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Oversaturation has become a severe problem for urban intersections, especially the bottleneck intersections that cause queue spillover and network gridlock. Further improvement of oversaturated arterial traffic using traditional mitigation strategies, which aim to improve intersection capacity by merely adjusting signal control parameters, becomes challenging since exiting strategies may (or already) have reached their “theoretical” limits of optimum. Under such circumstance, several novel unconventional intersection designs, including the well-recognized continuous flow intersection (CFI) design, are originated to improve the capacity at bottleneck intersections. However, the requirement of installing extra sub-intersections in a CFI design would increase vehicular stops and, more critically, is unacceptable in tight urban areas with closed spaced intersections. To address these issues, this research proposes a simplified continuous flow intersection (called CFI-Lite) design that is ideal for arterials with short links. It benefits from the CFI concept to enable simultaneous move of left-turn and through traffic at bottleneck intersections, but does not need installation of sub-intersections. Instead, the upstream intersection is utilized to allocate left-turn traffic to the displaced left-turn lane. It is found that the CFI-Lite design performs superiorly to the conventional design and regular CFI design in terms of bottleneck capacity. Pareto capacity improvement for every traffic stream in an arterial system can be achieved under effortless conditions. Case study using data collected at Foothill Blvd in Los Angeles, CA, shows that the new design is beneficial in more than 90% of the 408 studied cycles. The testing also shows that the average improvements of green bandwidths for the synchronized phases are significant.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the impact of road transport usage in accessing the Timanfaya Natural Park on Lanzarote Island, and its implications for sustainable tourism development. This evaluation is based on projections of the trip matrix estimated for Lanzarote Island. First, we estimate the global environmental impact, or the contribution of the road transport required for accessing the natural park to climate change. The methodology employed is the Ecological Footprint indicator. The study analyses how to manage the impact of road access to tourist activities through a price intervention; i.e. fuel tax. Redesigning the public transport supply is proposed as an alternative to the pricing policy. Finally, conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   
This paper formulates and examines the passenger flow assignment (itinerary choice) problem in high-speed railway (HSR) systems with multiple-class users and multiple-class seats, given the train schedules and time-varying travel demand. In particular, we take into account advance booking cost of travelers in the itinerary choice problem. Rather than a direct approach to model advance booking cost with an explicit cost function, we consider advance booking cost endogenously, which is determined as a part of the passenger choice equilibrium. We show that this equilibrium problem can be formulated as a linear programming (LP) model based on a three-dimension network representation of time, space, and seat class. At the equilibrium solution, a set of Lagrange multipliers for the LP model are obtained, which are associated with the rigid in-train passenger capacity constraints (limited numbers of seats). We found that the sum of the Lagrange multipliers along a path in the three-dimension network reflects the advance booking cost of tickets (due to advance/early booking to guarantee availability) perceived by the passengers. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate and illustrate the proposed model for the passenger assignment problem.  相似文献   
This paper extends the theory of tradable bottleneck permits system to cases with multiple period markets and designs its implementation mechanism. The multiple period markets can achieve more efficient resource allocation than a single period market when users’ valuations of tradable permits change over time. To implement the multiple period trading markets, we propose an evolutionary mechanism that combines a dynamic auction with a capacity control rule that adjusts a number of permits issued for each market. Then, we prove that the proposed mechanism has the following desirable properties: (i) the dynamic auction is strategy-proof within each period and guarantees that the market choice of each user is optimal under a perfect information assumption of users and (ii) the mechanism maximizes the social surplus in a finite number of iterations. Finally, we show that the proposed mechanism may work well even for an incomplete information case.  相似文献   
Historically, evacuation models have relied on values of road capacity that are estimated based on Highway Capacity Manual methods or those observed during routine non-emergency conditions. The critical assumption in these models is that capacity values and traffic dynamics do not differ between emergency and non-emergency conditions. This study utilized data collected during Hurricanes Ivan (2004), Katrina (2005) and Gustav (2008) to compare traffic characteristics during mass evacuations with those observed during routine non-emergency operations. From these comparisons it was found that there exists a consistent and fundamental difference between traffic dynamics under evacuation conditions and those under routine non-emergency periods. Based on the analysis, two quantities are introduced: “maximum evacuation flow rates” (MEFR) and “maximum sustainable evacuation flow rates” (MSEFR). Based on observation, the flow rates during evacuations were found to reach a maximum value of MEFR followed by a drop in flow rate to a MSEFR that was able to be sustained over several hours, or until demand dropped below that necessary to completely saturate the section. It is suggested that MEFR represents the true measure of the “capacity”. These findings are important to a number of key policy-shaping factors that are critical to evacuation planning. Most important among these is the strong suggestion of policy changes that would shift away from the use of traditional capacity estimation techniques and toward values based on direct observation of traffic under evacuation conditions.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of freeway incident detection within the general framework of computer‐based freeway surveillance and control. A new approach to the detection of freeway traffic incidents is presented based on a discrete‐time stochastic model of the form ARIMA (0, 1, 3) that describes the dynamics of traffic occupancy observations. This approach utilizes real‐time estimates of the variability in traffic occupancies as detection thresholds, thus eliminating the need for threshold calibration and lessening the problem of false‐alarms. Because the moving average parameters of the ARIMA (0, 1, 3) model change over time, these parameters can be updated occasionally. The performance of the developed detection algorithm has been evaluated in terms of detection rate, false‐alarm rate, and average time‐lag to detection, using a total of 1692 minutes of occupancy observations recorded during 50 representative traffic incidents.  相似文献   
用索拱体系加固提载刚架拱桥的分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一种拱索体系加固现有钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥的方法,并以一座典型桥梁为例,对其加固前后的力学性能进行了分析,结果表明这种加固方法使桥梁的跨中弯矩和挠度大为减少,承载能力明显提高,它是一种加固早期修建钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥的有效方法,具有一定的理论意义和工程实用价值。本文还对该加固方法的施工程序及斜拉索的合理索力进行了论述。  相似文献   
Cross-border transit facilities constitute major public investment, and thus must serve the long-term needs of the communities, such as providing access to schools and businesses, contributing to a shared regional culture and lifestyle, fostering international trade, and supporting jobs for the region’s residents. Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the economic implications of vehicular flow delays at border crossings, however none of the studies focused on assessing cross-border flow of bus passengers and pedestrians. Since pedestrians are considered to be autonomous, intelligent, and perceptive, it is a challenging task to predict pedestrian movement and behavior in comparison to vehicular flows which follow a specific set of traffic rules. This paper presents a multiagent based multimodal simulation model to evaluate the capacity and performance of a cross-border transit facility. The significance of this research is the use of dynamic mode choice functionality in the model, which allows an individual person to make instantaneous choices between available modes of transportation. The scope of interest of the paper is limited to simulating access interface, circulation areas, ancillary and processing facilities. The developed model was calibrated to ensure realistic performance, and validated against specific performance criteria such as throughput per processing facility. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the developed simulation model, capacity and operational planning of a pedestrian transit facility was performed. The relative performance of alternative design or configuration was evaluated using the level of service criteria. Lastly, the effectiveness of each proposed capacity or operational improvement strategy was compared to the “do-nothing” scenario.  相似文献   
The ecological conversion efficiencies in twelve species of fish in the Yellow Sea Ecosystem, i.e., anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), rednose anchovy (Thrissa kammalensis), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), halfbeak (Hyporhamphus sajori), gizzard shad (Konosirus punctatus), sand lance (Ammodytes personatus), red seabream (Pagrus major), black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli), black rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli), finespot goby (Chaeturichthys stigmatias), tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes), and fat greenling (Hexagrammos otakii), were estimated through experiments conducted either in situ or in a laboratory. The ecological conversion efficiencies were significantly different among these species. As indicated, the food conversion efficiencies and the energy conversion efficiencies varied from 12.9% to 42.1% and from 12.7% to 43.0%, respectively. Water temperature and ration level are the main factors influencing the ecological conversion efficiencies of marine fish. The higher conversion efficiency of a given species in a natural ecosystem is acquired only under the moderate environment conditions. A negative relationship between ecological conversion efficiency and trophic level among ten species was observed. Such a relationship indicates that the ecological efficiency in the upper trophic levels would increase after fishing down marine food web in the Yellow Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   
超限坡对列车运行速度和线路输送能力均有很大影响,是既有单线铁路扩能改造工程的重要制约因素。为解决既有单线铁路超限坡问题,增大铁路输送能力,提高列车运行速度,阐述焦柳铁路超限坡区间现状,结合单线铁路怀化至柳州段电气化扩能改造工程,提出既有线补机牵引方案、既有线大功率机车动能闯坡方案、展线软化坡度方案及局部增二线方案4个扩能改造方案。在此基础上,结合焦柳铁路超限坡区间与机车选型匹配性分析,经方案比选研究,得出焦柳铁路超限坡区间扩能提速改造方案,为我国单线铁路超限坡区间扩能改造提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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