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Different from western markets, the margin rates in Chinese futures markets are raised when contract approaches maturity. This paper concentrates on the effect of this time dependent margin rule on volatility. Open interest, another candidate in the margin rule, is also included in our model to investigate its necessity as one of the factors of the rise of margin rates. With the popular copper contract in Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) , our test results suggest that margin levels have a significant positive effect on volatility, yet open interest has little to do with volatility. The implication is that the rise of margin rate approaching maturity virtually deteriorates the degree of market risks, and open interest is not a necessary factor for the margin rule. It indicates that the policy tool, represented by margin rates, has significantly greater influence on volatility than the market element, represented by open interest.  相似文献   
本文通过从“意”、“音”、“形”三个方面赏析陆游《钗头凤》的两种英译版本,分析不同译者的翻译特点以及创造性,探讨中国诗歌的翻译艺术。  相似文献   
文章将轰动一时的剧作《黄土谣》与80年代剧作《田野又是青纱帐》进行深入对比剖析。通过对比,得出《黄土谣》艺术上存在的缺陷。同时指出该部剧作在一定程度上反映了当下话剧的两大弊病:一是缺乏直面现实的勇气,二是缺乏艺术创新精神。  相似文献   
大学语文作为国内高校非中文专业普遍开设的一门基础性课程,其建设理念、课程性质、课程体系及教材教法等方面存在许多有待改革和创新之处。文章认为,将传统的大学语文一门课程分解成若干门带有一定专业色彩的同类课程同时开设并由学生根据兴趣进行选修,或许能够达到既提高大学生人文修养和素质,又在一定程度上解决大学语文课程目前所面临的尴尬的效果。  相似文献   
"六书"是从本源上解释文字,是造字和用字方法的科学归纳;灯谜则是从现象上戏说文字,是对现有文字的艺术演绎。"六书"理论可为灯谜成谜提供创作思想。  相似文献   
从中国特色社会主义理论的研究历史和现状看,其研究本身的特点十分明显,所反映的问题也值得关注。由于研究过程的阶段性特点,理论宣传教育的开拓创新性问题值得关注;由于研究视角的多样性特点,理论宣传教育的权威统一性问题值得重视;由于研究方式的注解式特点,理论宣传教育的科学指导性问题值得解决;由于研究深度的平面性特点,理论宣传教育的功能导向性问题值得深思。  相似文献   
李雪野  付超 《水运工程》2015,(11):72-74
对比分析了中、英规范关于码头船舶靠泊撞击能设计方面的差异,并通过实例进行了验算。研究结果表明:中国水运行业规范对影响船舶靠泊撞击能的因素考虑不全,计算结果偏小,动能系数取值不尽合理。建议修订计算公式中系数的种类和取值。同时,为海外项目船舶靠泊撞击能设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   
《中国舰船研究》2015年(第10卷)总目次  相似文献   
Objective To explore the risk association of ABCA1-V771M polymorphism with coronary heart disease (CHD) in Hart nationality in Northwest of China. Methods With case-control study, ABCA1-V771M polymorphism was detected in 204 unrelated Hart nationality people in Northwest of China, and all the subjects by coronary angiography were grouped into 106 cases and 98 controls. The genotypes and alleles frequency distribution of ABCA1-V771M polymorphisms were analyzed by PCR-RFLP analysis, and the clinical statistics of serum lipids were compared and its effects of ABCA1-V771M polymorphism on the plasma lipid levels and coronary atherosclerotic heart disease were analyzed. Results The genotypic frequencies of ABCA1-V771M polymorphism matched well under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05), V and M allelic frequencies were 33.3% and 66.7%. In comparison with VV VM genotype carriers, MM genotypes carriers had much lower plasma levels of HDL-C (P<0. 001) and much higher plasma levels of TG (P<0. 05). M allelic frequency in CHD group was significantly higher than V allelic frequency (P<0. 05). M allele was related with more severity of atherosclerosis in the coronary artery than V allele (P<0.05). However, there was no obvious difference in the incidence of AMI among carriers with three genotypes of ABCA1-V771M polymorphism (P>0.05). Conclusion ABCA1-V771M polymorphism was not only associated with the plasma levels of HDL-C and TG, but also related to the susceptibility and severity of coronary atheroselerotic heart disease. Moreover, M771 allele appeared to be atherogenie among Han population in Northwest of China.  相似文献   
荻生徂徕是日本江户时代最名的思想、学家和古辞家,同时还是一位出色的汉语教育家。他分析了汉语和日语语言系统的差别,提出从汉语语音教育着手,逐渐增加词汇量,通过大量阅读汉原的实践,最后能够如中国人一样阅读汉书籍。  相似文献   
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