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技术站广义配流问题模型与算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据列车解编顺序是否确定,将阶段计划中的广义配流问题分为广义静态配流问题和广义动态配流问题。以阶段内发出配流车数最多和车辆在站平均停留时间最短为目标函数,以列车解体开始时刻、车流分配、车流接续和列车编组开始时刻为约束条件,建立广义动态配流问题的多目标非线性混合整数规划模型。综合考虑优先排空、优先发送较近编组去向车流,模拟车站调度员编制阶段计划时的思维过程,设计搜索算法,解决广义静态配流问题(给定列车解编顺序的广义动态配流问题)。以有7个编组去向的某技术站为例,运用该算法可以在较短时间内得到列车解编方案和配流方案,表明了该算法的实用性和可行性。  相似文献   
土石方调配问题双层规划模型及算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:针对铁路土石方工程中较少考虑对生态环境影响的现状,研究如何构建合理的土石方调配问题模型,实现铁路土石方工程与生态环境的有效协调,减少对生态环境的影响的同时,从而实现土石方工程系统最优的目标。研究结论:根据土石方工程具体特点,系统地描述土石方调配问题,在此基础上兼顾政府监管部门与施工企业双方不同的利益目标,建立土石方调配问题双层规划模型。在双层规划模型中,上层模型为土石方工程系统最优模型,下层模型为土石方调配费用最低模型。计算结果表明:土石方调配问题双层规划模型在减少对保护生态环境影响同时,降低工程建设成本。  相似文献   
Storage space allocation in container terminals   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Container terminals are essential intermodal interfaces in the global transportation network. Efficient container handling at terminals is important in reducing transportation costs and keeping shipping schedules. In this paper, we study the storage space allocation problem in the storage yards of terminals. This problem is related to all the resources in terminal operations, including quay cranes, yard cranes, storage space, and internal trucks. We solve the problem using a rolling-horizon approach. For each planning horizon, the problem is decomposed into two levels and each level is formulated as a mathematical programming model. At the first level, the total number of containers to be placed in each storage block in each time period of the planning horizon is set to balance two types of workloads among blocks. The second level determines the number of containers associated with each vessel that constitutes the total number of containers in each block in each period, in order to minimize the total distance to transport the containers between their storage blocks and the vessel berthing locations. Numerical runs show that with short computation time the method significantly reduces the workload imbalance in the yard, avoiding possible bottlenecks in terminal operations.  相似文献   
备件是舰船装备进行正常检修或应急修理的保障性物资,舰船备件配置水平的高低直接影响舰船装备保障的能力与费用。在舰船维修体制分析的基础上,通过对国内外舰船备件配置文献的梳理研究,依据不同的理论基础与数学模型,总结基于历史数据、METRIC理论和系统可靠性的配置方法,并对这些方法的优势与不足进行分析对比。在此基础上,提出考虑部件重要度、混合约束下的多目标优化以及备件共用策略优化这3个舰船备件配置研究未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
Urban intersections crashes cause significant economic loss. The safety management process undertaken by most states in the United States is referred to as Highway Safety Improvement Program and consists of three standardized steps: (i) identification of critical crash locations, (ii) development of countermeasures, and (iii) resource allocation among identified crash locations. Often these three steps are undertaken independently, with limited detail of each step at the state planning agencies. The literature review underlines the importance of the third step, and the lack of sophisticated tools available to state planning agencies for leveraging information obtained from the first two steps. Further, non-strategic approaches and unavailability of methods for evaluating policies may lead to sub-optimal funding allocation. This paper overcomes these limitations and proposes multiple optimal resource allocation strategies for improvements at urban intersections that maximize safety benefits, under budget and policy constraints. Proposed policy measures based on benefits maximization (economic competitiveness), equitable allocation (equity), and relaxation of mutually exclusiveness (multiple alternatives at one location) produce significantly different alternative and fund allocation. The proposed models are applied to selected intersections in four counties of southeast Michigan. Results reinforce the applicability of the strategies/policies and tools developed in this paper for safety project funding allocation on critical urban intersections.  相似文献   
The workplace charging (WPC) has been recently recognized as the most important secondary charging point next to residential charging for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). The current WPC practice is spontaneous and grants every PEV a designated charger, which may not be practical or economic when there are a large number of PEVs present at workplace. This study is the first research undertaken that develops an optimization framework for WPC strategies to satisfy all charging demand while explicitly addressing different eligible levels of charging technology and employees’ demographic distributions. The optimization model is to minimize the lifetime cost of equipment, installations, and operations, and is formulated as an integer program. We demonstrate the applicability of the model using numerical examples based on national average data. The results indicate that the proposed optimization model can reduce the total cost of running a WPC system by up to 70% compared to the current practice. The WPC strategies are sensitive to the time windows and installation costs, and dominated by the PEV population size. The WPC has also been identified as an alternative sustainable transportation program to the public transit subsidy programs for both economic and environmental advantages.  相似文献   
目前我国高速铁路票价制定还比较缺乏灵活的市场化机制,严重影响铁路运输企业收益和服务水平的提高。基于高速铁路旅客出行规律和收益管理策略,研究高速铁路动态定价与票额分配协同优化方法。在分析旅客出行价格需求弹性的基础上,构建基于Logit模型的客流弹性函数,考虑临近发车客票不涨价和运输能力等约束,建立以期望客票总收入最大化为目标的优化模型,设计一种基于超分方程的分步算法,求解不同时段下不同列车的最优票价与票额分配方案。以京沪高速铁路为例进行计算和分析,与固定费率票价相比,动态票价策略能保证服务水平,系统总客流需求下降0.73%,企业客票总收益提高4.95%。  相似文献   
技术站间货物列车协同作业组织模式,可实现各站获益,整体加强,对提升铁路运输生产效率具有重要意义.本文建立技术站间货物列车协同配流模型.模型以最大化两技术站的正点出发列车数作为目标函数,采用启发式遗传算法进行寻优,得到货物列车解编顺序和配流方案.最后,通过对算例进行实验分析,验证协同配流模型的实用性.结果表明,技术站间协同配流作业明显压缩车辆在站总停留时间,增加了阶段计划内正点出发列车数,进而提高了技术站内线路使用能力.  相似文献   
集装箱海铁联运港口堆场作业箱型复杂,为了提高港口作业能力和效率,基于进口、出口箱的混合堆存方式,对"船舶-堆场-列车"作业堆场箱位分配问题进行研究."船舶-堆场-列车"作业堆场负责堆存通过船舶、列车及外集卡进出港口的集装箱.本文在待分配箱的作业时间及箱区已知的前提下,以集装箱堆存产生的压箱数最小为目标,建立"船舶-堆场-列车"作业混堆堆场箱位分配模型,根据模型特点设计了启发式算法进行求解,并进行算例分析.结果表明,所建模型和求解算法能够有效减少堆场的压箱数,满足箱型堆存要求,提高港口作业效率.  相似文献   
动力定位系统舵桨组合推力分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁伟  俞孟蕻  朱艳 《船舶力学》2015,(4):397-404
针对船舶动力定位系统推力分配中舵桨组合的推力建模及优化分配问题,将舵桨组合的非凸推力区域转化成4个凸区域,采用切换控制理论把非线性最优化问题转换为线性最优化问题。将舵、桨组合起来进行推力建模,以最小推力、舵角变化和推力误差为优化目标,对推进器的推力变化率、舵角变化率、推力误差范围和推力大小作了约束,采用多边形的方法把推力范围约束转化为线性不等式约束,基于总功率与总推力误差在不同推力区域设计了切换逻辑,实现了在不同的推力分配器中的切换。实船试验结果表明舵桨组合推力模型及推力分配策略是切实可行的,满足了推力分配的要求,在配备舵的动力定位船上具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
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