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针对网络控制系统中存在的不确定时延,在传感器采用时间驱动,执行器与控制器采用事件驱动、时延小于一个采样周期的条件下,将网络控制系统建模为一类具有不确定性的线性离散系统并且其标称模型可控。围绕该标称模型,利用Lyapunov方法,基于相应的LMI可行解,给出网络控制系统保性能控制律的设计方法。通过仿真证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
基于视觉的前方车辆探测技术研究方法综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对国内外关于车道上本车前方车辆检测方法进行了综述。根据探测车辆所采用的传感器不同,分别对采用单目视觉、双目视觉、视觉与其他传感器融合以及非视觉传感器的几种探测方法进行了比较与分析。同时,针对每种探测方法,进一步阐述了目前车辆识别的一些具体算法。最后,指出了每种方法存在的优点和一些不足。  相似文献   
针对船舶在海上作业时动力定位控制系统需要精准定位的问题,提出基于改进跟踪微分器的自抗扰控制器,解决线性自抗扰控制器由于省略跟踪微分器而降低系统动态性能的问题。结合线性与非线性跟踪微分器的优点,设计能够较好跟踪微分信号,且能降低噪声对系统影响的改进跟踪微分器,从而构成新型线性自抗扰控制器。仿真实验结果表明,相比于传统的线性自抗扰控制器,基于改进跟踪微分器的LADRC有较强的鲁棒性和自适应性,且超调小、响应快、抗扰能力强。  相似文献   
详细介绍桑塔纳2000(时代超人)电动门窗延时继电器在点火开关未接通前、接通后以及断开后的工作过程。阐述了左前门窗自动下降继电器在短时间(<300m s)、长时间(>300m s)按动开关以及开关向前按这3种情况下的工作过程。本文电路图是从实物上测绘整理而成,并与外电路相连接,以便于识读。  相似文献   
从动车组位置追踪系统的系统原理、系统接口等方面出发,分析了系统日常应用过程中常见问题的影响,并给出了相应的解决方法,为动车段/所位置追踪系统的设计、应用和维护提供了积极的思路。  相似文献   

Monitoring bicycle trips is no longer limited to traditional sources, such as travel surveys and counts. Strava, a popular fitness tracker, continuously collects human movement trajectories, and its commercial data service, Strava Metro, has enriched bicycle research opportunities over the last five years. Accrued knowledge from colleagues who have already utilised Strava Metro data can be valuable for those seeking expanded monitoring options. To convey such knowledge, this paper synthesises a data overview, extensive literature review on how the data have been applied to deal with drivers’ bicycle-related issues, and implications for future work. The review results indicate that Strava Metro data have the potential—although finite—to be used to identify various travel patterns, estimate travel demand, analyse route choice, control for exposure in crash models, and assess air pollution exposure. However, several challenges, such as the under-representativeness of the general population, bias towards and away from certain groups, and lack of demographic and trip details at the individual level, prevent researchers from depending entirely on the new data source. Cross-use with other sources and validation of reliability with official data could enhance the potentiality.  相似文献   
The Free-floating Flexible Dual-arm Space Robot is a highly nonlinear and coupled dynamics system. In this paper, the dynamic model is derived of a Free-floating Flexible Dual-arm Space Robot holding a rigid payload. Furthermore, according to the singular perturbation method, the system is separated into a slow subsystem representing rigid body motion of the robot and a fast subsystem representing the flexible link dynamics. For the slow subsystem, based on the second method of Lyapunov, using simple quantitative bounds on the model uncertainties, a robust tracking controller design is used during the trajectory tracking phase. The optimal control method is designed in the fast subsystem to guarantee the exponential stability. With the combination of the two above, the system can track the expected trajectory accurately, even though with uncertainty in model parameters, and its flexible vibration gets suppressed, too. Finally, some simulation tests have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
基于视频的交通流检测在智能交通系统中具有重要意义。本文针对广泛采用的低位摄像机,提出了一种交通流特性参数的检测分析方法。首先基于三级虚拟检测线和自适应更新率局部背景建模来快速提取车辆特征点并消除活动阴影对提取精度的影响;然后基于Adaboost(Adaptive Boosting,自适应增强)分类器实现特征点按车分组,并在跟踪过程中根据运动特征相关度消除分组误差,获取高精度的车辆轨迹;进而自动生成多车道轨迹时空图并提取各车道交通流的多种特性参数。实验结果验证了算法的高效性;同时,自动生成的多车道轨迹时空图也为更多的交通信息获取和更深入的交通流特性分析提供了有力支持。  相似文献   
有效的目标跟踪需要积极的传感器节点对运动目标群实行跟踪。与单目标跟踪相比,聚类在效能上有显著提高。本文提出准确的相干和非相干运动模式下目标的聚类,采用隐式动态时间框架来评估在创建连接组件加权图的目标关系史。该算法采用目标跟踪中定位算法的关键特征,即估计当前和预测的位置来确定移动目标的方向和距离的关系。模拟结果显示,通过动态调整历史窗口大小和预测目标之间的关系,可以显著提高聚类的准确性并减少运算时间。  相似文献   
为研究目标跟踪问题,构造多种不同尺度的滤波器对目标进行滤波,生成目标高维特征;利用符合有限等距性质要求的稀疏矩阵对高维特征进行采样,获得目标低维特征.采用朴素贝叶斯分类器输出与Bhattacharyya系数乘积的形式作为目标与候选目标之间的相似性度量,并选择最大值所对应的候选目标作为下一帧中的目标.文中提出了一种改进的快速压缩跟踪算法.实验表明,该改进的算法能够对目标进行有效跟踪.  相似文献   
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