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将由特定高铁列车所提供的起讫点间的旅客运输服务定义为单个高铁客运产品。随着高速铁路越来越"公交化",同一起讫点间客运产品间的可替代性越来越强,票价的调整有了更精细化的要求。用经济学中的交叉弹性理论描述客运产品间的可替代程度,用指数需求函数描述客运产品的需求与票价的关系,构建并求解高铁动态票价优化模型,对客运产品间不同可替代程度下的最优动态票价策略进行研究。结果显示:高铁客运产品间的可替代性会影响票价策略的选择,且客运产品间可替代程度的增加是否有利于客票收益的提高与可行折扣票价集合的选取有关。  相似文献   
针对城市轨道交通早晚客流高峰现象,从研究国内外轨道交通的票价制定现状入手,分析了多时段定价在城市轨道交通中实施的必要性。介绍了高峰定价法在城市轨道交通票价制定中的适用性与合理性,根据城市轨道交通不同时段的客流特点引入时间权重系数,在拉姆塞定价理论的基础上建立城市轨道交通的多时段定价模型,并通过算例验证其适用性,同时也为我国城市轨道交通票价制定提出了建议。  相似文献   
基于期权理论的铁路货运定价模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了规避铁路运输企业和协议客户在市场价格波动情况下所面临的风险,在铁路货运的定价过程中引入期权的概念,利用二叉树模型为期权定价,在此基础上构建了基于铁路运输企业和协议客户收益最大条件下的铁路货运定价模型。研究结果表明:通过铁路运输企业和协议客户的最优定价决策可以求得铁路运输企业制定的协议价格和协议客户的期权购买量;协议价格与现货市场价格正相关,与铁路运输企业的长期准备成本正相关、短期准备成本负相关;随着期权价格和期权执行价格的升高,协议客户在契约市场所购买的期权数量逐渐减少。  相似文献   
This paper explains the theory in support of total cost analysis (TCA) to compare transportation system alternatives. The full costs of each alternative are first aggregated, including travel time costs and monetizable environmental and social costs. Many costs which are considered on the benefits side of the equation in benefit-cost analysis (BCA) as "cost savings" are brought over to the costs side. Total cost differences among alternatives are then traded off against their estimated non-monetized benefits or impacts, just as a consumer trades off product quality against cost before deciding which product he or she will buy. One advantage of TCA over traditional BCA is that the concept of "total cost" is more easily understood by the public and by political decision-makers than BCA concepts such as "net present worth", "benefit-cost ratio" and "internal rate of return". A second advantage is that there is no suggestion that all "benefits" have been considered; decision-makers are free to use their own value judgements to trade off total cost against non-monetizable social, environmental and economic impacts, just as they trade off quality and convenience against cost when purchasing goods and services in their roles as consumers. The TCA approach is demonstrated in this paper through a case study of two systemwide alternatives for the Baltimore, MD urban area.  相似文献   
A new microeconomic model for the operation of an airline facing modal competition with uncertain total demand is developed to analyze optimal price capacity combinations. The novelty is the treatment of the capacity restriction, which is not viewed as affecting negatively individual preferences (e.g. probability of a full flight), but does influence aggregate utility. A mode choice model is used to represent unrestricted individual preferences assuming full availability (phone call demand); air capacity is treated as a variable that acts on the actual choice set. Restricted choices and total demand stochasticity are integrated in welfare calculations (users' benefits and profits). Numerical examples are given and results are analyzed in terms of load factors fare levels, and sensitivity to the stochasticity of requests.This research was partially funded by FONDECYT, Chile, Direction Génerale de l'Aviation Civile, France, the Andes Foundation and the Fulbright Commission.  相似文献   
Jakobsson et al. (2000) found that in Sweden public acceptance of road pricing decreases if it is perceived to be unfair and to infringe on freedom. The present study reports a survey investigating whether the same effects are found in the Asian countries of Japan and Taiwan. The results indicate that fairness plays the same role. However, income had a direct effect on acceptance in Taiwan but not in Japan or Sweden.  相似文献   
This paper investigates how landlord port authorities should offer concession contracts to their terminal operators under two different goals, by building a two-stage game for each goal. If maximizing the weighted sum of fee revenues and throughout benefits is port authorities’ goal, then the optimal concession contract can be any of the two-part tariff, the unit-fee, and the fixed-fee contracts. Accordingly, our special cases include previous works assuming that port authorities maximize either fee revenues or throughput benefits. By contrast, if maximizing the social welfare is the goal, then we find that subsidizing terminal operators, instead of charging them, is port authorities’ best choice. This result is not yet discovered in the literature.  相似文献   
基于RP(Revealed Preference)和SP(Stated Preference)调查数据,利用潜在类别模型对高铁旅客进行细分,得到旅客对平行车次不同服务属性,如列车运行时间、发车时段和舒适度的偏好程度,并对其进行量化;引入收益管理,以多列车整体收益最大为目标,构建平行车次动态差别定价模型,并设计模拟退火算法进行求解;最后,通过京沪高铁进行实例验证.结果表明:与固定票价进行客票销售相比,所提方案能够适应高峰期和平峰期不同客流特点,提高铁路客票总收益,为高铁平行车次灵活定价提供参考.  相似文献   
城市公交票价是公交系统健康发展的重要因素,票价制定需兼顾公交企业的市场性和公益性双重属性,在保证服务质量的同时,考虑运营成本和最大限度吸引公交需求,实现经济效益和社会效益的双赢.在本文中,根据用户均衡理论,构建了城市多方式交通出行的需求分析模型,采用灵敏度分析方法给出了城市公交价格-需求弹性的计算方法.在此基础上,充分考虑了各种方式的交通特征、公交需求弹性、公交运营成本及政府限价等因素,提出了城市公交票价优化的数学规划模型,并给出了求解算法.最后,以国内某城市居民出行调查及公交运营数据为基础,分析了不同条件下公交客运需求的变化规律及城市公交票价的优化策略.  相似文献   
In order to better accommodate heterogeneous quality of service (QoS) in wireless networks, an algorithm called QeS-aware power and admission controls (QAPAC) is proposed. The system is modeled as u non- cooperative game where the users adjust their transmit powers to maximize the utility, thus restraining the interferences. By using adaptive utility functions and tunable pricing parameters according to QoS levels, this algorithm can well meet different QoS reqniremcnts and improve system capacity compared with those that ignore the QoS differ- ences.  相似文献   
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