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In the stated choice literature, increasing attention has been paid to methods that seek to close the gap between the choices from these experiments and the choices experienced in the real world. Attempts to produce model estimates that are truer to real market behaviours are especially important for transportation, where many important policy decisions rely on such experiments. A recent approach that has emerged makes use of a certainty index whereby respondents report how certain they are about each choice they make. Additional literature also posits that when making decisions, people first identify an acceptable set of alternatives (alternative acceptability) such that a consideration set if formed and it is from this reduced set that the ultimate choice is made. This paper presents two models that jointly estimates choice and choice certainty and choice and alternative acceptability. This joint estimation allows the modeller to overcome potential endogeneity that may exist between these responses. In comparing choices of differing certainty, surprisingly little difference in marginal sensitivities are found. This is not the case in the alternative acceptability models however. An important finding of this research is that what could be interpreted as preference heterogeneity may in fact be more closely linked to scale. The ramifications of these results on future research are discussed.  相似文献   
文章以岜其山隧道工程为例,介绍了注浆小导管和钢架联合支护体系在隧道支护施工中的应用技术,主要阐述了其作用机理与施工工艺,并评述了其施工效果。  相似文献   
道岔是铁路工务、电务专业联系最频繁、结合最紧密的重要基础设备。道岔工电结合部是道岔设备问题和故障多发的薄弱环节,是工务、电务专业联合整治的重点。但由于工务、电务现场人员对结合部问题的理解和描述存在差异,有关专业技术标准也不完全一致,影响了双方的沟通甚至造成分歧。本文遵循现行技术规章,以普速铁路道岔设备为示例,从工务、电务2个专业分别对结合部问题展开描述,并进行技术标准分析,以求达成一致或找到最大公约数,同时给出整治建议。  相似文献   
中国海与西北太平洋波浪长期统计的导算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足船舶与海洋工程对波侯数据的需要,本文回顾了以往出版的几种图集资料并分析了其不足之处,着重介绍了当前国际上较新的英国波峰综合模式(NMIMET)和美国海军风浪后报模式(SOWM)及两者的结果图集。为获得中国海与西北太平洋海域更可靠的数据,在对日本气象厅的器测浮标站长期资料的统计结果与相应的船舶报资料按各种方法处理的结果比较基础上,进一步改进了NMIMET模式。这主要是在波高与周期联合概率分布导算方法上,采用一种新的更灵活的联合分布模式以代替原来所用的由Ochi建议的二维对数正态模式;同时对于在模式中需要确定的有关周期的参数,根据新的资料和计算结果对原用的回归公式作出了改进。用改进后的模式导算得到的波高、周期分布与器测浮标站结果更为接近。  相似文献   
This paper considers a three level location-inventory problem where demand across the retailers is assumed to be correlated. We first present a reformulation scheme by which the initial formulation is transformed into a mixed integer conic quadratic program. In addition, we propose a solution approach based on an outer approximation strategy and show the algorithmic advantage of such framework for this class of programs. The results from numerical experiments show that the proposed solution procedure clearly outperforms state-of-the-art commercial solvers. In addition, we show that neglecting the effect of correlation can lead to substantially sub-optimal solutions.  相似文献   
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) with railway service is recognized as a sustainable mode of development for highly dense megacities. In addition to providing safe and efficient transit services, reducing auto dependence and therefore less need for highway expansions, the improved accessibility of TOD influences commuters’ residential location choices and the resultant housing value. Traditionally, statistical approaches have been used to estimate the relationship between railway development and housing value for individual sites. To some degree, TOD has also been studied with integrated land-use transport models. While useful, they lack an analytical framework to study the region-wide impacts of TOD on residential location and travel choices and the resultant land value changes. In this study, the joint railway and housing development strategy is modeled based on a combined equilibrium formulation with the bid-rent process. The problem is formulated as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints, in which the upper level optimizes the objective for the joint development strategy by deciding on the combination of housing supplies and railway service levels. Analytical results are obtained for a single corridor in a multi-modal transport network, which are further illustrated by sensitivity analyses. A numerical example is constructed to demonstrate the approach and compare with other separate development strategies. The results generally confirm the synergy between railway and housing developments.  相似文献   
Conflict is intrinsic to coastal zone management, yet relatively few peer-reviewed studies have examined how coastal managers might apply conflict resolution processes in the coastal zone management (CZM) context. The authors believe that many of these disputes can be addressed by using a structured mediation model that involves face-to-face negotiation with a broad range of stakeholders to build consensus-based agreements for integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). To explore this further, the article examines four questions. First, it examines how CZM literature characterizes conflict and conflict resolution. Second, it looks at how essential principles from the field of alternative dispute resolution and environmental mediation can be best employed in the ICZM context. In particular, it explores the various elements of a stepwise agreement building model, a mediated negotiation process model the authors use in practice that bases its success on a foundation of four principles: representation, participation, legitimacy, and accountability. Next, it details three essential tools used in this process, stakeholder analysis, joint factfinding, and single-text negotiation, that the authors believe to be promising for developing and adopting stable, well-informed, and implementable agreements for ICZM. Finally, the article examines how these structuring principles and process strategies have been used in two recent case studies regarding the management of the San Francisco estuary and its tributaries.  相似文献   
简要介绍了102国道路面大修工程中沥青混凝土面层接缝的施工控制方法,以及治理接缝这一质量通病所取得的成果。  相似文献   
文章以玉山县高竹山隧道的围岩节理特征为基础,采用离散元软件UDEC建立二维计算模型,通过计算不同工况下的拱顶塌落高度值,研究了两组节理耦合工况下节理倾角、间距对隧道变形的影响。研究结果表明,随节理倾角的增大,塌落高度先增大(0°~30°时)后减小(30°~45°时)最后再增大(45°~90°时),且节理倾角为60°时塌落高度计算值与普氏理论值最为接近;当节理间距在0.2~1.0 m范围内时,随节理间距的增大塌落高度呈非线性减小;当间距接近1.0 m时,塌落高度降幅不明显;当间距不大于0.2 m时,计算值与普氏理论值最为接近。  相似文献   
对于节理发育的破碎围岩隧道工程,根据开挖面的节理发育情况对围岩稳定性作出快速判断是至关重要的.文章以宁波象山港大桥接线段的茶园里隧道右线为例,通过对该隧道右线YK21+670~YK21+718段围岩节理发育特征的精细化描述和统计分析,确定了该段围岩的优势节理面,并在此基础上利用赤平投影解析法进行了围岩块体稳定性分析,得出了围岩块体滑移形式及块体的受力状态,并与数值计算结果相互验证,确定了可能发生失稳的块体,明确了加固区域,对有效保证隧道开挖施工安全有重要意义.  相似文献   
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