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The coastal zone is attractive for human settlement because it tends to be resource rich, providing a good location to generate incomes and livelihoods. Equally, however, it is a complex and powerful natural environment, which means that the coastal zone often becomes a focus of conflict with multiple users competing for limited space and resources. Understanding the causes of, and determining solutions to, the ensuing problems requires inputs from a range of analyses across sectors and disciplines. However, different disciplinary and sectoral approaches frequently use different investigative methods, language, and means of presenting results. This article presents a framework that has been developed in collaboration with Indian institutions over the past three years in an effort to address some of these fundamental problems of analysis and translation into policy action. Key components addressed by the framework are strengthening the capacity to practice, knowing how to proceed and how to find out what needs to be known using experience-based problem solving.  相似文献   
为了切实有效地提高桥梁施工质量,针对响桥梁施工的主要影因素,就桥梁建设工程的施工技术与质量控制进行了详细的阐述,提出只有不断地完善桥梁建设的施工管理体系,提高施工人员的总体素质,才能确保我国桥梁建设行业的稳步发展。  相似文献   
介绍了观音沙特大桥上部构造T构设计。采用新、旧规范对T构进行验算,并在营运期长期跟踪桥梁病害及挠度变化,力图从结构设计及营运期产生的病害中找到相关性,从根本上对病害进行处治,也对设计成果跟踪反馈,为同类桥型深化设计提供经验。  相似文献   
Consistent with the policies set forth in the Coastal Zone Management Act, the California Coastal Act seeks to balance the utilization and conservation of coastal resources, taking into account the social and economic needs of the citizens of California. One way the statute pursues this balance is through its provisions for ports. These provisions have functioned as a type of smart growth planning for ports, encouraging densification of existing port districts and possibly averting maritime commercial and industrial sprawl along the California coast. One unintended consequence of the encouraged consolidation of port activities, when combined with the rapid growth in international trade over the last four decades, has been disproportionally large environmental and health impacts on low-income and minority communities surrounding ports. This article examines how the Port of Long Beach's conformance with the California Coastal Act has resulted in ongoing environmental justice concerns. It discusses approaches employed by the Port of Long Beach to reduce environmental justice concerns resulting from significant and unavoidable environmental impacts and offers suggestions for how to address this issue.  相似文献   
赵晖  栗克国 《水道港口》2011,32(6):449-452
为研究浅水回声测深仪计量检定标准装置,以完成量值传递,文章介绍了2种不同的检定装置,可根据具体环境条件选择水槽比对方式和模拟器方式对回声测深仪进行检定,并对回声测深仪的基本原理、工作流程、2种检定装置的构造、测试结果和优缺点进行了简要的阐述。  相似文献   
结合国道202线吉林省磐石段路面维修工程,对冷再生施工工艺及其性能指标进行了探讨,为就地冷再生技术在吉林省的推广应用提供参考经验。工程实践证明,旧路面就地冷再生技术具有成本低、工期短、节约材料、不损坏路基、消除污染保护环境、交通安全等特点,对于节约自然资源、保护生态环境具有极大的意义。  相似文献   
目前我国高速公路、市政道路与铁路发生交叉越来越多,如何选择合理的跨越方案,减少对铁路运营的影响,是当前需要重点研究的课题。就上跨铁路的桥梁方案进行研究,提出了预应力混凝土T形刚构转体、预应力混凝土独塔单索面斜拉桥、预应力混凝土T梁的桥梁方案,并对各个方案进行全面评价,并选择对铁路影响最小的T形刚构转体方案跨越,显著减少对铁路的影响,并确保铁路运营的安全。  相似文献   
通过对大跨径预应力混凝土连续刚构梁桥施工过程中结构的线形测试,经过合理结构分析计算,研究其施工过程中的线形变化规律,并根据现场实测数据和采用有效控制方法,给出合理的立模标高,使大桥顺利合龙。  相似文献   
简述国内外钢-混结合梁桥的发展及分类,对钢-混结合梁桥的适用性及经济性进行比较,详细介绍了德国有代表性的3座钢-混结合梁桥.  相似文献   
辽西北供水工程11#支洞,断面小、坡度大,出渣运输方式是决定工期的关键控制因素。采用无轨运输出渣方式,存在以下问题:隧道纵坡坡度较大,运输渣车爬坡困难、存在严重的安全隐患;断面小,自卸车在陡坡上运行和洞内调头困难等。对此采取扩大隧道开挖断面、设置避车洞,改装车辆、确保车辆制动的可靠性;加强安全管理措施等。实践证明,采用无轨运输方式出渣具有节约工期、经济效益显著等特点,可根据实际工况加以选用。  相似文献   
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