihood of sustaining injuries and older persons are more likely to be fatally injured. Pedestrians who cross against the traffic signal, are not in a crosswalk and are involved in a crash after dark are associated with greater injury risk. Of the built environment policy variables of interest, transit access and greater pedestrian connectivity, such as central city areas, are significant and negatively associated with injury severity. These results suggest that the environmental conditions should be given more scrutiny and be an important consideration when evaluating and planning for pedestrian safety.  相似文献   
浅埋暗挖地铁隧道施工监测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以重庆市地铁一号线大坪车站临时施工便道为例,对在浅埋、软岩条件下既有隧道拆除采用工字钢支顶、风镐破岩,新建隧道采用台阶法环形开挖预留核心土、人工非爆破开挖的施工方法,通过现场监控量测,得出最大地表沉降仅为3.82mm,表明采用合理的施工方法可以减少地表沉降。  相似文献   
文章以新建库鲁塔格隧道爆破施工为例,通过进行爆破振动测试,分析爆破施工过程中既有隧道的爆破振动速度与微应变之间的相互关系,研究新建隧道爆破施工对临近既有隧道的影响。  相似文献   
王旭 《西部交通科技》2009,(11):135-138
市场经济所带来的多元化择业观念,使毕业生集体主义观念和社会责任感观念淡化,从而在就业选择上趋向于功利化、自我化。文章针对当前交通职业技术学院学生职业价值观的这一变化,分析学生现实型职业价值观与传统型职业价值观之旬的冲突,提出了交通职业技术学校在职业价值观教育方面应采取的措施。  相似文献   
交通技工学校学生厌学现象分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李霞 《西部交通科技》2009,(11):149-152
文章针对交通技工学校学生厌学现象,从社会、家庭、学校、学生自身等方面深入分析了学生厌学的原因,提出了解决厌学问题的对策与措施。  相似文献   
根据广西桂柳高速公路管理处日常养护调查情况,选择柳州至王灵高速公路中三段脱空比较严重路段作为试验路段,采用板底压浆方式进行处治,从原材料质量、压浆材料配合比、施工工艺以及施工质量检测等多个环节加以控制。通过板底压浆效果评定指标可以得出,压浆前、后路面板的传荷系数由68.6%增大至80.3%,脱空率由42.6%减少至13.3%,压浆效果良好,对处治板底脱空具有很好的应用。  相似文献   
连续PC刚构桥施工过程中受力复杂,变形影响因素众多。文章以在建的罗天乐大桥为例,从收缩徐变、张拉龄期、弹性模量、容重、预应力参数等方面进行参数影响量分析,指出大跨度连续刚构桥线形控制中须重点关注的参数.并介绍了减少跨中下挠的设计与施工方法。  相似文献   
城市公共交通发展动力涵盖政府的主导作用、公交运营企业的主动力、公众的支持力以及营销传播的助动力等"四方力量",四方力量的协同推动城市公共交通系统快速发展。首先对城市公共交通发展的动力机制进行分析,研究快速发展面临的困境以及进行公共交通系统动力协调的必要性;然后提出强化政府主导作用的"4P"发展策略、激发公交运营企业主动力的品牌服务策略、拓展公众支持力的乘客关系管理策略、发挥营销传播助动力的促销策略等公共交通协同发展策略;由此增强公共交通竞争力,提高公交出行方式分担率,推动城市可持续发展。  相似文献   
高职专业设置中存在许多体制内外的问题,阻碍着高职教育的内涵型发展和科学发展。文中从高职教育认识误区、专业设置主体不清晰、专业设置管理内容不健全等三个方面,对高职专业设置中存在的教育体制机制缺陷产生的原因进行分析,旨在为高职专业设置管理体制机制改革提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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