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英国职业教育特色与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了中英职业教育合作项目的背景与进展,研究了英国当前的职业教育状况,分析了先进的教育经验.并对合作项目下的汽修课程体系改革作出了规划。  相似文献   
This paper measures the effect of low-cost carriers (LCCs) on British regional airports' commercial revenue using panel data analysis. The evidence shows that although LCCs have significant impact on airports' commercial revenue, their contribution is smaller compared to other carriers. The empirical results indicate that holding other variables constant, on average, each additional LCC passenger boosts airport commercial revenue by £2.87, while each additional other carrier passenger raises commercial revenue by £5.59. These results are relatively stable across different models. The findings have important policy implications for aviation strategy at the regional level and beyond.  相似文献   
The deregulation of the British bus sector (outside London) in 1986 was the start of a debate on the merits of ‘deregulation’ and ‘competitive tendering’. The period that followed was rich in lessons. New Zealand was at the time the only other country engaging in a reform based upon market initiative (implemented in 1991). Other countries chose for a less extreme and more consensual way to introduce competitive incentives, choosing the fundamentally different competitive tendering (CT) path. As a result, the so-called ‘Scandinavian model’ developed, based upon the London example of route tendering. Later the Netherlands adopted a network tendering approach, resembling the French practice of network tendering though with more operator freedom.  相似文献   
The past emphasis in this conference series has been on the best ways to deregulate regulated public transport markets. This workshop reverses this process by examining the best ways to regulate deregulated public transport markets. A hierarchy of regulatory needs is identified and three hybrid models examined, based loosely on experience from Great Britain, New Zealand and Sweden. It is argued that deregulated public transport markets are a global phenomenon but regulatory measures should reflect local requirements. The resultant process of glocalisation might result in regulatory measures that focus on the rules of law and their enforcement in emerging public transport markets (such as urban transport in Sub Saharan Africa and for the soon to be competitive inter urban market in Germany) but that focus on guidance for network integration and incentivisation for welfare maximisation in more mature public transport markets (as in Great Britain, New Zealand and Sweden).  相似文献   
公私合营(public-private partnership,PPP)模式作为近年来逐步兴起的开放式融资模式,能够更加迅速地满足项目融资需求,对促进基础设施建设形成有力的补充。基于研究PPP模式在香港、英国和澳大利亚的应用,通过分析针对18个成功因素的问卷调查结果显示,来自不同地区的受访者均认为良好的私营机构、适当的风险分配和分担、公营部门和私营机构的承诺和责任这三点是最为重要的PPP模式关键性成功因素。基于对这些因素的特点研究与排序,进一步分析各因素间的变量关系、共性特点和差异性特点。由于中国针对PPP模式关键性成功因素分析专题的文献很少,希望本论文能够对中国的PPP学术研究和发展提供参考。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors influencing and inducing leisure travel; to convey the sensitivity of rail travel receipts to the performance of the economy and more particularly family and personal disposable incomes; to examine the potential for further market research; and finally, to determine ways and means of attracting marginal revenue in the sustainable recreation/tourism sphere to a major public sector asset.

The paper focuses on leisure marketing by Britain's national railway corporation, British Rail (BR), and the relevant activities of its three passenger business sectors: Network SouthEast (NSE), which operates regional and local services in London and the South East (though not the London ‘tube’ system); Regional Railways, which operates regional and local services elsewhere in Great Britain; and InterCity, which operates the long distance express services.

The paper reviews BR's fares promotions of recent years and in particular draws on some examples taken from Regional Railways. This sector is now the only business of British Rail which in principle is subject to a significant public grant, to meet the obligation of a minimum level of service on social grounds. Of the other two passenger businesses, Network SouthEast receives a grant but the current intention is that it should operate on a breakeven basis from the 1992/93 financial year; InterCity runs on a purely commercial basis.  相似文献   
介绍英国有关轨道交通事故调查的相关法规、事故或事件通报的内容和要求、调查事故门槛、调查要求、首席检查员的责权、调查报告的要求和内容。通过伦敦地铁的一个事故实例,对事故调查报告的讨论和分析得到启示:我国应对事故通报和调查立法进行严谨细致的调查规定、公开事故调查报告,深入探究事故的影响因素和可能因素。  相似文献   
Express coach services compete for longer distance market with car and rail, and largely cater for the leisure, tourism, and visiting friends and relatives. markets. Britain deregulated its express coach system in 1980, and it is now opportune to examine long-term impacts of that change. The initial impacts were reviewed by the authors in 1986 (Robbins & White, 1986) but such impacts do not necessarily match long-term outcomes. Monitoring of the British system has been conducted by examining service changes and data on ridership, together with financial performance of the main operator groups and technical press coverage. It can be shown that a dominant position has been retained by the major operator (National Express), with a continued decline in the role of smaller independent operators in the all-year-round daily network. However, new competition has emerged from other large groups (most notably Stagecoach ‘Megabus’ in 2003). The paper analyses the operating and marketing strategies of the new operator and contrasts these strategies with those adopted in the 1980s. Implications for the future development of the network in Britain are outlined.  相似文献   
4.2驾照管理 在英国,年满17岁公民可以考取驾照。考照人办理相关的保险后,可随有3年以上驾龄的驾驶员或亲友驾车,练车场和考场就是城乡公路。自己认为掌握要领后,向考证机构寄出申请,得到回复即可参加考试。英国考取驾照比较严格,如在转盘路口稍有停车、随意变道等都会被视为严重犯规。据统计,在伦敦考驾照1次通过的仅有20%。驾照有效期为4年,4年内驾照分数被扣12分,或第1次领取驾照2年内被扣6分,都会被取消驾照。超速和闯红灯都会被罚50镑。扣3分。  相似文献   
王玮 《水运工程》2004,(3):139-141,100
通过对英国水运、公路工程监理业务的考察和学习,对英国工程监理和项目管理的发展和现状有了初步了解,结合我国工程监理工作的实际,对我国监理发展中应重视的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   
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