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阿东西高速W7-1预应力梁工程概况 阿尔及利亚东西高速公路W7-1桥梁工程分为三类:主线高架桥共有8座.上部结构为28m、36m预应力混凝土简支T梁.其中28mT梁102片、36mT梁728片。跨线PS桥9座.上部结构为28m先简支后连续预应力混凝土T梁(单端张拉.使用P型锚具),共计78片。  相似文献   
水泥混凝土中水泥胶砂的性能对水泥混凝土的工作性、强度、孔隙水平有着直接重要的影响,也可以体现出水泥与外加剂的相容性能。下面我们通过水泥胶砂的流动度来研究矿物掺料对水泥砂浆工作性的影响。  相似文献   
在现有砼路面设计理论中,我们把砼板看作是小挠度弹性薄板,其假定条件是面板与地基间完全接触(不脱空),同时砼板又是一种准脆性材料,抗压强度高,抗弯拉性能差。在正常情况下,面板均匀支撑时,无论荷载作用在什么位置,应力都较小,而一旦发生脱空,砼板由于基础支撑的丧失而处于悬臂或简支状态,由原来完全接触变为不完全接触,在荷载的作用下尤其是在突变荷载的作用下,使脱空中心位置处砼板产生过大的压力,  相似文献   
以广州旅客自动输送系统(以下简称APM)工程CITYFLO 650TM信号系统为例,分析基于移动闭塞的列车自动保护系统的安全设计。  相似文献   
A novel algorithm to voxelize 3D mesh models with gray levels is presented in this paper. The key innovation of our method is to decide the gray level of a voxel according to the total area of all surfaces contained by it. During the preprocessing stage, a set of voxels in the extended bounding box of each triangle is established. Then we travel each triangle and compute the areas between it and its set of voxels one by one. Finally, each voxel is arranged a discrete gray level from 0 to 255. Experiments show that our algorithm gets a comparatively perfect result compared with the prevenient ones and approaches the original models in a more accurate way.  相似文献   
It is important to reconstruct a continuous surface representation of the point cloud scanned from a human body. In this paper a new implicit surface method is proposed to reconstruct the human body surface from the points based on the combination of radial basis functions (RBFs) and adaptive partition of unity (PoU). The whole 3D domain of the scanned human body is firstly subdivided into a set of overlapping subdomains based on the improved octrees. The smooth local surfaces are then computed in the subdomains based on RBFs. And finally the global human body surface is reconstructed by blending the local surfaces with the adaptive PoU functions. This method is robust for the surface reconstruction of the scanned human body even with large or non-uniform point cloud which has a sharp density variation. Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50575139) and the Shanghai Special Fund of Informatization (No. 088)  相似文献   
介绍了稀浆封层施工中常见问题的处理方法。  相似文献   
真空辅助压浆为近年来国际上兴起的新技术,其实塑料波纹管为成孔材料加以真空辅助压浆技术的灌浆工艺,对保证长管道压浆的质量起到良好的作用。得到了国内外土木工程界的认可,众多专家普遍认为:此种技术是目前确保预应力孔道压浆质量的最佳方法。以哈阿立交桥为例,归纳、总结了塑料波纹管成孔的真空辅助压浆工艺在后张法预应力孔道中的应用。  相似文献   
浆砌片石桥台注浆加固施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用注浆技术加固浆砌片石桥台在其它路段已有成功先例,但整套技术目前尚不成熟,施工工艺上还有需要通过实践探索进行改进的地方。结合广东省清远至连州一级公路改造(高速)项目中几座浆砌片石桥台注浆加固的施工情况,介绍了小孔道注浆、钢花管注浆锚杆与基础钢花管注浆的施工工艺及施工中的几个关键技术问题的解决方法。  相似文献   
从惠河高速公路沥青路面补强加固实例出发,结合沥青路面的特点,分析了沥青路面出现病害的原因,提出了沥青路面压浆材料配合比、压浆工艺、压浆质量控制要求与检测方法,实践表明,沥青路面压浆补强达到了预期目的,提高了沥青路面的整体强度.  相似文献   
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