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甲状腺功能与骨生长因子基因BMP—2、IGF—l表达的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨发育期缺碘所致甲状腺功能低下造成的发育障碍及对骨发育的影响。方法 复制了第 1代和第 2代碘缺乏大鼠动物模型 ,测定血清中T3 、T4水平 ,拍摄X光片 ,并作股骨远端骨切片观察骨发育情况。结果 甲状腺病理学变化显示 ,从生后 1d开始 ,碘缺乏大鼠已经出现了甲状腺肿大的典型变化 ,包括 :滤泡体积变小、形状不规则、胶质明显减少或缺如。滤泡上皮细胞增大呈柱状 ,胞浆淡染 ,有空泡变性 ;滤泡间小血管增多 ,充血明显。碘缺乏大鼠的体重在整个发育过程中 ( 1~ 84d)始终低于正常组 ,平均降低了 5 6 %。X光片中可见 ,碘缺乏大鼠的长骨较同日龄正常大鼠短且细 ,骨间隙增大 ,钙化不良。股骨远端骨骺病理切片显示 ,碘缺乏大鼠次级骨化中心形成迟缓且小 ,骨骺生长板中几个软骨细胞区域层次混乱 ,储备细胞数目减少 ,增殖区宽度较正常大鼠者减少。生后补碘可以部分纠正上述改变。结论 碘缺乏导致大鼠发育迟缓 ,体重增长缓慢 ,同时亦引起骨骼发育障碍。生后补碘可以改善骨骼发育。  相似文献   
Objective To study the expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in pancreatic carcinoma and their relationship with tumor invasion, local metastasis and prognosis of the carcinoma. Methods The expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 were examined in 32 patients with pancreatic carcinomas by S-P immunohistochemical technique and the correlation with pathological tumor parameters were analyzed. Survival analysis was made by using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results The positive rates of MMP-2, TIMP-2 in 32 patients with pancreatic carcinoma were 56.25% and 75.00%, which were significantly higher than those of the controls(P〈0.05). Expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 were independent of sex, age, histological grading and type, but well correlated with the lymph node metastasis and TNM clinical staging (Ⅰ and Ⅲ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ ). There was a significant association between MMP-2, TIMP-2 and prognosis in pancreatic carcinoma. Conclusion MMP-2 and TIMP-2 might be useful markers for biological aggressiveness of this malignancy and might contribute to the invasive properties of pancreatic carcinoma, which can be used to evaluate the prognosis of patients.  相似文献   
Objective To examine the differentially expressed invasion-related genes in two anchorage-independent uterine cervical carcinoma cell lines derived from the same patient using a cDNA array. Methods Two human uterine cervical carcinoma subclonal cell lines CS03 and CS07 derived from a single donor line CS1213 were established by limited dilution procedure. The two cDNA samples retro-transcribed from total RNA derived from CS03 and CS07 cells were screened by a cDNA microarray carrying 234 human cell-cycle related genes and 1011 human signal transduction and membrane receptor -associated genes, scanned with a ScanArray 3000 laser scanner. Results The cDNA microarray analysis showed that ]2 genes in CS03 were up-regulated compared to CS07, and 24 genes in CS07 were upregulated. The function of a number of differentially expressed genes was consistently associated with cell-cycle, cell proliferation, migration, apoptusis, signal transduction and tumor metastasis, including p34^cdc2, TSC22, plasminogen activator inhibitor Ⅰ (PAI-1)and desmusome associated protein(Pinin). Conclusion Multiple genes are differentially expressed in uterine cervical carcinoma cell lines even came from the same patient. It is suggested that these genes are involved in the different phenotypic characteristics and development of cervical carcinoma.  相似文献   
祝延兵 《汽车运用》2012,(12):15-17
一、大力加强教育引导,坚定汽车兵队伍理想信念大力开展汽车兵文化建设,需要通过扎实有效的政治教育,将先进的驾驶理念渗透到汽车兵的心灵深处,凝聚于他们的思想观念,引导他们形成恪守宗旨、以人为本的良好品格,培育其"以人为本、安全第一、使命至上"的军车驾驶理念,使其的理想追求与部队建设的总体目标融为一体。(一)突出基础。汽车兵,顾名思义,也是"兵";军车驾驶员,首先是战斗员。每年的重大主体教育,比如军人核心价值  相似文献   
应坚 《经济导报》2010,(20):44-46
5月11日,位于东涌的一块商住地皮拍卖成功,但现场气氛并不活跃.成交价亦低于市场预期。由於“财政预算案”公布后,政府推出了一系列楼市调控措施,而近期楼市交投依旧畅旺,楼价再创金融海啸后新高,此次卖地结果引人注目,成为市场风向标。  相似文献   
基因表达式编程作为新型的人工智能数学建模方法,具有较强的函数发现能力和较高的搜索效率.针对公路工程造价预测特点和已有预测模型的不足,求解基于GEP的公路工程造价预测模型.根据工程造价的组成原理筛选确定11个公路工程特征因素,用15组公路工程数据作训练样本和验证样本,在设定好GEP算法的构成要素的前提下,使用Visual Basic语言表达GEP算法,求解公路工程造价预测模型.通过敏感性分析模型的可行性,用比较图和4个统计指标值对模型进行评价.结果表明,预测模型所得结果与工程实践相吻合,且预测值与实际值的相对误差≤5.9%,满足预测精度≤10%的要求,预测精度高,该模型具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   
<正>·数字·10.6:1北京市首轮购车摇号结束,北京市小客车调控指标管理办公室根据摇号规则的规定,经过几轮摇号,从187420人中摇出17600个中签编码,中标率约为10.6:1  相似文献   
<正> 内河运输市场支付信用,是指内河运输市场中,包括运输产品买卖双方以及为之提供代理服务等有偿服务中介机构在内的、各类市场主体相互发生经济业务往来所产生的完成运输、代理服务后及时清结价款的信用总和。目前的内河运输市场,催讨帐款难于求业务,发生呆帐、死帐、坏帐比比皆是,支付信用较低。支付信用低,不利于内河运输市场的发展,政府宜在市场管理中积极发挥作用,改善这一状况。 一、支付信用低危害市场 “站着求业务,跪着讨钱款。”这是许多航运企业的老总谈及应收账款回笼难时发出的感慨。面对资金紧缺的同时应收账款数额却居高  相似文献   
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