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通勤活动行为是人类最基本的日常活动之一,通勤方式的选择一定程度上决定着通勤的基本特征。本文根据2005年浦东新区人口变动追踪调查的结果,以城市居民通勤方式、通勤时间以及通勤距离的基本特征分析为基础,着重从通勤方式的角度研究城市居民通勤行为活动的时空特征,并探讨了通勤现象的距离变化特性。  相似文献   
本文探讨了城市公交线网优化的重要指标,建立了公交线网优化的数学模型,并采用遗传算法对该模型进行求解,取得了良好的效果,可为中小城市公交线网规划提供参考.  相似文献   
简要介绍了日本最近开发的一个先进的车辆导航系统——名古屋基于浮动车信息的动态路径引导系统(P-DRGS)。分别从系统的开发历程和计划,系统的构成、特点以及实用化四个方面介绍了P-DRGS的概况,从而在一定程度上折射出日本ITS发展的历程和值得我国借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
百年的斯柯达(Skoda)品牌2005年12月8日正式落户上海大众,斯柯达旗下欧雅(Octavia)、法比亚(Fabia),速派(Superb)三大产品系列由上海大众全线引入中国生产,预计上市时间在2006年9月底。斯柯达是世界五个最早的轿车生产厂之一,斯柯达生产的第一辆汽车是Voiturette,之后斯柯达生产的Hispano Suiza汽车,它的底盘价格比当时劳斯莱斯整车还贵,成为当时欧洲王公贵族们的专用坐驾。第一次世界大战后斯柯达与捷克最大的工业集团斯柯达·佩尔森集团合并,从此开始生产以斯柯达为品牌的汽车。20世纪三四十年代是斯柯达辉煌时期,这期间斯柯达生产的豪华轿车名震欧洲乃至世界。东欧社会主义国家解体后,斯柯达开始与大众合作,大众购买30%斯柯达股权,到2000年大众拥有斯柯达全部股权。斯柯达目前年生产销售汽车45万辆,欧雅和法比亚的产量都超过100万辆。斯柯达在国内只销售20%左右,其余80%全部出口,目前斯柯达已经成为英国第二大进口车品牌。先让我们了解一下这三款车在国外的情况吧。  相似文献   
日前,上海市地方海事局根据交通部海事局《关于协助做好水上交通情况调查的通知》要求,完成了上海地方海事系统海事机构代码的编制和各基层海事机构基本信息调查工作。此项工作的完成,为下一步实行船舶进出港签证数据数字化采集奠定了基础。可以预见。在船舶动态管理系统全面应用的情况下,将较大程度上提高各辖区船舶流量的统计精度。  相似文献   
美国召开方舱学术研讨会;美国新型医疗方舱;复合材料蒙皮方舱;KUDOS UBK Kabin可折叠方舱。  相似文献   
Shor proposed a polynomial time algorithm for computing the order of one element in a multiplicative group using a quantum computer. Based on Miller's randomization, he then gave a factorization algorithm. But the algorithm has two shortcomings, the order must be even and the output might be a trivial factor. Actually, these drawbacks can be overcome if the number is an RSA modulus. Applying the special structure of the RSA modulus, an algorithm is presented to overcome the two shortcomings. The new algorithm improves Shor's algorithm for factoring RSA modulus. The cost of the factorization algorithm almost depends on the calculation of the order of 2 in the multiplication group.  相似文献   
On the basis of analysis of the principle of delay restoration in a disturbed schedule, a heuristic algorithm for rescheduling trains is developed by restoring the total delay of the disturbed schedule. A discrete event topologic model is derived from the original undisturbed train diagram and a back propagation analysis method is used to label the maximum buffer time of each point in the model. In order to analyze the principle of delay restoration, the concept of critical delay is developed from the labeled maximum buffer time. The critical delay is the critical point of successful delay restoration. All the disturbed trains are classified into the strong-delayed trains and the weak-delayed trains by the criterion of the critical delay. Only the latter, in which actual delay is less than its critical delay, can be adjusted to a normal running state during time horizon considered. The heuristic algorithm is used to restore all the disturbed trains according to their critical details. The cores of the algorithm are the iterative repair technique and two repair methods for the two kinds of trains. The algorithm searches iteratively the space of possible conflicts caused by disturbed trains using an earfiest-delay-first heuristics and always attempts to repair the earliest constraint violation. The algorithm adjusts the weak-delayed trains directly back to the normal running state using the buffer time of the original train diagram. For the strong-delayed trains,the algorithm uses an utility function with some weighted attributes to determine the dynamic priority of the trains, and resolves the conflict according to the calculated dynamic priority. In the end, the experimental results show that the algorithm produces "good enough" schedules effectively and efficiently in disturbed situations.  相似文献   
随着港口自动化技术不断发展,越来越多的自动化码头已经投产运营或者正在规划建设。与传统码头配载相比,自动化码头配载拥有很多优势:它通过运用逻辑算法,设置配载策略和参数,快速进行深度运算,实现一键配载,缩短配载时间,提高配载精度,更好地满足船公司差异化配载要求,同时综合考虑码头堆场和机械设备特点,减少堆场拥堵,提高堆场发箱作业效率,从而提升码头整体作业效率。通过对自动配载系统在青岛港自动化码头实际运用情况和效果进行分析,为全自动化集装箱码头配载及装船作业提供参考。  相似文献   
集装箱船舶装箱排序问题综合集装箱装船顺序与船舶贝内排箱,是一类典型的组合优化问题.考虑堆场发箱顺序和船舶配载之间的关联,构建集装箱船舶装箱排序问题的数学模型.针对构建的优化模型,鉴于已有方法难以直接对其进行求解,基于两阶段分层求解思想设计SWO-HES两阶段算法.算法第1阶段利用吱呀轮算法(SWO)大邻域导向式搜索的特点优化集装箱装船顺序问题;第2阶段将SWO的结果作为输入,基于启发式规则和演化策略算法(ES)构造混合演化策略算法(HES)优化船舶贝内排箱问题.最后,通过不同规模算例的研究,将SWO-HES与常见智能算法、基于实际装船规则的启发式算法进行对比分析,验证模型与算法的有效性.  相似文献   
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