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经济衰退和运力短缺带来的创痛依然历历在目,不少托运人吸取教训,与航商签订了新式合同。  相似文献   
Xinjiang Section of Lanzhou-Xinjiang high- speed rail goes into service
The Xinjiang Section of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway has gone into service on November the 16th, marking the first high-speed service in China's far west. The railway, also known as the Lanxin Railway, follows the path of the ancient Silk Road. It runs over 1,700 kilometers, from Lanzhou, Gansu Province, through the Hexi Corridor, to Urumqi in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.  相似文献   
COSCO Piraeus port projects: "a new silk road" between China and Greece
During the bilateral meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Greek President KarolosPapoulias in Sochi on Feb 7, the two sides agreed to expand cooperation in the fields of the Piraeus port, railway transport, ship building, trade, maritime matters, tourism and culture among others. Under a 35-year concessionagreement, Chinese-owned COSCOsubsidiaryPiraeus Container Terminal (PCT) launched operations in the country at Pier II of Piraeus port in 2009 with a plan to turn it into a leading container terminalin the Mediterranean Sea region and ever since has built Pier III and posted remarkable results.  相似文献   
日前,从南港工业区港区规划设计单位中交第一航务工程勘察设计院有限公司(简称"一航院")获悉,南港工业区计划于2011年8月开港。由一航院承担设计的5 000 t级航道和建材码头将投入使用;南港工业区5万t级航道、奥德费尔化工码头一期工程、中俄1 300万t炼化一体化项目、1#-4#通用泊位、7#-9#通用泊位和泰奥石化码头等项目已进入设计阶段,  相似文献   
8月12日,云南省文明办向云南省航务管理局颁发"澜沧江文明航道"牌匾。多年来,云南致力将澜沧江航道创建成一条连接东盟国家的文明走廊和平安通道。  相似文献   
在2020年珠江航务管理局工作会议上,珠江航务管理局党组书记、局长王建华作题为《不忘初心牢记使命奋力谱写交通强国建设珠江水运新篇章》的工作报告。全面回顾总结了2019年的工作情况,分析了当前面临形势和总体思路,部署了2020年重点工作。  相似文献   
FMC convenes Global Regulatory Summit with officials from China and European Commission
Maritime regulators from the United States, the People's Republic of China (PRC), and the European Commission met and conferred in Washington, D.C. on December 17, 2013 to consider the evolving international maritime landscape. The officials had open and candid discussions on their differing regulatory frameworks and the potential effects of carrier cooperation on international trade. While most of the discussions were held privately by the regulators, FMC Chairman Mario Cordero and members of the delegations from China and Europe spoke briefly about their regulatory summit publicly at the end of the day. The summit was early on billed as a global regulatory summit on the P3 Alliance,  相似文献   
4月13日,《珠江水运》杂志2012年度理事会在广东清远圆满落下帷幕,不论是从参会领导的规格,还是从参会代表的人数,这次会议都取得了丰硕的成绩。同时,本次会议还承担了一个更为重要的使命—珠江航务管理局与广东海事局合作办刊协议签字仪式也同期举行。通过这次会议,《珠江水运》杂志的影响范围越来越大,结交的朋友也越来越多,这是在珠江航务管理局、广东海事局的支持下,通过自身的努力,做出了一定的成绩后,所赢得的承认和尊重。  相似文献   
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