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The emission of particulate matter (PM) and other atmospheric pollutants in port operations and shipping have caused a huge negative impact on the environment. Consequently, how to evaluate the environmental efficiency of ports and put forward corresponding countermeasures on this basis is becoming a more important issue than ever before from the perspectives of the government, academia, and society. We construct three data envelopment analysis (DEA) models to evaluate the environmental efficiency of ports under the circumstances of environmental control, non-environmental control and PM emission through inter-ports cooperation. The innovation of the DEA models constructed in this paper lies in: (1) Setting environmental control parameters to uniformly manipulate the situations of environmental control and non-environmental control, etc.; (2) Allowing non-equal proportional change of input index, expected output and non-expected output index; (3) Setting preference coefficients for ports to admit favorable decisions; (4) Providing a distance formula of expected output for PM emission reallocation. Further, data from 11 major ports in China are collected to compare the expected output under different PM emission standards assuming the situation of environmental control and non-environmental control, port cooperation, and non-cooperative sewage discharge. The empirical results show that: (1) Ports in the eastern China (Shanghai, Ningbo, and Nanjing) have higher port efficiency; (2) Port cooperation can improve the overall expected output but it will lose its edge with the improvement of PM emission standards. (3) Ports follow the same trend of output loss regardless of favorable decisions. In the end, the author makes a summary, puts forward relevant policy suggestions and makes the recommendation for future research.  相似文献   
广西百色水利枢纽通航设施工程率先采用“省水船闸+升船机+辅助船闸”组合式通航建筑物总体布置方案,其省水船闸带两级独立梯形断面省水池,省水率可达55%。介绍百色水利枢纽通航设施工程通航建筑物形式选择,阐述采用“省水船闸+升船机+辅助船闸”组合方案后,船闸下泄水流进入中间渠道后引起的升船机上游水位波动情况,以及全平衡式升船机在对接过程中对于水位变化的要求。为解决水位波动对升船机安全运行的影响问题,提出非省水船闸+泄水外排方案与省水船闸方案,并对两方案进行技术经济对比分析,最终确定采用省水船闸方案。  相似文献   
针对高速船尾部采用喷水推进装置的局部振动问题,建立了船体尾部包含喷水推进泵的有限元模型。考虑附连水质量的影响,将船体尾部离散成甲板,底板,喷水推进泵,尾板等局部结构,采用规范经验公式估算以及有限元分析的方法分别对各局部结构的板、板格、板架进行固有频率计算,将其结果与轴频和叶频激励频率进行储备频率校核,判断尾部采用喷水推进装置在振动问题上是否满足规范标准,并为下一步的船体设计提供参考。  相似文献   
针对船舶施工安全稳定性问题,以马来西亚槟城吹填二期(STP2)工程为例,介绍特定条件限制下的浅水抛石施工方法,以施工过程中的船舶稳定性验算为理论基础,判定了船舶的横倾角并通过工程实例验证,为类似工程提供相对简单、实用的船舶安全验算基础。  相似文献   
油田注水管线所输送介质复杂,腐蚀现象严重,存在安全隐患,一旦因腐蚀泄漏就会造成巨大的经济损失。因此,开展油田注水管道的腐蚀研究及采取措施减缓腐蚀具有重要意义。为此,对某油田注水管道现场采集注入水样及腐蚀产物,通过X-射线衍射及X-射线能谱仪进行分析,分析结果表明腐蚀产物主要是碳酸钙,同时含有一定量的氯化物、碳酸亚铁、硫化物等成分。通过电镜扫描腐蚀产物的微观形貌,发现存在氯离子腐蚀。并通过ICP-OES分析输送介质组分,针对其腐蚀特点及输送介质组分,采用失重法及电化学方法评价了引入季铵盐的咪唑啉缓蚀剂HJD2最佳质量分数及缓蚀机理,实验结果表明该缓蚀剂对该注水管道具有较好的缓蚀作用,在现场注水温度下,最佳质量分数(0.06%)时的缓蚀效率为95.1%,通过注入该缓蚀剂可以有效地减缓该注水管线的腐蚀,延长管线的使用寿命。  相似文献   
随着丹东地区经济的快速发展,丹东地区渔船、游船、货船的船舶数量也随着增加,而船舶污染也随之严重起来。报告了丹东港口船舶污染问题的现状,对船舶不正当排放的污染源及船舶污染的特点进行调查,最后对船舶污染的治理提出建议。  相似文献   
结合哈大铁路客运专线DK651+972涵洞施工的实例,论述了根据实际水文地质条件确定降水方案,对以往经验参数进行修改,以达到降水目的及确保工程顺利进行。  相似文献   
Kaohsiung City and its neighborhood in the southwestern coastal plain of Taiwan have suffered serious air pollution since the region became the largest center for heavy-industry on the island. In order to unravel the air pollution history of the region, four 210Pb- and 137Cs-dated sediment box cores recovered in 2006 from offshore of this area were chosen for magnetic and petrographic analyses. The data were used to distinguish changes in concentration, composition and grain size of magnetic particles in the sediments due to inputs of anthropogenic magnetic spherules. Sedimentation rates have been reasonably constant for the last one hundred years, except at the core tops which were affected by a turbidite layer induced by a typhoon in 2005. Down-core profiles of mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (χ) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) are similar among the cores, and reflect similar trends to magnetic spherule counts. This reveals that χ and SIRM of modern marine sediments can be used as air pollution indicators for nearby industrialized upwind areas. The studied record indicates that industrialization of the area was gradual during 1950–1980 and boomed afterward, resulting in a high production of airborne magnetic spherules, which is consistent with evidence for poor air quality at that time. Optical and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) surveys of magnetic extracts indicate that the magnetic spherules have grain sizes ranging from a few micrometers up to 50 μm and consist mainly of iron oxides with variable Si, Al, and Ca contents. X-ray diffraction analysis on magnetic extracts from different depths in the cores further indicates that magnetite and pyrrhotite, which are derived from terrigenous detritus, form the magnetic constituents of the sediments before the area was industrialized. In contrast, during the industrial boom, anthropogenic magnetite and hematite spherules became the dominant magnetic particles in the sediments. Down-core profiles of hard isothermal remanent magnetization (HIRM) below the turbidite layer also reveal similar trends to the corresponding magnetic spherule counts, which indicate that the concentration of hematite in the sediments is also closely related to the extent of air pollution. In addition, relatively low values of χARM/χ, which are indicative of coarse magnetic grains, started to occur when large magnetite spherules became significant during the industrialized period. The air pollution history elucidated from our sediment core data not only reflects the development of Kaohsiung from a small village to a highly industrialized metropolitan area in the 20th century, but it is also consistent with the most recent air pollution trends revealed by real time air quality measurements of PM10. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of magnetic parameters for delineating the air pollution history of coastal marine sediments down-wind of nearby industrialized regions.  相似文献   
为有效解决船用中厚钢板复杂曲面加工问题,研究空气冷却(空冷)、正面水冷和反面水冷方式对大尺寸钢板弯曲成形的影响因素。首先采用COMSOL Multiphysics仿真平台模拟电磁感应加热和冷却变形多物理场同步耦合过程,然后分析各种因素对大尺寸钢板弯曲成形的影响,最后通过试验验证有限元模型的可靠性,并对感应加热弯曲成形效果进行评估。结果表明:相对于水冷,空气冷却对钢板Y向位移改变效果显著;相对于空气冷却,水冷对钢板角位移的改变影响明显;当频率为50 k Hz时,电流频率对表面温度和角位移影响显著;当钢板长宽比不小于1∶2时,Y向位移的增加比较显著;当长宽比约为1∶1时,角位移的改变比较明显。  相似文献   
通过建立两相饱和地基下桩-土耦合系统的动力分析有限元数值模型,对饱和自由场地基以及桩柱结构在地震作用下的动力响应进行数值模拟研究。结果表明:在地震作用下超孔隙水压沿深度方向呈现出指数衰减趋势,在地表处更易导致地基液化从而散失承载能力。随着超孔隙水压的上升土体强度降低后,饱和地基土层对地震波的高频成分有明显的选择性滤波作用。在桩柱结构地震响应分析中,受桩土间动力耦合作用的影响,桩侧土体比远场地基土更易液化。随着地基承载力的降低,导致桩柱动力以及弯矩响应上升。研究结果与已有桩基础震害经验相符,其方法和结论可对饱和可液化地基抗震工程提供参考。  相似文献   
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