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民航运输是云南省在进行综合交通运输建设的重点之一,也是该省在未来十四五(2021-2025年)和十五五(2026-2030年)规划期间的研究热点。本文以云南省为研究范围,以省内民航客运为研究对象,选取省内主要的社会经济因素为影响因子,运用主成分分析法(PCA)、反向传播神经网络算法(BP神经网络算法)和回归分析法,构建了省内民航客运的预测模型,得出省内各主要机场在十四五末和十五五末的预计旅客吞吐量,对省政府在进行机场改扩建上有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
The following paper presents a dynamic macroscopic model for unsignalized intersections which accounts for time-limited disruptions in the minor stream flow, even in free-flow conditions when the average flow demand is satisfied. It introduces a deterministic fictive traffic light to represent an average alternating sequence of available and busy time periods for insertion depending on the major stream flow. Two allocation schemes of the total outflow during green periods are developed to model the influence or non-influence of the minor stream over the major stream flow. The aggregation of the resulting dynamic flow variations gives relevant capacity values. Moreover, the model predicts accurate average vehicle delay and queue length estimates compared to theoretical and empirical data. It has three easy-to-measure parameters and can be integrated into a dynamic macroscopic simulation tool for urban networks.  相似文献   
长距离成品油管道在密闭输送过程中,出现非正常停泵、误关阀门及混油界面经过泵等均会引起水击现象发生。水击波沿管道传播,极易导致管道局部超压而造成管道破裂、损坏设备等,故水击保护成为成品油管道密闭输送关键性的工艺技术之一。金嘉湖成品油管道在全线水击保护控制方面采用了进出站压力调节系统、分输站分油流量调节系统、出站压力超高泄放系统、进站低压泄放保护系统、进出站压力超限停泵联锁保护系统来保证管道事故工况时的安全。  相似文献   
文章针对近域旅游区主导旅游资源相似和相异并存的特点,提出旅游区"整合-竞合"发展模式(3C模式),并以大洪山生态文化旅游区组织与规划为例,提出基于游客行为的旅游线路组织模式及相应的旅游公路网布局结构与交通设计理念。  相似文献   
With the increasing prevalence of geo-enabled mobile phone applications, researchers can collect mobility data at a relatively high spatial and temporal resolution. Such data, however, lack semantic information such as the interaction of individuals with the transportation modes available. On the other hand, traditional mobility surveys provide detailed snapshots of the relation between socio-demographic characteristics and choice of transportation modes. Transportation mode detection is currently approached using features such as speed, acceleration and direction either on their own or in combination with GIS data. Combining such information with socio-demographic characteristics of travellers has the potential of offering a richer modelling framework that could facilitate better transportation mode detection using variables such as age and disability. In this paper, we explore the possibility to include both elements of the environment and individual characteristics of travellers in the task of transportation mode detection. Using dynamic Bayesian Networks, we model the transition matrix to account for such auxiliary data by using an informative Dirichlet prior constructed using data from traditional mobility surveys. Results have shown that it is possible to achieve comparable accuracy with the most widely used classification algorithms while having a rich modelling framework, even in the case of sparse mobility data.  相似文献   
很多铁路信号系统,特别是轨道电路的发送、接收和CAN总线均采用悬浮结构。为了防止出现第三轨问题,雷电防护方案中只加装差模(横向)防护用SPD,共模(纵向)防护是靠系统绝缘特性来承担。可是在实际应用中出现雷击损坏现象多是因为缺少共模防护。通过科研试验数据和现场雷害调查结果,综合分析该类悬浮系统共模雷击损坏特点,并针对防止出现第三轨问题,提出新的共模雷电防护方案供大家参考。  相似文献   
The fatigue strength of a 300 mm2 stranded copper conductor was investigated experimentally and by finite element (FE) analysis. An analytical model was also developed and validated. Wires taken from the outer layer of the conductor were fatigue tested in tension–tension loading and compared with similar data for wires taken from a 95 mm2 conductor. The wire cross section was deformed due to the compacting process that was applied during fabrication. When corrected for stress concentrations due to the deformation the data for the two sets of wire fell within the same scatter-band. Full scale testing was carried out in a specially designed rig with constant tensile load and reversed displacement controlled bending with a fixed curvature variation. The loading is a simulation of the loading of a power cable hanging from a floating vessel through a bellmouth. Conductors were tested in two states; dry and lubricated. A finite element model was established for the copper conductor. The model was formulated by a combination of elastic beam and beam-contact elements that included the effects of friction. The effect of local bending due to contact forces was included in the model. Two contact conditions were investigated; the point (trellis) contact between adjacent layers of wire and the inline contact within each layer and between the first layer (centre wire) and the second layer. The FE model was validated by a calibration test of a full scale conductor, and by sensitivity studies varying the size and the number of elements of the model. Fatigue analysis of the conductor was carried out, based on the S–N curve for individual wires. Taking into account the effects of friction and local bending, agreement was obtained between predicted and experimental fatigue strength of the conductor, for the FE model as well as the analytical model.  相似文献   
以青岛海湾大桥第九合同段箱梁施工为例,介绍聚四氟乙烯滑板滑道在满堂支架施工中的应用,其施工工艺与传统的整体满堂式支架相比,具有施工进度快,施工周期短,需要配置垂直运输设备较少等特点;与箱梁滑模相比,具有结构简单,拼装模板简单快捷等特点。该施工工艺既能保证工程安全质量,又能加快工程进度,具有明显的经济效益,同时可为同类桥梁的施工提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
语言是文化的载体,思维的载体,中西方不同的思维模式决定了中西方语言应用中形态的差异性。本文对汉语和英语思维特征进行了描述和比较,目的是为了让语言学习者更好地了解语言背后的文化内涵,并能依照不同民族的思维特点,组织合适的语言。  相似文献   
田兆波 《船电技术》2011,31(9):49-50
提出船舶船舶主机机旁自动化系统设计中几个常见的问题,并对进行剖析,提出改进措施,供设计、生产及检验单位参考,避免类似问题的重复发生。  相似文献   
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