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This paper investigates the optimal deployment of static and dynamic charging infrastructure considering the interdependency between transportation and power networks. Static infrastructure means plug-in charging stations, while the dynamic counterpart refers to electrified roads or charging lanes enabled by charging-while-driving technology. A network equilibrium model is first developed to capture the interactions among battery electric vehicles’ (BEVs) route choices, charging plans, and the prices of electricity. A mixed-integer bi-level program is then formulated to determine the deployment plan of charging infrastructure to minimize the total social cost of the coupled networks. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate travel and charging plans of BEV drivers and the competitiveness of static and dynamic charging infrastructure. The numerical results on three networks suggest that (1) for individual BEV drivers, the choice between using charging lanes and charging stations is more sensitive to parameters including value of travel time, service fee markup, and battery size, but less sensitive to the charging rates and travel demand; (2) deploying more charging lanes is favorable for transportation networks with sparser topology while more charging stations can be more preferable for those denser networks.  相似文献   
An in-depth understanding of travel behaviour determinants, including the relationship to non-travel activities, is the foundation for modelling and policy making. National Travel Surveys (NTS) and time use surveys (TUS) are two major data sources for travel behaviour and activity participation. The aim of this paper is to systematically compare both survey types regarding travel activities and non-travel activities. The analyses are based on the German National Travel Survey and the German National Time Use Survey from 2002.The number of trips and daily travel time for mobile respondents were computed as the main travel estimates. The number of trips per person is higher in the German TUS when changes in location without a trip are included. Location changes without a trip are consecutive non-trip activities with different locations but without a trip in-between. The daily travel time is consistently higher in the German TUS. The main reason for this difference is the 10-min interval used. Differences in travel estimates between the German TUS and NTS result from several interaction effects. Activity time in NTS is comparable with TUS for subsistence activities.Our analyses confirm that both survey types have advantages and disadvantages. TUS provide reliable travel estimates. The number of trips even seems preferable to NTS if missed trips are properly identified and considered. Daily travel times are somewhat exaggerated due to the 10-min interval. The fixed time interval is the most important limitation of TUS data. The result is that trip times in TUS do not represent actual trip times very well and should be treated with caution.We can use NTS activity data for subsistence activities between the first trip and the last trip. This can potentially benefit activity-based approaches since most activities before the first trip and after the last trip are typical home-based activities which are rarely substituted by out-of-home activities.  相似文献   
The increase of urban traffic congestion calls for studying alternative measures for mobility management, and one of these measures is carpooling. In theory, these systems could lead to great reductions in the use of private vehicles; however, in practice they have obtained limited success for two main reasons: the psychological barriers associated with riding with strangers and poor schedule flexibility. To overcome some of the limitations of the traditional schemes, we proposed studying a carpooling club model with two main new features: establishing a base trust level for carpoolers to find compatible matches for traditional groups and at the same time allowing to search for a ride in an alternative group when the pool member has a trip schedule different from the usual one. A web-based survey was developed for the Lisbon Metropolitan Region (Portugal), including a Stated Preference experiment, to test the concept and confirm previous knowledge on these systems’ determinants. It was found through a binary logit Discrete Choice Model calibration that carpooling is still attached with lower income strata and that saving money is still an important reason for participating in it. The club itself does not show promise introducing more flexibility in these systems; however, it should provide a way for persons to interact and trust each other at least to the level of working colleagues.  相似文献   
以北京市为例,挑选具有代表性的两类居民小区,对小区出行环境和居民出行行为展开调研.首先,利用GPS和测距仪等设备收集出行环境数据,结合地理信息系统,对小区内部和扩展区域的机动车和非机动车环境进行分析,指出了两类小区出行环境的特点;然后,利用调查问卷收集居民出行行为数据,在分析不同小区的短距离出行特征和同类居民的出行行为后,指出出行环境对出行行为具有显著的影响.最后,给出了不同小区居民偏好小汽车短距离出行的影响因素,以及在不同出行目的下,居民出行方式的转换意愿.研究成果有助于制定合理引导小汽车出行的交通需求管理对策.  相似文献   
小学生上下学出行特征分析与管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小学生上下学交通是城市居民出行的重要组成部分,由于家长接送学生时私人小汽车的停放以及机非混合,严重影响了学校门口的交通运行。以小学生上下学出行为研究对象,结合某小学的分层抽样OD调查数据,研究小学生上下学出行方式,并与美国小学生的出行方式进行对比;采集学校所在路段的交通量,绘制12 h交通量时变曲线,与无学校影响的、类似路段的交通量时变曲线进行对比,揭示学校所在路段交通量波动特征和上下学出行结构特征。在出行结构分析和交通量分析基础上,从出行结构和供需关系两方面提出改善小学生上下学交通的管理策略。  相似文献   
居民出行调查是城市交通规划、建设和管理的基本依据.本文根据宜兴市2002年居民出行调查的有关数据,对人均出行次数、平均出行时耗、出行方式构成、出行目的和出行时间分布等进行了分析,并在此基础上,结合宜兴市交通现状及城市总体规划,从优先发展公共交通、重视自行车交通、控制摩托丰发展、加强交通管制、强化市场机制、加强企业管理和政府扶持相结合以及颁布公交行业服务标准等方面,提出了宜兴市客运交通发展的几点对策.  相似文献   
A stated preference experiment was performed in Calgary in Canada to examine how people are influenced in the selection of a departure time for a hypothetical trip to see a movie. A total of 635 complete observations were obtained. In each observation the respondent was presented with a set of possible departure time scenarios and asked to indicate the order of preference for these scenarios. Each scenario was described by specifying the automobile travel time, the expected arrival time relative to the movie start time, the parking cost, the probability of being at least ten minutes late for the movie and the length of time the movie had been running. This forced the respondent to trade off between conditions regarding these attributes. Age, gender and frequency of movie attendance were also recorded. The observations thus obtained were used to estimate the parameter values for a range of alternative utility functions in logit models representing this choice behaviour. The results indicate that all of the attributes included have significant effects on departure time choice in the situation being considered. They also indicate that travellers are prepared to arrive roughly two minutes early for each minute of travel time saved; that the money value of driving time for trips to recreational activities is about half that for trips to work; that one additional percent in the probability of arriving late is equivalent to roughly 0.20 Canadian dollars or 1.93 minutes drive time; and that there is a preference for a non-zero expected early arrival time regardless of the associated probability of arriving late. Some of these results are novel and others are consistent with findings for work trips in work done by others, which is seen to add credence to the approach being used here.  相似文献   
从观察自行车骑行者在路段和路口的骑行行为出发,分别选择有机非隔离栏和无机非隔离栏的非机动车道,对路段和路口停车线分区域、对自行车分种类进行观测,并通过便携式摄像机进行实时拍摄,调查到大量的数据,在对调查数据进行统计分析的基础上,总结出自行车骑行者在路口、路段上的骑行行为效应和相关交通流特性。  相似文献   
出租车在城市客运交通中发挥着重要作用,本文在分析出租车OD数据分析一般方法的基础上,构建了出租车出行特征、出行时间分布及出行空间分布的指标体系和分析方法,并以苏州市为例,结合40万余条OD数据,对比分析了工作日、节假日(周末)以及特殊节日(五一黄金周)出租车的出行特征,为出租车运营及城市交通管理提供定量的决策参考依据。  相似文献   
交通方式结构的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆锡明  李娜 《城市交通》2009,7(1):51-56,65
由于交通方式结构在实际应用中容易产生混淆和误判,需要重视交通方式结构的界定问题。首先从交通方式结构的定义入手,分析了交通方式结构界定的必要性和重要性。提出需要在交通方式划分、度量内容以及度量范围3个方面对交通方式结构进行界定。交通方式结构比较时,对交通方式进行归类。度量内容即交通量的统计内容,包括出行量、客运量和客运周转量。根据度量内容不同,将交通方式结构划分为出行方式结构、乘行方式结构和客运方式结构。而度量范围可以从地域、时间、方式等方面进行界定。最后以上海市和大伦敦地区的实际数据对3种交通方式结构进行说明。  相似文献   
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