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基于串联排队网络的三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽联合调度模型   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为了提高三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽的整体通过能力, 分析了三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽联合调度的实际需求, 建立了三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽联合调度数学模型, 考虑了闸室面积利用率最大、整体待闸时间最小两个目标函数和船舶编排过程中的八个约束, 应用串联排队网络理论求解模型。算法将申报船舶按照航向分成四个船舶序列, 动态计算每艘船舶的权重, 兼顾船舶长度与宽度优先, 待闸时间约束、葛洲坝船闸通航条件限制和任务均衡的要求, 循环排船, 逐步优化。应用结果表明应用该数学模型和编排算法编制一个计划期的两坝五闸计划仅需2 min, 编排时间短, 葛洲坝2#船闸的闸室面积利用率高于70%, 并且客船和旅游观光船均排在前面的闸次中, 说明客船的待闸时间约束是满足的, 并且在航向上是上下航向交替运行, 没有出现倒闸情况, 编制的计划满足实际调度需要。  相似文献   
高速公路意外事件影响下的车辆跟驰模型   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
应用智能主体技术, 针对双向四车道高速公路意外事件影响下的车辆跟驰行为, 建立了基于智能主体的车辆跟驰模型, 利用西部高速公路交通调查统计的数据, 对车辆主体的间距愿望进行了定量分析, 利用比例微分控制确定车辆主体的加速度响应, 建立了不同加速度队列的逻辑意图, 使模型的加速度响应符合车辆的动力特性。利用开发的EAD-Simulation系统, 在特定和随机两种不同过程下对模型进行的测试表明: 利用智能主体技术描述高速公路意外事件影响下的跟驰行为, 可充分发挥其个性、自治性和自适应性的特点, 在主体的属性描述中利用比例微分控制“类阻尼”的特性, 可有效地对车辆主体的稳定性进行控制。  相似文献   
以色谱动力学和热力学理论为基础,选取影响化合物色谱保留的分子结构和性质描述符号,采用MOPAC2000 V1.3半经验分子轨道化学计算软件包PM3哈密顿函数算得的量化及物化参数,通过有进有出的逐步回归分析方法建立了多氯联苯在Apiezon L固定相上的气相色谱保留指数的QSRR方程,并根据所建立的QSRR方程对多氯联苯的色谱保留机理进行了解释.  相似文献   
IntroductionMeasured data is often contaminated by noisein state estimation.Kalman filter is a powerfultool for signal extracting.It is especially efficientin estimating spatially inhomogeneous signal whenthe noise is Gaussian.Due to process noise or non-stationary environment,the measured data is usu-ally corrupted by outliers.The performance is de-graded seriously.Generally,there are two kinds ofapproaches to handle this problem.Outlier can bedetected based on renovation[1],then be replace…  相似文献   
An effective modeling method of domain level constraints in the constraint network for concurrent engineering (CE) was developed. The domain level constraints were analyzed and the framework of modeling of domain level constraints based on simulation and approximate technology was given. An intelligent response surface methodology (IRSM) was proposed, in which artificial intelligence technologies are introduced into the optimization process. The design of crank and connecting rod in the V6 engine as example was given to show the validity of the modeling method.  相似文献   
Introduction Informationhidingasacommunicationprob-lem[1]canbeadoptedtoprotectthesecurityofme-dia(signal)andchannelofcommunication.Media securityisrelativetocopyrightprotectionofdigital media,i.e.watermarking.Channelsecurityasso-ciateswithsecurecommunication.Mostresearch todaylayparticularstressontheformer,whilelit-tleattentionispaidtothelatter.Thispaperisfo-cusedonthesecurityofcommunicationchannel,proposesanapproachofreal-timespeechsecure communicationbasedonthetechniqueinformation hiding.Th…  相似文献   
Introduction Since Boneh et al[1]announced a model forbreaking public key cryptographic schemes by tak-ing advantage of random hardware faults in 1996,fault analysis has become an important aspect ofcrypto-analysis method. Fault analysis inducesfaults in tamper-resistant chips by means of radia-tion, X-rays, micro-probing or cut wires, so thatsome information of keys could leak from chips. Biham &Shamir applied fault attack to the ex-tension of block cipher cryptosystems such asDES, and call…  相似文献   
Introduction Block-based discrete cosine transform(BDCT) is considered to be a basic tool in bothstill and moving image compression standards,such as JPEG, H.261/263, and MPEG, owing toits near-optimal energy compaction property andmoderate hardware complexity. However, sinceeach N×N block is coded independently, the re-constructed images would exhibit annoying discon-tinuities along block boundaries at low bit rate,which are often referred to as the“blocking arti-facts”in the transfo…  相似文献   
Introduction The spin axis of ESG rotor will move alongclosed trajectories periodically after spin up, thetrajectories enclose either the maximum or theminimum principal axis of inertia depending on theinitial conditions, which is classical polhode mo-tion[1-4]. It is necessary to damp the polhode mo-tion to ensure that the spin axis is aligned with therotor maximum principal axis of inertia for ESGsignal readout. Passive damping and active damp-ing are two common schemes to fulfill this pro…  相似文献   
《公路工程国内招标文件范本》技术规范中的计量与支付条款是业主编制工程量清单时的分项规则,是计算工程量、编制标底的依据,是投标人提供合理报价的基础,是监理工程师实施工程计量与支付、控制工程造价的重要手段。故应符合工程实际,明确计量支付范围,表述词语要严谨准确,避免产生误解和歧议,要能够促进工程的顺利实施。  相似文献   
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